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Archive for the ‘Obama Economy’ Category

Double Quote of the Day

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

“Remember: The people telling you a government shutdown is a disaster are the same ones who told you 3 weeks ago that we had to invade Syria.”

Jim Treacher

“It’s like Nancy Pelosi said, you have to shut down the government to find out what’s in it.”


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Monday Round Up

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

In the poster city for long term democrat reign, Detroit residents complain that packs of dogs terrorize citizens subjects.

The niece of “Plugs” Biden, i.e. the idiot a heartbeat from the Oval Office, is an addict and she blames Uncle Joe.

Far left extremist moonbat Nancy Pelosi, the so-called “Leader” of the House democrats, claims there is nothing left to cut from the federal budget.

First off, there hasn’t been a federal budget passed since George W. Bush was President.  Second, she’s an idiot.  Let’s start a short list of stuff and can be easily cut and will benefit the American taxpayer.

  1. The $2.2 billion Obamaphone program
  2. Supplying arms and funding to known terrorist groups in Syria
  3. The Department of Education
  4. Obamacare
  5. Fraud and Waste in the federal food stamps program
  6. Most, if not all, of the Department of Labor

The IRS really did have a ‘hit list’ that targeted conservative groups.  This can count as our Dear Leader keeping at least one of his promises.

Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan is no fan of Barack Hussein Obama’s Tax, Barrow, and Spend policies.

File under: There is nothing quite as intolerant and closed minded as a “tolerant and open minded liberal.”

Violent online game lets players murder NRA officials by shooting them. It’s all the rage with the peace loving left who want to take firearms from the law abiding by force.


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A look at the numbers

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

Today’s focus is on these numbers from a recent US Federal Census report.

Census Bureau report released on Tuesday reveals that the typical American family now earns less than it did in 1989. In 1989, median household income was $51,681 (in current dollars). In 2012, median household income was $51,017.

Poverty levels in 2012 also climbed to 46.5 million Americans–15% of the country–from 46.2 million in 2011. As Washington Post economics writer Neil Irwin put it, “This isn’t a lost decade for economic gains for Americans. It is a lost generation.”

That’s right.  This is the direction our Dear Leader is taking us.  He has prosperity stuck in reverse and is determined to stay the course.

The last Recession ended in mid-2009, but we are still waiting for the recovery that typically follows the end of a recession.

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A quick look at the jobs report

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

The Washington Post listed the five worst things about the recent federal jobs report.  They are all pretty bad, but let’s focus on #2

2) The unemployment rate dropped for the worst reason.Unemployment dropped to 7.3 percent in August. Huzzah? Sorry, but no.

There are two reasons the unemployment rate dropped. One is that people get jobs. Huzzah! The other is that people stop looking for jobs, and so they’re no longer counted as technically unemployed. That’s what happened here. The number show 312,000 people dropping out of the labor force. That’ll be revised, but if the truth is anywhere close, it’s horrible.

What Ezra Klein, the author of the article, doesn’t mention, is that this is the norm for the so-called “Obama recovery.” Every time our Dear Leader pivots to place his “laser like” focus on the economy, less Americans have jobs.

Either Barack Obama really isn’t that interested in creating a regulatory environment conductive to economic growth or he is massively incompetent and utterly unqualified for the office he currently holds.

Update: Unemployment for Black Americans under the reign of our Dear Leader jumps to 13%.

Update: The US labor force his Carter era lows.

Just how is that hopey-changey thing workin’ for ya?

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Round Up Post

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

The New York Times company sells the Boston Globe at a massive loss.

The brand just isn’t worth what it used to be.  Could it be that alternative media has allowed sophisticated news readers a wider range than the what the narrow far left filter of the Boston Globe gave them.

Media Malpractice and the IRS Scandal, Part II

The MSM/DNC really want this to just go away, but this story has legs that just keep going on and on.

Example: Emails reveal Lois Lerner wrongfully used IRS to aid FEC in targeting conservative group in 2009

Michael Graham nails it: It’s Not That He’s Liberal, And It’s Certainly Not That He’s Black. It’s That Obama Just Really Sucks At Being President

The Obama Economy: Where’s that 5% unemployment rate Obama promised by now?

According to the famous Obama Economy chart, unemployment would be at 5.25% by now in the “worst” case of the government doing nothing.

Now we know the actual worst case scenario was the Obama economic plan!



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Quote of the Day

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

“A liberal would star at you slack-jawed if you explained that the federal government, via Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, forced politically correct lending policies on the banks — policies that were attacked by Republicans but ferociously defended by Democrats–and that banks’ suicidal loans were then bundled into mortgage-backed securities and dispersed throughout the entire financial system, which poisoned the economy, bringing down powerful institutions, such as Lehman Brothers, and destroying innumerable families’ financial portfolios.”

— Ann Coulter, Demonic

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Worst President for the Middle Class

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

By way of Breitbart comes a WSJ article which details economic data that is no surprise for anyone who has been paying attention.

The economy has become more unequal under Obama. “For four and a half years, Mr. Obama has focused his policies on reducing inequality rather than increasing growth,” the Journal notes. “The predictable result has been more inequality and less growth.” The rich have done well; the middle class has struggled.

Middle class incomes have fallen under Obama. The Journal points out that median real household income has fallen by 5%–not just since the start of the recession under George W. Bush, but also since the start of the economy recovery in 2009, for which Obama and the Democrats have often claimed sole credit.

The administration has constantly failed to meet promises of faster growth. Contrary to Obama’s cherry-picked statistics in his recent speech, theJournal reminds readers that the Obama recovery is “one of the weakest on record,” despite repeated rosy projections by the White House and the media of fast growth.

Obama has made entitlements are a drag on the middle class. The Journal focuses on ObamaCare, which has hurt job creation and created uncertainty. It could have also mentioned the failing state of Social Security and Medicare, which Obama has failed to reform, and the future cost of Obama’s staggering debt.

Even Obama’s few pro-growth initiatives are not serious. Despite the Journal‘s early, enthusiastic support for immigration reform as an engine for expansion, the authors of the editorial finally admit: “we’re not sure [Obama] wants even that to pass…he may be setting it up to use as a campaign wedge in 2014.”

How many times has our Dear Leader turned his laser like focus on the economy?  Eight? Nine? More? None of them have been serious or of any useful duration.

Let’s be serious, improving the economy has never been a priority for Barry.  One can even argue that an improved economy would run counter to his goals of fundamentally transforming America.

Based on his actions, not his teleprompter supplied speeches, BHO’s priorities are transferring tax payer money to his political allies, taking lavish tax payer vacations, and playing golf.

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Round Up Post

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

President Barack Hussein Obama Creates Two New Food Stamp Recipients for Every Job Created!

Since February of 2009, the first full month of Obama’s presidency, 9.5 million Americans have dropped out of the labor force.  Nearly 90 million Americans are not working today!

That means that 1.3 Americans have dropped out of the labor force for every one job the administration claims to have created.

Good work Barry! That’s a new record for Presidential failure!

The person holding the racist sign at the Pro-Zimmerman rally was, no surprise here, a far left activist.

Proving once again that the so-called “progressive” left are the racists they accuse everyone else of being.

Another example of democrats committing voter fraud. This time it’s Joe “Plugs” Biden’s niece.


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Things our Dear Leader Does Not Want Americans Thinking About

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

It is a very long list, so I’m just going to hit some of the high points.

The IRS’s illegal targeting of conservative political groups is being tracked back to the Obama White House.

This is a clear violation of American’s First & Fifteenth Amendment rights that the left doesn’t care about.

The city of Detroit going bankrupt after decades of single party democrat rule.

As the nice man from Cold Fury puts it, “To achieve this level of devastation, you usually have to be invaded by a foreign power.” Hmmm…given how Obama Cultists feel about the Constitution, he may be on to something here.

The murder of an United States of American Ambassador, and three other Americans, by Islamic terrorists in Libya, and how the security lapses can be traced back to Obama’s State Department. Which was at the time under the command of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As I pointed out several months ago: Democrat congressman Stephen Lynch on Benghazi Talking Points: ‘It Was Scrubbed … It Was False Information. There’s No Excuse For That.’ Yup, the Obama regime flat out lied the American people for the purpose of ”damage control” prior to the election. This really does call for hearings.

The murder of over three hundred Mexicans and at least one US Federal Agent by Mexican Drug Cartels using semi-automatic firearms supplied by Obama’s so-called “Justice Department” under the control of AG Eric Holder.

The Economy. Specifically, the Obama economy, also known as the worst recovery since the Great Depression. Obama’s “jobless recovery” is a recovery in name only.

Here are a few more facts about the economy that Barry & his cultists don’t want you thinking about: The current US debt is %16.87 Trillion. That works out to $148,026 per tax payer. Taxes have increased $122.8 Billion in 2013 alone. The current budget deficit is $818.5 Billion. The labor force has 10 million less eligible workers than it did right before Barry started his “Occupy the White House” golf tour in 2009. So when an leftist tries to tell you about Obama’s “job creation” record, it’s a lie. The US is in the hole for 10 million jobs under his watch. Don’t expect much improvement either. You may have missed this if you’ve been feeding at the MSM/DNC trough: Obamacare to destroy up to 1 million low-wage jobs and completely bankrupt Medicaid.

Let’s not forget some other items our Dear Leader is desperate to sweep under the rug, including gathering of phone records of the AP (part of his “most transparent administration evah!” continuing war against Whistle Blowers and Inspector Generals), and Eric Holder’s so-called “Justice Department” which won’t prosecute an open and shut case regarding the Black Panthers.

Remember, this is a short list. There are more Obama Scandals that they want to distract you from by waving the race card.

This is not a new tactic.

“Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one’s opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness.”

Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights. Clearly she has a basic misunderstanding of the actual meaning of Civil Rights. Given that she was appointed by that idiot James Earl Carter III, this is hardly surprising. Note that she freely admits there is no factual basis for her accusation of racism. It is merely a tactic of the radical left to avoid discussion on their own failures.

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Keynesians and reality

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

One of the reasons there are so many schools of Keynesian economics is none of them actually work in the real world.  It only works in the fantasy world of academia.  No wonder leftists flock to it.

When faced with reality, Keynesians, in typical leftist fashion, deny it.  Robert Murphy provides some excellent examples.

When the passage of the Obama “stimulus” package coincided with the economy falling off a cliff, the Keynesians said, “Oh wow, good thing we passed that! The economy is even worse than we realized!”

When the implementation of “austerity” coincided with an economy improving according to the standard metrics, the Keynesians said, “Phew! We got lucky! The economy was doing a lot better than we realized.”

As it has been pointed out here previously, by our Dear Leader‘s own metrics, the US economy is in worse shape than if the federal government had done nothing, make his economic policy a miserable failure.

Recent US history also provides examples of a roaring recovery following a recession even worse than the one that was in place when our Dear Leader took office.

Bottom line for leftist in denial, the Keynesian economic policies of Barack Hussein Obama has made things worse for America, not better.