Quote of the Day

May 14, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: economy, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

“Every business guy I know in the country is frightened of Barack Obama and the way he thinks.”

— Steve Wynn

Moonbats on Parade

I’ve observed leftists getting all wee-weed up over somebody on Fox News Business saying “don’t be poor.”

When did the concept of bettering yourself and improving your lot in life become an idea that sensible people would find offensive?

It is certainly better advice that the moon-bat’s deity, Barack Hussein Obama has been giving to a big chunk of his voter base, i.e. “be poor.”

Just look at the numbers. Minority unemployment is at record highs. Unemployment levels for minority teens are at levels that would be a national crisis if a Republican was in the White House. Non participation in the work force is at record high levels (currently 91 million, up from 79 million in 2008) that haven’t been seen in 40 years (yup, the economy in our so called “recovery” is at Jimmy Carter Recession levels), the number of people on food stamps have doubled since our Dear Leader took office, the average income is down, not getting laid off is the new raise, food and fuel prices have risen dramatically, and we are still stuck in the unprecedented worst economic recovery since the Great Depression. As Mr. Reynolds says, “They told me that if I voted for Mitt Romney, the rich would get richer and the poor would get poorer, and they were right!” Let’s not forget the National debt, which is at $17.5 Trillion and rising.

Historically, booming recoveries after a recession have been a bi-partisan event. Reagan, Clinton, and G.W. Bush benefited from booming recoveries that historically follow a recession. How did Barry get stuck with a non-recovery? Simple, he worked very hard to strangle that recovery in its crib.  Barry is much more interested in:

1: His golf game

2: His agenda of wealth distribution

than he is in doing anything that would actually help the US economy and the average US citizen.  Sorry folks, if you are in, or want to be in, or used to be in, the middle class, you just aren’t in his core demographics.

Seriously, it takes a serious partisan avoidance of reality to take that much offense at someone saying to better your lot in life through self improvement.

Quote of the Day

March 4, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: economy, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

“The Obama economy is now the minimum wage economy. I think we can do better than that, I think America can do better than that.”

Gov. Bobbie Jindal

Time to look at some numbers again…

February 22, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: economy, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

Once again, it’s time to look at the numbers.

As we enter the sixth year of our Dear Leader’s “Occupy the White House Golf Tour”, let us review some numbers from the past five years.

In 2008, there were 145 million Americans in the work force, 79.4 million Americans not in the labor force, and the federal debt was $9.4 Trillion.

Today, in early 2014, we have 145 million Americans in the work force, 91.8 million Americans not in the labor force and a federal debt of $17.3 Trillion.

So in five years there has not added any new Americans to the labor force, but there are 12 million more Americans who could be in the labor force who are not, and the federal debt has increased by $7.9 trillion.

So new jobs created over the past five years is zero. As you have often heard every times the new unemployment numbers come out, the US economy needs to create 120,000 jobs a month just to cover new workers entering the work force. Over five years, that comes to 7.2 Million jobs. Given that the number of Americans in the work force has remained flat, the Obama Economy has not only failed to create any new jobs, it has actively removed jobs. This is an appalling performance, especially since the last recession ending in mid 2009, so for most of the last five years, American should have been in an economic recovery. A period were traditionaly there is not just job growth, but rapid and strong job growth. That has been the pattern in every recession/recovery for the past 100 years. This includes the recession of the late 1970s, which was the worst recession since the Great Drepression and the roaring recovery that occured in the early 1980s. Why is is the Obama non-recovery from the second worst recession the sole exception to economic history?

The Obama Economy Numbers

January 14, 2014 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: economy, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader 

It’s been five years since our Dear Leader started his “Occupy the White House Golf Tour” and four and half years since the second worst recession since the great depression ended.  Now history tells us that the deep the recession, the stronger the recovery.

So where the recovery that should have started four and half years ago?  An actual recovery would involve replacing the jobs lost and creating news one.  Instead of that, what we have under the economic guidance of our Dear Leader is over ten million people less in the workforce than we had at the start of the recession.

The U3 unemployment rate fell to 6.7% from 7%, which normally would be a good thing.  In this case, not so much.  Let’s look at the numbers.  The economy only added about 70,000 new jobs in December.  If you have been paying attention over the past four and half years, you would know that the economy needs to add 120,000 new jobs every month just to keep up with population growth.   The drop in the BLS U3 number is explained by the 520,000 people “leaving the workforce.”  A better indicator of the health of the workforce is the BLS U6 rate.  The average U6 rate during our Dear Leader‘s reign has been 13.1%.  To compare, the average U6 rate during President George W. Bush’s two terms was 9.2%.

To further highlight just how much the current administration’s policies are negatively effecting Americans, let us review the progress made on the “War on Poverty” started 50 years ago by LBJ.

[…] Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under President Obama.

 […] Although the president often rails against income inequality in America, his policies have had little impact overall on poverty. A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office.

The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years, the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s. The poverty rate in 1965 was 17.3 percent; it was 12.5 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession.

About 50 million Americans live below the poverty line, which the federal government defined in 2012 as an annual income of $23,492 for a family of four.

President Obama’s anti-poverty efforts “are basically to give more people more free stuff,” said Robert Rector, a specialist on welfare and poverty at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

That’s exactly the opposite of what Johnson said,” Mr. Rector said. “Johnson’s goal was to make people prosperous and self-sufficient.”

 So, as the nice man said, “Obama’s economic program of tax, spend, and regulate has been a dismal failure.”

Here is a graph from the Federalist, which points out that if ten million workers haven’t dropped out the workforce because the lack of economic growth, the U3 unemployment level would be almost 11%.   This is Jimmy Carter recession level territory, in what should be a robust recovery.


Round Up Post

Let’s start with a few firearm/RKBA articles.

James Craig became the Detroit Police Chief last summer.  Before that he spent decades working in the Los Angeles Police Department before becoming the Chief of Police in Portland, Maine.  In LA, pretty much the only people with firearms are cops and violent criminals.  The restrictive, so-called “gun control” laws haven’t really slowed down the rate criminals can obtain firearms.  In Portland, Maine, firearm ownership among the law abiding is pretty common.  Another difference is the violent crime rate.  High in LA, low in Portland.  Chief Craig’s advice for reducing crime in Detroit (which approaches Robocop levels), is more firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens. Here is one of multiple studies that back Chief Craig’s advice.

San Francisco is pretty diverse, it even has pro-Second Amendment liberal democrats.  These folks are pretty far left wackos despite this one gleam of sanity in the world view.  Hell, they don’t like our Dear Leader because he’s “too conservative” in their view.  Probably upset he hasn’t rounded up Republicans and shipped them off to death re-education camps yet.

Here is a question that many law abiding citizens who have actually read the Constitution ask themselves, “My next AR, build or buy?”

Can’t leave the epic Charlie Fox known as Obamacare off the list.  “Glitches” in the bloody website are still rampant, leaving many without coverage.  Keep in mind, that in the time it took the Obama administration to build a really crappy website, America build almost 100 aircraft carriers during WWII.  Plus the aircraft for the carriers, and the support vessels, and trained the crews.

For your reference when dealing with moonbats and Obama cultists8 Things Liberals Do to Avoid Having an Honest Debate.

Let’s wrap up with a look at how the Obama Economy is working for America.  “34%: The unemployment rate for Americans ages 16-17. The unemployment rate for teenage Hispanic Americans is 48%, and the rate for teenage Black Americans is 60%.”  Ya, just how is that hopey-changey thing workin’ for ya?

The Schadenfreude keeps on rolling in…

By way of the VodkaPundit, comes this tale of progressive Obama-cultist woe.

A self-described Obamacare “cheerleader” is upset that she actually has to pay for health care.

“I’ve been a cheerleader for the Affordable Care Act since I heard about it and I assumed that it was designed for people in my situation,” she told KOIN. “I was planning on using the Affordable Care Act and I had done the online calculator in advance to make sure I was going to be able to afford it.”

Her husband works for a non-profit organization that pays for his health care, but the couple is unable to afford to have her and their son covered under his plan. And she’s been told their combined income is too much to qualify for a subsidized health care plan under Cover Oregon.

“It wasn’t until I started the process and got an agent that I started hearing from them I wasn’t going to qualify for subsidies because I qualify on my husband’s insurance,” she told KOIN.

Mr Green sums up this tale of angst and woe:

In other words, Miss Anonymous supported ObamaCare when she thought you were going to pay for it.

Scratch a prog, find a greedy, grubby thief.

One of the comments to the post gets to the heart of the matter:

…the article says the combined income disqualified them from subsidies (in addition to her being eligible for her husband’s plan, I assume). I believe that’s over $94,200. Cost of living aside, that’s decent money.

Now here’s what happened: Husband previously insured everyone on his plan. Obamacare came along and they decided they would drop the wife and child from his policy during open enrollment. The expectation was that, according to the online calculator, they’d be able to get insured free or close to free. This saving the family ~$125 a month. So he dropped them with the expectation that they would have coverage on January 1. Unfortunately for them, the agent actually appeared to do his job and confirmed that their income was too high and she had qualified for her husband’s plan. Now it’s too late to add them back to his policy.

Basically, it’s not that they CAN’T afford it, it’s that they don’t WANT to pay for it – at our expense. I feel sorry for the child. It has to be raised by a couple on unprincipled degenerates.


Quote of the Day

November 6, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Tea Party 

“Dear America: We warned about higher premiums & millions of cancellations, & the media called us racist liars. Remember that. — Tea Party”

— John Nolte

It isn’t a budget issue

October 16, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Congress, economy, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

The current political posturing in D.C. is not over the federal budget.  It’s over a ‘continuing resolution’ to fund the government for three months.

That is because the United States of America is entering its fifth fiscal year without an actual federal budget.  An actual federal budget has not passed both houses of Congress and been signed by the President since George W. Bush was President.

The President is required by law to submit a budget to Congress every year.  The person currently occupying the White House during his golf tour has done so.  Those budgets have been received in a truly amazing display of bipartisanship and  have failed to received a single vote from any member of congress of either party, and that includes the socialist who caucuses with the democrats.   I think the best one of his budgets did was 0-97 in the Senate.

The House has submitted at least one budget, with bipartisan support every year, which Harry Reid has refused to bring to the floor for a vote.  The Senate has produced one budget, within the last year, on a strict party line vote.

It is important to note that when the democrats controlled the White House and both houses of Congress, they failed in their primary duty of producing a federal budget.  It is not because they tried and failed, they just didn’t even try.

So it is clear that having a federal budget, that receives a close examination, and is open to debate and review by the public is not something that the democrats want.  Which raises the question of why they don’t want the transparency that  an actual federal budget would bring.

Originally posted at No Moss Here

Quote of the Day

“Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.”

Barack Hussein Obama

To be fair, that was what he said back in 2006, when he was a Senator from a fly over state with less than one year on the job.  Perhaps he was just dangerously incompetent.  On the other hand, there was a Republican in the White House back then, so perhaps he was just being the hyper-partisan political demagogue that he has proved himself to be time and time again.  On the gripping hand, it probably is both.

The Washington Post had an article that brought up this quote in the context of the current debt limit debate.  It said that Obama’s rhetoric then  would be considered “a bit Tea Partyish” today.  Spin the standard media bias out of that statement, and it is more than a “a bit.” The article also gives Obama an upside down Pinocchio for his current stance.  In their rating scale, that is “A statement that represents a clear but unacknowledged “flip-flop” from a previously-held position.”

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