Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Round Up Post

Sunday, July 17th, 2016

Guccifer 2.0 Leak Reveals How DNC Rigged Primaries for Clinton  Is any really surprised about this?  Just about the only thing that socialist with nationalist tenancies got right was that the DNC had the system rigged against him from the start.

Democrat who opposed welfare fraud measure indicted – for food stamp fraud Again, no surprise here. Arizona state rep state Cecilia Velasquez, a democrat, was charged with three felony counts: unlawful use of food stamps, fraudulent schemes and practices, and theft.

New York state congressional democrat Charlie Rangel Found Guilty on 11 of 13 Ethics Charges. Rangel has a lot more he needs to answer to the American people.  He was the one who first publicly suggested that Hillary Rodham Clinton run for the Senate in New York.

“This Is Going To Get Very Ugly” – Former Top CIA Officer Says “Obama Has Lost Control Of The Middle East”

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Quote of the Day

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

“Must be encouraging to Jihadists all over the world: they can murder our people on our soil, and our President will blame the GOP and NRA.”

— Buck Sexton

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Round Up Post

Wednesday, May 25th, 2016

Technology marches on.  Yet another “3D printed” gun.  Yes, it’s plastic, with a steel barrel, bolt, springs, and a few other important metal parts.

America has been at war during the entire Obama Occupy the White House Golf Tour.  Unexpectedly.

Burlington College is being forced to close due to “crushing debt” it acquired by President Sanders.  Jane Sanders, wife of Vermont Socialist and massive pain in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s sizable ass, did to Burlington College what her husband wants to do to America.

The democrat Culture of Corruption marches on.  The Department Veterans Affairs is reinstating an employee who stole $130,000 from the agency.  Graft, fraud, and corruption is just the cost of doing business when democrats are in power.

Even the New York Times has to admit the problems with Obamacare, like just how many doctors won’t accept it.

13 Incompetent Failures in the Obama Administration. There are many, many more.  This is more of a highlight reel.

Captain America is Straight and Libertarian.  Deal with it.

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Setting the tone for civility in political discourse

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

“Argue with neighbors, get in their faces… If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard… I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I’m angry…If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

Barack Hussein Obama

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Round Up Post

Friday, March 11th, 2016

Still haven’t cleared out all the tabs…

Powerline reports on Q415 economic growth.

Gross domestic product (GDP) expanded at only a 0.7% seasonally adjusted annualized ratein the fourth quarter of last year, the Commerce Department reported today. That’s quite weak.

2015 as a whole wasn’t so good either. GDP expanded at only 2.4%, the same as in 2014. That’s called limping along. For as James Pethokoukis points out, from the end of World War II through 2005, the economy grew at an average annual rate of 3.5%.

Yup, it’s the worse recovery since the Great Depression.

From the Daily Caller: Secret Fed Docs Show Obama Misled Congress, Public During Debt Limit Crises

No real surprise here.  Barry’s entire time during the Occupy the White House Golf Tour has been mainly him lying to Americans.



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Round Up Post

Thursday, March 10th, 2016

Time to clear out all the tabs on my browser again.

Let’s lead with this article from the Foundation for Economic Education. It points out what is wrong with Trumps claims about manufacturing jobs, and how to fix the problem.  It goes on to point out that Trump is the moderate on the subject when compared to Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders.  Sanders is completely divorced from reality on the subject, and his “solutions” have the high probability of making the thing he wants to fix even worse.

Socialists in America, like Bernie Sanders, used to point to Venezuela as the modern example of how socialism works. No so much anymore.  Probably because socialism has created a Humanitarian disaster in Venezuela.

On the subject of 2016 Presidential candidates, the Washington Post reports that the FBI is granting immunity to person who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server.  In legal circles, this is what is known as a “bad sign.”

Modern Healthcare has a report on the Illinois Obamacare program.  I’ll give you the short version, they operated at a $90.8 million loss in 2015.  Remember back before the so-called “Affordable Care Act” was passed in the middle of the night right before Congress left Washington for Christmas?  Come on, you remember. It was done using a procedure that even the democrats own resident high ranking Klansman objected to, in order to avoid a vote in the Senate.  Something to do with the democrat stronghold of Massachusetts electing a Republican expressly to vote against Obamacare.  There were some people, mainly those who had actually read the ACA, who objected to it, claiming it was economically unviable.  They were uniformly called “racists”, which we now know means “anyone who disagrees with a democrat.”

Bill Clinton is on the campaign trail trashing Obama’s handling of the so-called economic recovery.  Something he has in common with Bernie Sanders.  What he is short on is how Hillary is going to a better job from federal prison.

The American Thinker points out that NPR doesn’t want to actually admit in their in article on how Obamacare is a failure that Obamacare is a failure.


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Welcome to the Obama  Economy

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

“They Just Don’t Want A Job” – The Fed’s Grotesque “Explanation” Why 94.6 Million Are Out Of The Labor Force, or why the current BLS U3 number of 4.9 is a farce.  Here is a hint, it has to do with a record low workforce participation rate.

Wage Apocalypse for the American man: Typical male worker earned less in 2014 than in 1973.

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Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

Mark Dice is at it again.  He’s on the streets of San Diego, asking people to sign a petition in support of President Obama’s plan to secure his legacy by liberating the people of North Korea by launching a nuclear strike at the heart of North Korea.

It is refreshing to see that there are a few sane people in San Diego who refuse to sign the petition.  For the most part, the Obama cultists sign it in order to support their Dear Leader.

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Worst recovery since the Great Depression

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

The so called “recovery” our Dear Leader has been ruling over is worse than most recessions.

Here are some hard facts on the Obama Economy

But no amount of adjustment can obscure how bad the recovery has been for most American families. By many measures, 2014 was the strongest year of the recovery so far; the economy added nearly 3 million jobs, the most since 1999. Yet incomes were stagnant across virtually all groups: young and old, married and single, rich and poor.2 Virtually the only group to see a statistically significant gain in income was immigrants, whose median household income rose 4 percent to just under $50,000. Native-born households saw their income decline 2 percent to just under $55,000.

The recovery has utterly failed to lift the fortunes of the poorest Americans. The official poverty rate was 14.8 percent in 2014, nearly unchanged since the immediate aftermath of the recession, and far above the prerecession level. Some 15 million children and 5 million seniors are living in poverty.

What we have is the worst recovery since the Great Depression.

Is this the change you were hoping for?

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No Surprise Here

Monday, September 21st, 2015

According to a recent Gallup poll, 75% of Americans corruption as widespread in federal government.

The Obama regime has been all about the graft, fraud, and corruption. It’s standard Chicago politics transplanted into Washington, D.C.

Just how is that hopey-changey stuff workin’ for ya?

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