Quote of the Day

September 20, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Clintons, Politics 

“You probably thought Trump was the bigot in this contest, until Clinton called half of Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables.” That’s the point at which observers started to see a pattern. Trump has been consistently supportive of American citizens of all types – with the exception of the press and his political opponents. The main targets of Trump’s rhetoric are the nations that compete against us. In stark contrast, Clinton turned her hate on American citizens. That’s the real kind of hate. Trump is more about keeping America safe and competing effectively in the world. That is literally the job of president.”

Scott Adams

Setting the tone for civility in political discourse

March 16, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Obamaspeak, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

“Argue with neighbors, get in their faces… If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard… I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I’m angry…If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

Barack Hussein Obama

The left’s problem with Free Speech

August 16, 2015 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Free Speech, Politics, Progressives 

The progressive left has never been a fan of the whole “Freedom of Speech” thing.  Oh, they sing it’s praises as long as they are the ones doing the talking, but as soon as anybody else tries to express an opinion they disagree with, it’s all “hate speech”, or not “politically correct”, or the current favorite, “racist.”  It’s even worse on what should be bastions of free expression, college campuses.  There they have “Speech Codes”, and “Free Speech Zones.”  Neither of which seem to apply to anyone who is spouting the far left’s extremist agenda.


Catching up

Catching up on a bunch of stuff that caught my eye on the Interwebs.

Poll data shows that liberals are less patriotic.  No surprise here.

In Obamerica, the DHS considers Americans who believe in the civil rights of the individual more dangerous than Islamofascists that actually kill Americans.

RESEARCHER REAFFIRMS: AT LEAST 760,000 DEFENSIVE GUN USES A YEAR.  “Gun Control” fanatics are in denial of the settled science.

The Obama  White House Says They Will Not Release IRS Documents On Tea Party Targeting…   Y’all know that the whole “most transparent administration ever” thing was just another lie Obama told to get the useful idiots to vote for him.  This is just another example of his flipping off the American people.

What is the difference between fascism and progressive ideology? If you don’t know the answer to this, you can probably blame a public school teacher who identifies as a progressive.  Both “are very hostile to individualism, especially in the field of economics.”

NPR joins the “War on Women”

June 14, 2015 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Media Bias, Politics, Progressives 

I caught a bit of the NPR Sunday Quiz/Talk show today.    One of the hosts was mocking one of the Republican presidential candidates’ comment about having a “rotating First Lady” if elected.  The candidate in question is unmarried.

The so-called “Liberal”, probably a “Progressive”,  democrat hosting the show immediately asked if the rotation would be like a rotisserie chicken or a slab of beef on a rotating pedestal, so “slices of First Lady” could be carved off as needed.

It is not surprising that the leftist’s first inclination was to equate a woman to a piece of meat.  As I have pointed out before, if you want to know what the extremist left is doing, just look to what they are accusing their enemies of.  Case in point, the alleged “War on Women” they accuse anybody to the right of Chairman Mao of conducting.

In addition to this “progressive” democrat doing what fascists do, dehumanize their foes, you can add the following to the extreme far left’s “War on Women.”

Feel free to add to the list.  There are plenty more examples.

Round Up Post

First off is a case of far left extremist (in this case a “social justice warrior”) putting up “Whites Only” stickers around Austin, TX.  He did to show how conservatives are “racists” and stuff.  All too often, cases of “hate crimes” like this are perpetrated by “progressives” in order to make reality match their extremist agenda.   HT to Leslie Bates for this one.

Next, the “most transparent administration ever” has announced that the IRS isn’t going to release any documents concerning their well documented targeting of conservative political groups.  In Obamamerica, the Freedom of Speech protections of the First Amendment only applies to speech our Dear Leader approves of.

The National Review points out that the Obama administration and Congressional democrats  “are practically praying for a Christian terrorist.”   They keep turning up to be Muslims though…

Round Up Post

July 22, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics, RKBA 

First, let’s take a look at our Dear Leader’s former city of residence, Chicago.  This is where he made his mark as a “community organizer”, found religion at Rev. Wright’s weekly sermons laced with hate speech, became a state senator, met and married his beard, and where the two daughters were born.  In that tribute to over fifty years of straight democrat reign, more than 40 people were shot last weekend.  That included four dead. One of which was an eleven year old girl at sleep over.  In case you didn’t know this fact already, Chicago has some of the strictest “gun control” laws in the country.  This illustrates why they are more accurately called “victim disarmament” laws.

We have learned that congressional subpoenas cause IRS hard drives to crash. The IRS’ refusal to supply information under subpoena has gotten so blatant, that even Lanny Davis, former Clinton spokes weasel, says it is time for special prosecutor.  The count of IRS hard drives that crashed due to subpoena as seven.  It just almost tripled.

It should not be a surprise to anyone paying attention, but the Obama White House knew of the upcoming flood of illegal aliens crossing the boarder well in advance.  They didn’t do anything to avoid it. Remember their motto, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

Another Clinton spokes weasel, David Axelrod, made tweet that pointed out the Mitt Romney as right, and Barry was, once again, completely and utterly wrong.

Not Quite the Same Thing

I heard some leftist trying to compare Hobby Lobby to Mozilla firing their CEO based on a political donation eight years ago.

There is a major difference that the leftist decided to ignore.

In the case of Hobby Lobby, the owners of the company are making  very public statement of their company policies based on their personal religious views.

In the case of Mozilla, the CEO was hounded out of office not for his actions as CEO.   He had made no public statement as CEO, or otherwise, about his stand on marriage laws.   He was attacked by activists outside the company for a private political donation made eight years ago.  A donation that should not have been available to the public.  It was known, because of an illegal leak of private IRS data.  A leak done to harm those who the leaker, a federal employee, disagreed with politically.

If the federal employee who leaked the information is every identified (and don’t hold your breath waiting for anyone in our Dear Leader‘s administration to pursue that), that person should be subject to criminal prosecution and civil prosecution from individuals harmed by their illegal actions.  The former CEO of Mozilla for example.

The Smoking Gun for the Obama IRS Scandal

As you may know, unless you get all your “news” from MSNBC, the Obama administration’s IRS illegally targeted conservative groups.  Of course, our Dear Leader denied any knowledge and sent out his spokes weasels to claim that this really isn’t important.

 Jim Hoff at Gateway Pundit has the details on what looks, sounds, walks, and smells, like a smoking gun of Barack Hussein Obama’s direct involvement with the IRS’ illegal, and unconstitutional, hate crimes against conservative groups.

President Obama met with anti-Tea Party IRS union chief Colleen Kelly in the White House the day before the agency targeted Tea Party.

The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees — the same employees who belong to the NTEU — set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America.

In short: the very day after the president of the quite publicly anti-Tea Party labor union — the union for IRS employees — met with President Obama, the manager of the IRS “Determinations Unit Program agreed” to open a “Sensitive Case report on the Tea party cases.” As stated by the IG report.

Now let’s see if any of the mainstream media, besides possibly Fox News, pick up on this.

Of course, there is more:

A tea-party group targeted by Democrats gets attention from the IRS—and the FBI, OSHA, and the ATF.

The Washington Post gives  “A Bushel of Pinocchios” for IRS’s Lois Lerner.

IRS Scandal Roundup, Day 11.


Quote of the Day

May 10, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics, RKBA 

“ I’ve come to realize after the Sandy Hook shooting that the reason we can’t have a rational gun debate is because the anti-gun side pre-supposes that their pro-gun opponents must first accept that guns are bad in order to have a discussion about guns in the first place. Before we even start the conversation, we’re the bad guys and we have to admit it. Without accepting that guns are bad and supplicating themselves to the anti-gunner, the pro-gunner can’t get a word in edgewise, and is quickly reduced to being called a murderer, or a low, immoral and horrible human being. You might think that’s hyperbole too, but I’ve experienced it personally from people I considered friends until recently. . . . How can we ‘gun people’ honestly be expected to come to the table with anti-gunners when anti-gunners are willfully stupid about guns, and openly hate, despise and ridicule those of us who own them? There must first be respect and trust — even just a little — before there can be even the beginnings of legitimate discussion of the issue.”

Barry Snell

HT to Mr Reynolds, who points out, “As with most lefty causes, the key driver is a craving for moral superiority, usually driven by oikophobia.”

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