Quote of the Day

December 27, 2017 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics 

“The Democrats’ central concern isn’t that taxes will be raised on the middle class, but that Republicans are taking away money that Democrats believe belongs to the federal government. This is the root of all the “heist” rhetoric — Democrats no longer believe in the basic principle of private property.

Tyler O’Neil

Round Up Post

First off is a case of far left extremist (in this case a “social justice warrior”) putting up “Whites Only” stickers around Austin, TX.  He did to show how conservatives are “racists” and stuff.  All too often, cases of “hate crimes” like this are perpetrated by “progressives” in order to make reality match their extremist agenda.   HT to Leslie Bates for this one.

Next, the “most transparent administration ever” has announced that the IRS isn’t going to release any documents concerning their well documented targeting of conservative political groups.  In Obamamerica, the Freedom of Speech protections of the First Amendment only applies to speech our Dear Leader approves of.

The National Review points out that the Obama administration and Congressional democrats  “are practically praying for a Christian terrorist.”   They keep turning up to be Muslims though…

Round Up Post

Reality can crack the leftist spin central of HuffPo every once in rare while.  Former MA congresscritter and far left extremist (yes, I’m being redundant) Barney Frank is shocked to discover that our Dear Leader lied to the American People.

Nobody should be shocked to find out that Lois Lerner, of the Obama IRS department, who deliberately, and illegally, targeted conservative groups for unwarranted IRS investigations in order to deny them their constitutional first amendment rights, called those she targeted “crazies” and “a–holes.” What is even less shocking is that the so-called “mainstream” media doesn’t care.

Texas democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee lied to the American people on the floor of congress.  OK, to be fair, given her track record of underwhelming intellectual performance, she may have just not remembered that she was the co-sponsor of a bill to impeach President George W. Bush, that the democrats in the House passed.

On the international front, Japan gives Vietnam six navy ships amid regional tension.  To put it more bluntly, the Japanese government is giving something other than a twitter hash tag to Communist China. By doing so, Japan demonstrates that it has more balls than Barack Hussein Obama, who is mostly phoning it in these days.

Going back to the domestic front, is it a real ‘crisis’ or merely a leftist talking point the democrats can use to steal money from the gullible rubes who wouldn’t recognize real science even it gave them frost bite. 

Truesbury, a “…satiric re-imagining of Doonesbury as it would be if the Washington Post and G.D. Trudeau had as much fire in the belly for illuminating the transgressions of a Democrat White House as they did for one run by the GOP.”

Six Things

June 26, 2014 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Taxes 

George Will nails the illegal political targeting by the IRS.

We can no more expect Mr. Holder to investigate this White House than we could have expected John Mitchell to investigate the Nixon White House.

Here’s — we know six things, Chris. We know first the targeting occurred. 

Therefore, second, we know that this is worse than article two of the Nixon impeachment count, which said Nixon endeavored to use the IRS. The IRS back then resisted.

Third, we know that this became public in an act of deceit when Lois Lerner planted a question with a friend in an audience to try and get this out on her own terms. 

Fourth, we know that she has taken the Fifth Amendment because she has a right to do this when she has a reasonable suspicion that there might be criminal activity involved.

Fifth, we know that from the timeline you put up today, that there has been 13 months of stonewalling on this.

And sixth, now we know that not only her hard drive, but six other people intimately involved in this suddenly crashed in an amazing miraculous coincidence. Religions have been founded on less, ten days after the investigation started.

That’s why we need a special prosecutor.

Of course, to the Obama cultists, this is a so called “phony scandal.”  They have their collective panties in a knot over really serious political scandals, like traffic jams in New Jersey.  I wonder how many of these all wee-weed up far left extremists have ever been on the Jersey Turnpike in rush hour?

The Hypocrisy is getting pretty damn thick

Joe nails it. If the IRS targeting of specific political groups happened under a Republican administration, it would be on the front page of the NY Times for weeks. As one of his guests puts it, “Under a Republican, IRS Scandal Would be a National Obsession.”

This is the double standard of the left.  The moonbats are still freaking out over a traffic jam in New Jersey, but the IRS targeting conservative groups  is a “phony scandal.”

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Quote of the Day

June 19, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics, Taxes 

“Remember, Robin Hood didn’t rob from the rich and give to the poor. He robbed from the government and gave back to the tax victims.”

A lesson in cause and effect

This educational tale comes from Austin, Texas.  A city known as a liberal stronghold in an otherwise sensible state.

The article quotes one Gretchen Gardner, an Austin artist, who has “…voted for every park, every library, all the school improvements, for light rail, for anything that will make this city better. But now I can’t afford to live here anymore. “

Why can Ms. Gardner no longer afford to live in Austin?  Her property taxes have gone up in order to play every thing she voted for!

Here is a financial hint for Ms. Gardner, buses are always a better economic choice over light rail.  Unless you are in the public service unions that will maintain and run the more expensive to build/maintain/operate light rail systems.

She wants a bigger government to be her nanny state, but like most leftists, wants someone else to pay for it.

Quote of the Day

June 5, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: economy, Politics, Taxes 

“Put down how much you earn, put down a deduction for charitable contributions, home mortgage and how much you owe. It ought to be a simple one-page postcard, and take the agents, the bureaucracy out of Washington and limit the power of government.”

Senator Ted Cruz

A damn good idea.  The IRS is too big and the tax code is much too complex and places an undo burden on the American taxpayer.

Where your tax dollars go

April 15, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Uncategorized 


Leftist bias vs. reality

March 21, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Obama Economy, Politics 

I was listening to a tech podcast where a couple of California were making fun of Texas Governor Rick Perry.

Let’s compare Texas under the leadership of Gov. Perry to California under Governor Moonbeam.

Let’s start with unemployment for January 2013

Texas: 6.3%

California: 9.8%

The federal U3 rate for January was 7.9%

So Texas was under the national rate by 1.3% while California was over the national rate by 1.9%

Take a look at job growth in Texas vs. California, and population shifts.  The people California needs to pay its criminally high tax rates are leaving California.  One of the more popular destinations of those fleeing Governor Moonbeam’s socialist paradise is Texas.


It’s clear that the tech reporters in question were laughing based on their leftist political bias, and not economic reality.

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