Quote of the Day
I love that people are acting like if elections were fair, Hillary would be president. If elections were fair, Hillary wouldn’t have been the democrat nominee to begin with.
Round Up Post
Filed under: Clintons, Culture of Corruption, Free Speech, Politics
Cleaning up the browser tabs again…
To lead off, a reminder that the progressive left has never been a big fan of that whole “free speech” thing.
NYT’s Blow Explodes On CNN Guest: ‘This Guy Should Not Be Allowed’ On TV
Ten Minutes of CNN Cutting Off People Who Dare Criticize Hillary
A few reminders of whom is the candidate of graft, fraud, and corruption.
Watchdogs warn of ‘serious’ conflicts of interest for Clinton Foundation
KKK Grand Dragon Endorses Hillary Clinton
Memo undercuts Hillary story on controversial Russian uranium deal, Clinton foundation
Clinton ran a pay-to-play program at the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State.
Clinton’s economic plans likely to boost her corporate donors
Hillary Clinton ‘Very Likely Caused’ Iranian Nuclear Scientist’s Death
Round Up Post
Guccifer 2.0 Leak Reveals How DNC Rigged Primaries for Clinton Is any really surprised about this? Just about the only thing that socialist with nationalist tenancies got right was that the DNC had the system rigged against him from the start.
Democrat who opposed welfare fraud measure indicted – for food stamp fraud Again, no surprise here. Arizona state rep state Cecilia Velasquez, a democrat, was charged with three felony counts: unlawful use of food stamps, fraudulent schemes and practices, and theft.
New York state congressional democrat Charlie Rangel Found Guilty on 11 of 13 Ethics Charges. Rangel has a lot more he needs to answer to the American people. He was the one who first publicly suggested that Hillary Rodham Clinton run for the Senate in New York.
No Surprise Here
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics
According to a recent Gallup poll, 75% of Americans corruption as widespread in federal government.
The Obama regime has been all about the graft, fraud, and corruption. It’s standard Chicago politics transplanted into Washington, D.C.
Just how is that hopey-changey stuff workin’ for ya?
Quote of the day
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Clintons, Culture of Corruption, Politics, Progressives
“The earnestly naive Bernie Sanders is who the Democratic party wants to be. The corrupt and venal Hillary Clinton is who they are.”
— AlphabetShoe
Let’s be honest here. Bernie Sanders may caucus with the democrats in the Senate, but he is not a member of the democrat party. The so called “mainstream media” calls him an “independant.” He calls himself a socialist. To be fair, about two thirds of the democrats in Congress are also members of the DSA. So Bernie just may be more honest than most of the congressional democrats.
Bernie Sanders’ stump speeches include statements about the US Mexico border and immigrants, legal and illegal, that make Trump sound like an open borders guy. I’ve seen this described as “nativist” behavior. That is a modern code word for nationalist. Bernie Sanders is a Nationlist Socialist who continously expresses his concern for the workers. If that is what you are looking for in a modern democrat, you need to review your early to mid 20th century history
Culture of Corruption
As I’ve pointed out before, if you want to know what the left is up to, just observe what they accuse those they perceive as foes of.
Case in the point, the “Culture of Corruption” charge they leveled against the Republicans.
Let’s review how that actually works
The indictment was returned in Manhattan federal court, where he appeared briefly last month when he was freed on bail just a day after sharing the stage with Gov. Andrew Cuomo during his State of the State address.
Then there is the DNC spokesliar, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Politico reports that her “office offered to change her position on medical marijuana if a major Florida donor recanted his withering criticism of her…”
Round Up Post
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Media Bias, Our Dear Leader, Politics
Let’s lead with Obama’s illegal “Fast and Furious” gun running operation. Read the whole thing, what the Obama White House has been claiming “executive privilege” over is all about the cover up of their illegal activities. This scandal has a large body count, and senior members of the Obama administration, including Valerie Jarrett, should be getting jail time for their involvement.
It’s has been obvious for a long time that the so-called “progressive” left is no fan of free speech. They are not just making it part of the official record.
Massachusetts democrat candidate for governor Martha Coakley is such a horrible candidate, that even the far left Boston Globe endorses Charlie Baker, her Republican opponent.
Speaking of far left wing newspapers, the Washington Post admits that not only is voter fraud widespread, it could even be the deciding factor in multiple elections.
More vote fraud
You remember Christina “Tita” Ayala, the Connecticut state rep recently arrested on 19 counts of vote fraud. If you don’t, it probably because it didn’t get much news coverage. It didn’t promote the news media agenda on two counts. First, it was an actual case of vote fraud, which they constantly claim doesn’t happen, and she is a democrat.
This wasn’t an “isolated incident” either. Let us review some recent news.
James O’Keefe Catches CO Dems Advocating “Awesome” Voter Fraud
“Go F*ck Yourself, Gringo” Says Democrat Operative Caught Openly Stuffing Hundreds Of Ballots
‘Calibration error’ changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois county. Let’s be honest here, it was perfectly “calibrated” for an election in democrat controlled Illinois. The only error was that someone actually complained about it.
Update: Mr. Reynolds makes the following true statement about democrats, “Remember, you don’t just have to beat them. You have to beat them beyond the margin of fraud.”
Round Up Post
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Media Bias, Our Dear Leader, Politics, RKBA
Joe “Plugs” Biden’s son Hunter was booted out of the Navy for failing a mandatory drug test. In this case, he tested positive for cocaine. Hunter was only the Navy for about month before his illegal drug use was detected. He needed, not one, but two special waivers to enter the Naval Reserve in 2013. One for his age (i.e over 40), and one for his prior drug conviction. Waivers are usually given special skills in short supply, not “public relations”, which was Plugs Jr’s Navy job. It’s pretty clear that the only reason he got those waivers was that his dad is our Dear Leader‘s bullet proof vest. I’m kinda surprised that this story even ran the New York Times. I’m not surprised that they buried the story on page A22 of the print edition. If this had been the son of a senior Republican elected official, this would have been front page, above the fold news. The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.
Speaking of Presidents, AoSHQ shows how a President should behave. Here is a hint, it isn’t spending more time on the golf course than in intelligence briefings.
Back to one of Barry’s many, many scandals. Sharyl Attkinsson is still digging up fresh dirt on the Obama so called “Justice Department” illegally running firearms to Mexican drug cartels.
One of the so called “reporters” at CBS “News” is flaunting her ignorance all over Twitter.
It’s good to know American still has real heroes. Example: Veteran stands up for 2nd Amendment at Chicago anti-gun forum
In democrat controlled Los Angeles, CA, police have been sending out patrol cars that collect the licence plate number of every car around them. These “Law Enforcement” agencies have refused to release any information about the data they have collected because, wait for it, every single car seen is under investigation. Really.
There was a major Civil Rights victory in Texas.
The democrat Culture of Corruption Marches On
Ask any Obama Kool-Aide ™ drinking leftist and they will tell you that there is absolutely no voter fraud.
They will, of course, be lying. Here is yet another example. A Connecticut state representative, a democrat, has been charged with nineteen (19) counts of vote fraud. Christina “Tita” Ayala, a democrat representing Bridgeport, was arrested last Friday. The charges include “voting in local and state elections in districts she did not live” and providing “fabricated evidence to state Election Enforcement Commission investigators that showed she lived at an address in a district where she voted while actually living outside the district”.
Most democrats will parrot the party lie about voter id laws “disenfranchising” poor people. The truth is that democrats are against voter id laws because they make vote fraud so much harder, and they depend on vote fraud to elect their extremist candidates.
Update: Five Voter Fraud Myths and Truths
Take note of #2 & #4
2. Fact: Voter fraud has altered the outcome of elections. Senator Al Franken (D-Lino Lakes), the Saturday Night Live clown, is in the United States Senate because of voter fraud. Franken won his election because Minnesota has same-day voter registration, where a person can register to vote and cast a ballot simultaneously. Felons were ineligible to vote but did so anyhow — by the thousands (1099 of them to be exact). This means that Franken owes his Senate seats to graduates of Faribault and Lino Lakes. Remember, Franken won by only 312 votes. News media in Minnesota contacted many of the felons and they admitted they were proud of their votes for Franken. Not a one voted for Norm Coleman. But it’s worse. Al Franken was the 60th vote to pass Obamacare over a filibuster. Because of voter fraud, Obamacare passed.
4. Fact: Eric Holder’s Justice Department is facilitating voter fraud. It isn’t hard to find the ways Eric Holder’s radical version of law enforcement is facilitating voter fraud. That’s the central story of Crimes Against the Republic. For starters, multiple individuals have been caught voting more than once in a federal election. This is a federal felony. The response from the Justice Department? Crickets. Take Wendy Rosen (pictured above). She was a Democrat running for Congress. We have reached the Alice in Wonderland moment where a Democrat can pen an editorial admitting she violated federal election law and no federal charges ensue.
Her excuse for committing a federal felony? Because election integrity laws make it hard for the poor and blacks to vote. She actually says this. Maybe Eric Holder isn’t prosecuting Wendy Rosen because 1) Rosen is a Democrat and 2) she is mimicking Holder’s own talking points. Such are the lawless ways of the Obama age — felons get a pass as long as they are allies of the president, sort of like the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia. This is the stuff that makes Americans furious, and the Democrats best beware of the whirlwind they may reap. Many more examples of Holder facilitating voter fraud are in Crimes Against the Republic.