Round Up Post

July 17, 2016 by
Filed under: Clintons, Culture of Corruption, Politics 

Guccifer 2.0 Leak Reveals How DNC Rigged Primaries for Clinton  Is any really surprised about this?  Just about the only thing that socialist with nationalist tenancies got right was that the DNC had the system rigged against him from the start.

Democrat who opposed welfare fraud measure indicted – for food stamp fraud Again, no surprise here. Arizona state rep state Cecilia Velasquez, a democrat, was charged with three felony counts: unlawful use of food stamps, fraudulent schemes and practices, and theft.

New York state congressional democrat Charlie Rangel Found Guilty on 11 of 13 Ethics Charges. Rangel has a lot more he needs to answer to the American people.  He was the one who first publicly suggested that Hillary Rodham Clinton run for the Senate in New York.

“This Is Going To Get Very Ugly” – Former Top CIA Officer Says “Obama Has Lost Control Of The Middle East”


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