The Political Landscape

February 24, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Clintons, Politics 

The Nevada caucuses are over for both parties, and the Republican primary has been run in South Carolina.

There is much angst in the hearts and minds of the establishment members of both parties.

Let us first take a look at the big hot mess the Republican side is.

Donald Trump is winning, and winning big.  He is ahead in the delegate count. Not just in this race either.  He is head of where Romney and McCain were at this point in the last two election cycles.

The Republican “leadership” is clutching their collective pearls and asking how in the name of a merciful God is this possible.

My advice to them is to take a long, hard look in the mirror.  The Republican “leadership”, especially in Congress has been destroying their brand value for decades.  They have worked long and hard to completely alienate their conservative base.

Speaking of that conservative base, in a rare instance of agreement with the party leadership, they are as confused over this whole Donald Trump thing as the leadership is.  Not for the same reasons though.  The “establishment” leaders of the GOP put a lot of money behind former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.  In past Presidential elections, this would have been enough to give Jeb a pretty good shot at winning the primary battle.  Not this time though, remember that whole alienating their voter base thing?  So the people who think they run the GOP have had their candidate shot down in flames.

The conservative base is scratching the collective heads because they don’t consider Trump to be an actual Republican.  Take a look at his record.  He has self-identified as a democrat in the past, and has supported a lot of democrats. As I have pointed out before there are some strong similarities between some his policies and those of the admitted socialist Bernie Sanders.  Their policies on legal and illegal immigration for example. There is another reason to believe that Trump is not a Republican.  He knows how to handle a hostile press.

So why is Trump so far ahead?  Simple.  He is perceived as a “Washington outsider.”  The voters are sick and tired of “business as usual” inside the Beltway.  They don’t want to throw away a vote on the same old, same old once again.  Look who is second place, Texas Senator Ted  Cruz.  He is not just hated by the congressional Republican leadership, they actually fear the concept of him in the Oval Office.  He doesn’t “play ball” and cozy up to the democrats. He actually tries to keep his promises to the people who elected him, which makes him a renegade maverick in Washington, regardless of the letter after his name.

I’m not a Trump fan, but his run for the Presidency is fascinating for a political junkie.  Not only is he appealing to pissed off GOP voters, he has actual cross party support.  Polling has consistently shown that 20% of his supporters are Blue Collar democrats.  What used to loyal democrats who have been thrown under the bus by their party over the past seven years. He is also doing better than the typical GOP candidate in traditionally democrat demographics.  Namely hispanics, blacks and women.

To see why Trump is doing well with those traditional democrat groups, just look at how the democrats have been treating their base since they started the Occupy the White House Golf Tour in January 2009.

There has been mild, sporadic and slow economic growth since the recession ended in July 2009, despite our Dear Leader’s best efforts to kill it. Most people have benefited from this. Except for blacks.  They have gotten the shaft, despite all the promises made back in 2008. Just take a look at the very detailed information on employment, and unemployment, at the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.  You can find breakdowns by race, gender, and age. As Senator Sanders has pointed out in his stump speeches, unemployment among black Americans is significantly higher than those of white Americans or any other group of American. This has not gone unnoticed by black single parent mothers, who are now working three jobs to send their kids to private school instead of two.  Why they are sending their kids to private schools instead of public schools is left as an exercise to the reader in yet another way the democrats have been alienating their base.

Americans of Hispanic descent who are registered to vote (i.e. legal immigrants, and remember that Mexico is the number one source of legal immigrants to America), are hearing Trump’s call to secure our border.  They have observed our Dear Leader’s policy of not enforcing our immigration laws, and the results of that policy.  Things they left Mexico (which is in a violent narco civil war) to get away from, are showing up here in America.  Drug Cartels, kidnapping, and armed gangs working for the cartels. In more and more cases, these violent criminal organizations are found using semi-automatic weapons supplied to them by our Dear Leader’s “Fast and Furious” program.  They don’t like it, and are turning to Trump and Sanders, both of whom want to enforce the law in regards to our southern border.

Which leads us to the question being raised by the establishment democrat leadership wondering what happened to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s comfortable stroll to primary victory they were predicting.  No surprised here, as I’ve pointed out, they have been working hard to alienate their base as well.  Plus the fact that HRC is extremely unlikable, and massively corrupt.  So democrat voters are also looking for an outsider.  Thus the support for the socialist from Vermont from everyone who doesn’t like or trust Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Given her high negatives, and history of massive corruption, is a significant number of democrats.  This does not speak well of Hillary.  She was correct when she said that Sander wasn’t a democrat until he decided to run for President.  He has always run openly as a socialist. While in the Senate, he caucused with the democrats, but was not officially a member of their party.

However, you aren’t seeing the runaway victories that Trump has been seeing in the Republican primaries.  This is because of another thing the doddering old socialist has gotten right.  The system is rigged. The DNC has been blatantly in the tank for Hillary Rodham Clinton in this cycle. HRC is well ahead in the delegate count because the party made sure she had the super delegates wrapped up long before those pesky citizens could possibly muck up their coronation of Queen Hillary the First.

Monday Book Pick: The Emperor in the Cities of Danger

February 22, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Monday Book Pick, Pulp 

The Emperor in the Cities of Danger [The Amazing Adventures of the Emperor #4] by Charles Jackson Lee II
This book is actually collection of stories. All of which take place in different major cities. Seattle and San Francisco for example. The tales of the Emperor are delightful pulp stories with a light hearted touch. The hero, one Charles Jackson Lee, is an actual superhero, with super powers. He goes by “The Emperor”, but his “Empire” consists mostly of himself, which is enough. 🙂 He doesn’t go for costumes or secret identities. He prefers a suit and tie, and makes movies when he isn’t fighting crime. I find these stories fun to read, and I enjoy the other pulp genre references. This includes the time he ran into Spencer and Hawk while at a party in Boston. If they made movies of these stories, Job Bob would say check ’em out.

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Monday Book Pick: The Disinherited

February 1, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Baen Books, Monday Book Pick, Science Fiction 

The Disinherited by Steve White
This is Steve White’s first solo novel. My first printing of this book has a 1993 copyright. It’s a straight up space opera, and fans of the classic SciFi RPG Traveller, and the closely related 2300AD game will some familiar concepts. It is also a first contact story. A group of Terrans, a mix of Americans and Russians working in the Asteroid Belt are contacted by beings from another star, with advanced technology. Both sides are more than a bit freaked out to find out they are both human. The alien humans have a problem, namely a very aggressive species of actual alien that makes up for a slightly lower tech base with a fracking lot of resources. The space faring Earth humans go to assist the other humans. They might as well, since the Earth had been poisoned by what Mr. White had correctly identified 23 years ago as the toxic ravings of the so called “social justice” movement, which has a more dangerous level of Antisemitism than it does today. Heroic stuff happens, and there is even a surprise twist at the end. Just to top this tale of adventure in deep space off, there is a mad scientist and his beautiful daughter.

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