Round Up Post
Filed under: Clintons, Culture of Corruption, Media Bias, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Progressives, Taxes
Confirmed: Couric’s Crew Violated Federal Gun Laws Not much of a surprise here. We knew she was a lying far left extremist pretending to be an actual journalist.
Seven Awesome Conservative Lifehacks
Our Dear Leader wants to jack the federal gas tax through the roof.
Public Employees Unions Facilitate Corruption Another statement that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention.
A peek at the what the coming race war the far left is promoting
The democrats are building a wall around their convention center. Yes, the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds, as the Fake Indian squatting in the seat of a Massachusetts senator points out.
Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified Yes folks, Hillary Rodham Clinton has broken federal law, and should be brought up on charges. Let’s see if our Dear Leader will pay attention to the Rule of Law this time…
Let’s not forget the Clinton University scandal the MSM/DNC isn’t talking about.
Round Up Post
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Culture of Corruption, Free Speech, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Progressives, Taxes, Tea Party
First off is a case of far left extremist (in this case a “social justice warrior”) putting up “Whites Only” stickers around Austin, TX. He did to show how conservatives are “racists” and stuff. All too often, cases of “hate crimes” like this are perpetrated by “progressives” in order to make reality match their extremist agenda. HT to Leslie Bates for this one.
Next, the “most transparent administration ever” has announced that the IRS isn’t going to release any documents concerning their well documented targeting of conservative political groups. In Obamamerica, the Freedom of Speech protections of the First Amendment only applies to speech our Dear Leader approves of.
The National Review points out that the Obama administration and Congressional democrats “are practically praying for a Christian terrorist.” They keep turning up to be Muslims though…
Round Up Post
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Free Speech, Media Bias, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Taxes, Tea Party
Reality can crack the leftist spin central of HuffPo every once in rare while. Former MA congresscritter and far left extremist (yes, I’m being redundant) Barney Frank is shocked to discover that our Dear Leader lied to the American People.
On the international front, Japan gives Vietnam six navy ships amid regional tension. To put it more bluntly, the Japanese government is giving something other than a twitter hash tag to Communist China. By doing so, Japan demonstrates that it has more balls than Barack Hussein Obama, who is mostly phoning it in these days.
Six Things
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Taxes
George Will nails the illegal political targeting by the IRS.
We can no more expect Mr. Holder to investigate this White House than we could have expected John Mitchell to investigate the Nixon White House.
Here’s — we know six things, Chris. We know first the targeting occurred.
Therefore, second, we know that this is worse than article two of the Nixon impeachment count, which said Nixon endeavored to use the IRS. The IRS back then resisted.
Third, we know that this became public in an act of deceit when Lois Lerner planted a question with a friend in an audience to try and get this out on her own terms.
Fourth, we know that she has taken the Fifth Amendment because she has a right to do this when she has a reasonable suspicion that there might be criminal activity involved.
Fifth, we know that from the timeline you put up today, that there has been 13 months of stonewalling on this.
And sixth, now we know that not only her hard drive, but six other people intimately involved in this suddenly crashed in an amazing miraculous coincidence. Religions have been founded on less, ten days after the investigation started.
That’s why we need a special prosecutor.
Of course, to the Obama cultists, this is a so called “phony scandal.” They have their collective panties in a knot over really serious political scandals, like traffic jams in New Jersey. I wonder how many of these all wee-weed up far left extremists have ever been on the Jersey Turnpike in rush hour?
The Hypocrisy is getting pretty damn thick
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Culture of Corruption, Media Bias, Politics, Taxes
Joe nails it. If the IRS targeting of specific political groups happened under a Republican administration, it would be on the front page of the NY Times for weeks. As one of his guests puts it, “Under a Republican, IRS Scandal Would be a National Obsession.”
This is the double standard of the left. The moonbats are still freaking out over a traffic jam in New Jersey, but the IRS targeting conservative groups is a “phony scandal.”
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Quote of the Day
“Remember, Robin Hood didn’t rob from the rich and give to the poor. He robbed from the government and gave back to the tax victims.”
A lesson in cause and effect
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, economy, Politics, Progressives, Taxes
This educational tale comes from Austin, Texas. A city known as a liberal stronghold in an otherwise sensible state.
The article quotes one Gretchen Gardner, an Austin artist, who has “…voted for every park, every library, all the school improvements, for light rail, for anything that will make this city better. But now I can’t afford to live here anymore. “
Why can Ms. Gardner no longer afford to live in Austin? Her property taxes have gone up in order to play every thing she voted for!
Here is a financial hint for Ms. Gardner, buses are always a better economic choice over light rail. Unless you are in the public service unions that will maintain and run the more expensive to build/maintain/operate light rail systems.
She wants a bigger government to be her nanny state, but like most leftists, wants someone else to pay for it.
Quote of the Day
“Put down how much you earn, put down a deduction for charitable contributions, home mortgage and how much you owe. It ought to be a simple one-page postcard, and take the agents, the bureaucracy out of Washington and limit the power of government.”
A damn good idea. The IRS is too big and the tax code is much too complex and places an undo burden on the American taxpayer.
Quote of the Day
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Taxes, Tea Party
“And the IRS scandal was a subversion of democracy on a massive scale. The most fearsome and coercive arm of the administrative state embarked on a systematic effort to suppress citizen dissent against the party in power. Thomas Friedman is famous for musing that he wishes America could be China for a day. It turns out we’ve been China for a while.”
A tale of two recoveries
Filed under: American History, economy, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Taxes
First let us review some history and economic theory. Now you have heard often enough that the recent recession was the “worst since the Great Depression.” This bit of disinformation is repeated by those with a poor grasp or history and/or really don’t care if their information is accurate as long as it furthers their political agenda.
The worst recession “since the Great Depression” was clearly the recession American suffered through in the late 1970s. Double digit unemployment, double digit inflation and double digit interest rates! The prime rate actually hit 21%! So even if you had a job, the cost of living was rising faster and higher than you could possible get a raise and forget about buying a house with interest rates around 20%.
So we have that lie out of the way, let us get to some actual facts. The last recession end way back in mid 2009. That is when economy when from negative GDP growth to positive GDP growth. You may ask what growth? In most of America, there are still far too many empty store fronts as small business are shutting down faster than they are opening. What growth we have had has been anemic at best. GDP growth has not been over 2% in the three and half years since the last recession ended and employment has been over 7.5% and has even hit 10% during that time as well. What you are experiencing is clearly the worst recovery since the Great Depression.
Let’s review, worst recession followed by a roaring recovering in four years. Not the worst recession, worst recovery on record with no signs of getting better. Why such a glaring difference? Well the nice folks at Forbes covered this nicely. Let us review the facts about Reaganomics vs Obamanomics.
Reaganomics had four key points.
1. Cut tax rates to restore incentives for economic growth (just like JFK)
2. Real spending reductions, nearly 5% of the federal budget
3. Anti-inflation monetary policy
4. Deregulation, which saved American consumers an estimated $100 billion per year!
This simple plan resulted in the longest peacetime expansion in American history. The American standard of living increased by close to 20% and the poverty rate declined every year.
Now let’s look at Obama’s economic, and we are being generous here, plan. It is the exact opposite of President Reagan’s plan, which was clearly very successful. In addition to the new Obamacare taxes, he is calling for a sharp increase in the federal tax rate on the Americans who already pay the majority of the federal income tax. In additions, Obama is calling for increases in:
1. The capital gains tax
2. Corporate dividends tax
3. The Medicare tax
4. The death tax
Instead of spending cuts, Obama and the democrat controlled congress opened with nearly a trillion dollars in new federal spending, most of which was borrowed money, further increasing an already high federal debt.
Then we have the double-whammy of an inflationary monetary policy (the Quantative Easing non-stimulus acts) and massive re-regulation in health care, finance, energy and pretty much anything else Obama thinks he can get away with.
Mr. Ferrara sums up the results of the two policies nicely:
As a result, while the Reagan recovery averaged 7.1% economic growth over the first seven quarters, the Obama recovery has produced less than half that at 2.8%, with the last quarter at a dismal 1.8%. After seven quarters of the Reagan recovery, unemployment had fallen 3.3 percentage points from its peak to 7.5%, with only 18% unemployed long-term for 27 weeks or more. After seven quarters of the Obama recovery, unemployment has fallen only 1.3 percentage points from its peak, with a postwar record 45% long-term unemployed.
Previously the average recession since World War II lasted 10 months, with the longest at 16 months. Yet today, 40 months after the last recession started, unemployment is still 8.8%, with America suffering the longest period of unemployment that high since the Great Depression.
This is the Obama Economy. The worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. To make it worse, Obama’s policies are likely to cause that record to be broken, rather than produce real, sustainable economic growth.
Update: From Forbes: One Year Later, Another Look at Obamanomics vs. Reaganomics Here is the summary, it’s still Reagan for the win. Here are some of the highlights.
Let’s start with the GDP data. The comparison is striking. Under Reagan’s policies, the economy skyrocketed. Heck, the chart prepared by the Minneapolis Fed doesn’t even go high enough to show how well the economy performed during the 1980s.
Under Obama’s policies, by contrast, we’ve just barely gotten back to where we were when the recession began. Unlike past recessions, we haven’t enjoyed a strong bounce. And this means we haven’t recovered the output that was lost during the downturn.
This is a damning indictment of Obamanomics
Writing in today’s Wall Street Journal, former Senator Phil Gramm and budgetary expert Mike Solon compare the current recovery to the post-war average as well as to what happened under Reagan.
If in this “recovery” our economy had grown and generated jobs at the average rate achieved following the 10 previous postwar recessions, GDP per person would be $4,528 higher and 13.7 million more Americans would be working today. …President Ronald Reagan’s policies ignited a recovery so powerful that if it were being repeated today, real per capita GDP would be $5,694 higher than it is now—an extra $22,776 for a family of four. Some 16.9 million more Americans would have jobs.
…As I’ve written before, Obama is not responsible for the current downturn. Yes, he was a Senator and he was part of the bipartisan consensus for easy money, Fannie/Freddie subsidies, bailout-fueled moral hazard, and a playing field tilted in favor of debt, but his share of the blame wouldn’t even merit an asterisk.
My problem with Obama is that he hasn’t fixed any of the problems. Instead, he has kept in place all of the bad policies – and in some cases made them worse.