Spot the racist
The 2014 midterm elections are mostly over (there are a few run off races that yesterday’s election generated), and the Republicans won big. Took back control of the Senate, and won several key Governor races. They replaced democrat governors in Maryland, Massachusetts, and Illinois. They also elected the first black Senator from the South since Reconstruction. Think about that one for a minute. Southern democrats never elected a black man or woman to the Senate. Republicans also elected a black woman, Mia Love, to the House of Representatives in Utah. Ask any “tolerant” democrat, and they will tell you that Utah is full of “racist” Mormons.
Now let us turn to the words of the First Beard of these United States, Michelle Obama. On TV One (“Where Black Life Unfolds”), she said the following:
“And that’s my message to voters, this isn’t about Barack, it’s not about person on that ballot– its about you. And for most of the people we are talking to, a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on, regardless of who said what or did this– that shouldn’t even come into the equation.”
Followed by: “…I give everyone full permission to eat some fried chicken after they vote. Only after, if you haven’t voted… You make a good point. Because I am, I do talk about health. But I think that a good victory for Democrats on Tuesday, you know, should be rewarded with some fried chicken.”
She is telling a predominantly black audience, that they should vote democrat, not on the issues, but because of the color of their skin. The fried chicken statement is left as an exercise to the reader. I do need to add a disclaimer, while I am not black, I did spend a good chunk of my childhood south of the Mason-Dixon line, and I do appreciate good fried chicken. If you have spend your entire life in the land of Yankees, you just wouldn’t understand.
Mr. Jarlsberg summed it up well: “As the campaign boiled down to its final hours, the Democrats decided to quit pretending that they had anything to offer in terms of ideas or successful accomplishments and instead made blatant, unsupported accusations of racism in order to browbeat black Americans into voting like racists.”
Mrs. Obama’s words bring to mind what our Dear Leader wrote (or had ghost written) in his book “Dreams of my Father.”
“A plantation. Black people in the worst jobs. The worst housing. Police brutality rampant. But when the so-called black committeemen came around election time, we’d all line up and vote the straight Democratic ticket. Sell our soul for a Christmas turkey.”
Now identify which party is the party of “racists”, and support your choice with actual facts.
Quote of the Day
Filed under: Congress, Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics
“If Dems control the Senate, Obama will pack the Supreme Court, and you can bet Harry Reid will go nuclear on it.
A shining example of a modern progressive congressional democrat
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Congress, Politics, Progressives
As reported recently, democrat congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee stated, on the floor of the House, that the democrats never tried to impeach President G. W Bush, despite her being a co-sponsor a bill the democrat controlled House passed to impeach President Bush.
The staff of democrat congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee then not only refused to answer a reporter’s questions about her claim and her sponsorship of the bill, they threatened him with an IRS audit. Not exactly what you expect from a member of the “Peoples’ House” dedicated to Constitutional principles, like the First Amendment. Pretty typical for a modern, so called “progressive” democrat though.
On the other hand, you can understand why her staff is so protective of their meal ticket. SJL appears to be out to unseat current Vice-President Joe “Plugs” Biden as the gaffe master of Washington, D.C..
Her previous deviations from reality include: While observing images from a Mars Rover at the JPL, asking if the rover would pass by where Neil Armstrong planted the American flag; and giving an impassioned speech on the House floor describing how North and South Vietnam are able to work together and how that should be an inspiration to us as well.
For that Mars/Luna mix up, she was voting on the NASA budget at the time. No wonder we have to outsource getting our Astronauts in and out orbit to the Russians.
A key difference between Republican and democrat voters
If Republican congresscritters vote against their base, their base stops voting for them.
When democrat congresscritters vote for laws that hurt their base, the democrat base puts some makeup on their collective black eye, and mutter, “But he loves me,” and then votes for their serial abuser over and over again.
It isn’t a budget issue
Filed under: Congress, economy, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics
The current political posturing in D.C. is not over the federal budget. It’s over a ‘continuing resolution’ to fund the government for three months.
That is because the United States of America is entering its fifth fiscal year without an actual federal budget. An actual federal budget has not passed both houses of Congress and been signed by the President since George W. Bush was President.
The President is required by law to submit a budget to Congress every year. The person currently occupying the White House during his golf tour has done so. Those budgets have been received in a truly amazing display of bipartisanship and have failed to received a single vote from any member of congress of either party, and that includes the socialist who caucuses with the democrats. I think the best one of his budgets did was 0-97 in the Senate.
The House has submitted at least one budget, with bipartisan support every year, which Harry Reid has refused to bring to the floor for a vote. The Senate has produced one budget, within the last year, on a strict party line vote.
It is important to note that when the democrats controlled the White House and both houses of Congress, they failed in their primary duty of producing a federal budget. It is not because they tried and failed, they just didn’t even try.
So it is clear that having a federal budget, that receives a close examination, and is open to debate and review by the public is not something that the democrats want. Which raises the question of why they don’t want the transparency that an actual federal budget would bring.
Originally posted at No Moss Here
The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Congress, Culture of Corruption, economy, Politics, Video
Kudos to CSPAN and YouTube, which brings us the words of Senate democrat “leader” Harry Reid from 2006.
Yup, Harry Reid is calling raising the federal limit to $ 9 trillion is the last thing we should do, because it will weaken the country, and hurt the economy.
Was Harry Reid telling the truth or engaging in hyper-partisan political demagoguery because there was a Republican in the White House at the time. Given his record, if Harry Reid was telling the truth, it was purely by accident.
Double Quote of the Day
Filed under: Congress, Culture of Corruption, economy, Obama Economy, Politics
“Remember: The people telling you a government shutdown is a disaster are the same ones who told you 3 weeks ago that we had to invade Syria.”
“It’s like Nancy Pelosi said, you have to shut down the government to find out what’s in it.”
— Me
Filed under: Congress, Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics, When democrats attack
Today’s roundup post is by Jonah Goldberg:
A Democratic senator hired an unpaid intern who was an undocumented immigrant but a documented sex offender. Apparently Senator Menendez needed an immigrant to do sex offending that Americans won’t do.
Meanwhile, Representative Jim Moran is “embarrassed” by the revelation that his voter-fraud-orchestrating son smashed his girlfriend’s face into a garbage can and pleaded guilty to assault. The girlfriend appears to be doing what she can to make the story go away. But don’t worry, the phrase “war on women” may still only be used to describe people who don’t want to pay for someone else’s birth control. No word if anyone on the left will be expressing their gratitude for the Violence Against Women Act for this.
Over in Michigan, defenders of the union protestors who tore down an Americans for Prosperity tent are heading toward trutherism, suggesting that it was all a set up, the canvas-and-rope equivalent of the Reichstag fire. No word yet if anyone is claiming the Jews inside the tent got advance notice.
Oh, and after months — nay years — of rhetoric from the president and his proxies about how taxes are simply a sign of neighborliness and the dues we pay to live in this great country, we learn that Obama’s staff owe nearly a million dollars in back taxes.
And the Republicans are losing to these guys.
HT to Mr Reynolds, who is correct in his assessment. Just another example of how you would rarely loose money betting on Congressional Republicans to screw the pooch.
June 11, 1964, Senate democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Acts
An important historical fact to remember, congressional democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act.
Senate democrats filibustered the Civil Rights act for 57 working days, which included a speech by democrat Senator Robert Byrd against the bill that lasted fourteen straight hours. Byrd’s opposition was not surprising, since the late Senator got his start in politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan.
The filibuster was finally ended when the Senate Minority Leader, Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen, a Republican from Illinois, pushed for a closure vote in a speech that called for the democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.
The Civil Rights Act was finally voted on, and passed with a majority of Republicans and minority of democrats voting for it.
Senate Democrats still shirking their duty
Filed under: Congress, economy, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics
Senate Democrats are poised to continue their impressive streak of budgetary negligence on Wednesday by unanimously rejecting as many as five different budgets, including the one offered by President Obama. Republicans, meanwhile, are hoping that voters will pick up on the disturbing trend.
The Democratic-led Senate has not formally proposed a federal budget resolution in more than three years, and is not expected to offer one Wednesday. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) and Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad (D., N.D.) have made explicitly clear that they have no intention of doing so before the November election.
Not only have the congressional democrats not proposed any budgets in the past three years, they have voted against every budget proposal brought before Congress, including budgets proposed by the leader of their party, our own Dear Leader, Barack Obama.
Could it be that the congressional democrats don’t want their agenda documented in way that easily accessible by the American people?