Quote of the Day

May 13, 2015 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics 

“Liberal racism is nothing new, of course — in fact, it’s perfectly normal. Drive around white Los Angeles all day and you will rarely, if ever, see a black face, and the only Mexicans you’ll encounter will be maids and gardeners. “Diversity,” it seems, is for other people”

Michael Walsh

Spot the racist

November 5, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Congress, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

The 2014 midterm elections are mostly over (there are a few run off races that yesterday’s election generated), and the Republicans won big.  Took back control of the Senate, and won several key Governor races.  They replaced democrat governors in Maryland, Massachusetts, and Illinois.  They also elected the first black Senator from the South since Reconstruction.  Think about that one for a minute.  Southern democrats never elected a black man or woman to the Senate.  Republicans also elected a black woman, Mia Love, to the House of Representatives in Utah.  Ask any “tolerant” democrat, and they will tell you that Utah is full of “racist” Mormons.

Now let us turn to the words of the First Beard of these United States, Michelle Obama. On TV One (“Where Black Life Unfolds”), she said the following:

“And that’s my message to voters, this isn’t about Barack, it’s not about person on that ballot– its about you. And for most of the people we are talking to, a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on, regardless of who said what or did this– that shouldn’t even come into the equation.”

Followed by: “…I give everyone full permission to eat some fried chicken after they vote. Only after, if you haven’t voted… You make a good point. Because I am, I do talk about health. But I think that a good victory for Democrats on Tuesday, you know, should be rewarded with some fried chicken.”

She is telling a predominantly black audience, that they should vote democrat, not on the issues, but because of the color of their skin.  The fried chicken statement is left as an exercise to the reader.  I do need to add a disclaimer, while I am not black, I did spend a good chunk of my childhood south of the Mason-Dixon line, and I do appreciate good fried chicken.  If you have spend your entire life in the land of Yankees, you just wouldn’t understand.

Mr. Jarlsberg summed it up well: “As the campaign boiled down to its final hours, the Democrats decided to quit pretending that they had anything to offer in terms of ideas or successful accomplishments and instead made blatant, unsupported accusations of racism in order to browbeat black Americans into voting like racists.”

Mrs. Obama’s words bring to mind what our Dear Leader wrote (or had ghost written) in his book “Dreams of my Father.”

“A plantation. Black people in the worst jobs. The worst housing. Police brutality rampant. But when the so-called black committeemen came around election time, we’d all line up and vote the straight Democratic ticket. Sell our soul for a Christmas turkey.”

Now identify which party is the party of “racists”, and support your choice with actual facts.

Straight Up Racism

January 7, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics, Progressives 

I’ve often pointed out that a good way to find out what leftist are up to is to listen to what they are accusing those they see as their political enemies of.

Case in point, racism.  The left has been playing the so-called “Race Card” so often since our Dear Leader started his run for his “Occupy the White House” gold tour, that even the self-identified “fake journalists” at Comedy Central have called them on it.  It has been become their default reply to anybody who dares to disagree with their far left extremist ideology.

Now if you were to look for actual examples of racism, you would find the “progressives” who toss out the charge, guilty of what they accuse other of, more often than not.  Case in point, democrat election campaigns pay their white staffers more than black or hispanic staffers.

“African American staffers on Democratic federal-level campaigns are paid 70 cents on the dollar compared to their white counterparts; Hispanics are paid 68 cents on the dollar,”

The study goes on to point out, while Republican campaigns tend to hire more white men than the democrats, they are much better at paying their minority staffers what they pay the white staffers.

Quote of the Day

December 10, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Politics, Progressives 

“That eugenics was part of the progressive agenda is one of the most heavily-airbrushed features of history.”

Arnold Kling

Things our Dear Leader Does Not Want Americans Thinking About

It is a very long list, so I’m just going to hit some of the high points.

The IRS’s illegal targeting of conservative political groups is being tracked back to the Obama White House.

This is a clear violation of American’s First & Fifteenth Amendment rights that the left doesn’t care about.

The city of Detroit going bankrupt after decades of single party democrat rule.

As the nice man from Cold Fury puts it, “To achieve this level of devastation, you usually have to be invaded by a foreign power.” Hmmm…given how Obama Cultists feel about the Constitution, he may be on to something here.

The murder of an United States of American Ambassador, and three other Americans, by Islamic terrorists in Libya, and how the security lapses can be traced back to Obama’s State Department. Which was at the time under the command of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As I pointed out several months ago: Democrat congressman Stephen Lynch on Benghazi Talking Points: ‘It Was Scrubbed … It Was False Information. There’s No Excuse For That.’ Yup, the Obama regime flat out lied the American people for the purpose of ”damage control” prior to the election. This really does call for hearings.

The murder of over three hundred Mexicans and at least one US Federal Agent by Mexican Drug Cartels using semi-automatic firearms supplied by Obama’s so-called “Justice Department” under the control of AG Eric Holder.

The Economy. Specifically, the Obama economy, also known as the worst recovery since the Great Depression. Obama’s “jobless recovery” is a recovery in name only.

Here are a few more facts about the economy that Barry & his cultists don’t want you thinking about: The current US debt is %16.87 Trillion. That works out to $148,026 per tax payer. Taxes have increased $122.8 Billion in 2013 alone. The current budget deficit is $818.5 Billion. The labor force has 10 million less eligible workers than it did right before Barry started his “Occupy the White House” golf tour in 2009. So when an leftist tries to tell you about Obama’s “job creation” record, it’s a lie. The US is in the hole for 10 million jobs under his watch. Don’t expect much improvement either. You may have missed this if you’ve been feeding at the MSM/DNC trough: Obamacare to destroy up to 1 million low-wage jobs and completely bankrupt Medicaid.

Let’s not forget some other items our Dear Leader is desperate to sweep under the rug, including gathering of phone records of the AP (part of his “most transparent administration evah!” continuing war against Whistle Blowers and Inspector Generals), and Eric Holder’s so-called “Justice Department” which won’t prosecute an open and shut case regarding the Black Panthers.

Remember, this is a short list. There are more Obama Scandals that they want to distract you from by waving the race card.

This is not a new tactic.

“Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one’s opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness.”

Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights. Clearly she has a basic misunderstanding of the actual meaning of Civil Rights. Given that she was appointed by that idiot James Earl Carter III, this is hardly surprising. Note that she freely admits there is no factual basis for her accusation of racism. It is merely a tactic of the radical left to avoid discussion on their own failures.

Quote of the Day

“Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one’s opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness.”

— Mary Frances Berry,  former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights.  Clearly she has a basic misunderstanding of the actual meaning of Civil Rights. Given that she was appointed by that idiot James Earl Carter III, this is hardly surprising.

Note that she freely admits there is no factual basis for her accusation of racism.  It is merely a tactic of the radical left to avoid discussion on their own failures.

The left’s hypocrisy raises its ugly head again

March 2, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Politics 

It’s usually pretty easy to know what the left is up to. You just check what they are accusing anybody who dares disagree with them of.

Case in point, the left’s favorite slur for anybody who dares confront them with actual facts, “racist.”

The left will call you a racist if you disagree with any policy of our Dear Leader, point out that it is, in fact, illegal to violate immigration laws, or refute any of their beliefs with actual verifiable facts.

Then the same leftists will insist that they are not racists, since they are so “tolerant” and “open minded.”

However, facts are stubborn things, despite the left’s vigorous attempts to deny them.

Case in point, the left’s attack on the wife of Senate Republican Mitch McConnell. Their objection to his wife is, wait for it…that she is of Chinese ancestry. The fact that Senator McConnell is married to someone who’s family immigrated to America from China is the reason American jobs are going to China.

That’s right, just the fact that she is ethnically Chinese, is the left’s reason for American manufacturing jobs going to China. Oh, and she is married to a Republican.

Couldn’t have anything to do with the rising cost of American manufacturing, primarily driven by labor unions that act more like Political Action Committees distorting the actual value of manual manufacturing labor. Couldn’t have anything to do with burdensome regulations, mainly enacted by left leaning politicians. Nope, because, as we discussed previously, one of the primary commandants of the left is that nothing is ever their fault.

So, they fall back on their Alinsky tactics, pick an individual person, and attack them. Not the problem, but the person. The left is making a purely racist attack against the very people they accuse of being racists for disagreeing with the left.

Quote of the Day

October 24, 2012 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics 

“The first Republican I knew was my father. He joined because the democrats would not register him to vote. The Republicans did.”

— Former Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleezza Rice

Quote of the Day

August 28, 2012 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Politics 

“The thing we adore about these dog-whistle kerfuffles is that the people who react to the whistle always assume it’s intended for somebody else. The whole point of the metaphor is that if you can hear the whistle, you’re the dog.”

James Taranto

What is the democrats problem with simple facts?

July 28, 2011 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

Clearly, the shared reality of rational adults is not the strong point of democrats.

Case in point, democrat party “spokesperson” Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.  Ms. Wasserman-Schultz goes on a hysterical rant accusing the Congressional Republicans, who only control one half of one third of the Federal government, of trying to impose “dictatorship” by means of following the defined Constitutional process.

Let us review who actually desires to impose a “dictatorship” on the American people.  President Barack H. Obama recently addressed the far left extremist racist organization “La Rasa” and said the following, “Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting.”

Let’s review the facts here, the democrats control the White House and the Senate, and are accusing the House Republicans, who only have a simple majority in the House, of trying to impose a “dictatorship.”  Sounds more like the democrats are being whiny little bitches now that they can’t shove their far left extremist agenda down the throats of the American people unopposed.  The democrats are falling back on their basic argument that anybody who dares to oppose them should “shut up” and let them implement their far left extremist agenda.  The problem with this argument is, as our Dear Leader pointed out, Elections Have Consequences‏. The 2010 elections were a resounding vote against the extremist policies of President Obama and the congressional democrats. Unfortunately for the congressional democrats and our Dear Leader, they have to live in the reality they reject.

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