Round Up Post

August 30, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Clintons, Culture of Corruption, Free Speech, Politics 

Cleaning up the browser tabs again…

To lead off, a reminder that the progressive left has never been a big fan of that whole “free speech” thing.
NYT’s Blow Explodes On CNN Guest: ‘This Guy Should Not Be Allowed’ On TV

Ten Minutes of CNN Cutting Off People Who Dare Criticize Hillary

A few reminders of whom is the candidate of graft, fraud, and corruption.
Watchdogs warn of ‘serious’ conflicts of interest for Clinton Foundation

KKK Grand Dragon Endorses Hillary Clinton


Memo undercuts Hillary story on controversial Russian uranium deal, Clinton foundation

Clinton ran a pay-to-play program at the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State.

New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors

Clinton’s economic plans likely to boost her corporate donors

Hillary Clinton ‘Very Likely Caused’ Iranian Nuclear Scientist’s Death

Round Up Post

July 17, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Clintons, Culture of Corruption, Politics 

Guccifer 2.0 Leak Reveals How DNC Rigged Primaries for Clinton  Is any really surprised about this?  Just about the only thing that socialist with nationalist tenancies got right was that the DNC had the system rigged against him from the start.

Democrat who opposed welfare fraud measure indicted – for food stamp fraud Again, no surprise here. Arizona state rep state Cecilia Velasquez, a democrat, was charged with three felony counts: unlawful use of food stamps, fraudulent schemes and practices, and theft.

New York state congressional democrat Charlie Rangel Found Guilty on 11 of 13 Ethics Charges. Rangel has a lot more he needs to answer to the American people.  He was the one who first publicly suggested that Hillary Rodham Clinton run for the Senate in New York.

“This Is Going To Get Very Ugly” – Former Top CIA Officer Says “Obama Has Lost Control Of The Middle East”

Round Up Post

June 26, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics, RKBA 

France Closes Down Mosques; 334 War Grade Weapons Found

Larry Corriea points points out that Self Defense is a Human Right

Anti-Civil Rights Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) Earns Three Pinocchios from Washington Post for “Gun Control” Lies. Is anyone really surprised that he has to lie in order to promote his extremist agenda?

Wired: The AR-15 Is More Than a Gun. It’s a Gadget

Round Up Post

Confirmed: Couric’s Crew Violated Federal Gun Laws Not much of a surprise here.  We knew she was a lying far left extremist pretending to be an actual journalist.

Seven Awesome Conservative Lifehacks

Our Dear Leader wants to jack the federal gas tax through the roof.

Public Employees Unions Facilitate Corruption Another statement that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention.

A peek at the what the coming race war the far left is promoting

The democrats are building a wall around their convention center.  Yes, the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds, as the Fake Indian squatting in the seat of a Massachusetts senator points out.

Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified Yes folks, Hillary Rodham Clinton has broken federal law, and should be brought up on charges.  Let’s see if our Dear Leader will pay attention to the Rule of Law this time…

Let’s not forget the Clinton University scandal the MSM/DNC isn’t talking about.

Round Up Post

Still haven’t cleared out all the tabs…

Powerline reports on Q415 economic growth.

Gross domestic product (GDP) expanded at only a 0.7% seasonally adjusted annualized ratein the fourth quarter of last year, the Commerce Department reported today. That’s quite weak.

2015 as a whole wasn’t so good either. GDP expanded at only 2.4%, the same as in 2014. That’s called limping along. For as James Pethokoukis points out, from the end of World War II through 2005, the economy grew at an average annual rate of 3.5%.

Yup, it’s the worse recovery since the Great Depression.

From the Daily Caller: Secret Fed Docs Show Obama Misled Congress, Public During Debt Limit Crises

No real surprise here.  Barry’s entire time during the Occupy the White House Golf Tour has been mainly him lying to Americans.



Round Up Post

Time to clear out all the tabs on my browser again.

Let’s lead with this article from the Foundation for Economic Education. It points out what is wrong with Trumps claims about manufacturing jobs, and how to fix the problem.  It goes on to point out that Trump is the moderate on the subject when compared to Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders.  Sanders is completely divorced from reality on the subject, and his “solutions” have the high probability of making the thing he wants to fix even worse.

Socialists in America, like Bernie Sanders, used to point to Venezuela as the modern example of how socialism works. No so much anymore.  Probably because socialism has created a Humanitarian disaster in Venezuela.

On the subject of 2016 Presidential candidates, the Washington Post reports that the FBI is granting immunity to person who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server.  In legal circles, this is what is known as a “bad sign.”

Modern Healthcare has a report on the Illinois Obamacare program.  I’ll give you the short version, they operated at a $90.8 million loss in 2015.  Remember back before the so-called “Affordable Care Act” was passed in the middle of the night right before Congress left Washington for Christmas?  Come on, you remember. It was done using a procedure that even the democrats own resident high ranking Klansman objected to, in order to avoid a vote in the Senate.  Something to do with the democrat stronghold of Massachusetts electing a Republican expressly to vote against Obamacare.  There were some people, mainly those who had actually read the ACA, who objected to it, claiming it was economically unviable.  They were uniformly called “racists”, which we now know means “anyone who disagrees with a democrat.”

Bill Clinton is on the campaign trail trashing Obama’s handling of the so-called economic recovery.  Something he has in common with Bernie Sanders.  What he is short on is how Hillary is going to a better job from federal prison.

The American Thinker points out that NPR doesn’t want to actually admit in their in article on how Obamacare is a failure that Obamacare is a failure.


No Surprise Here

September 21, 2015 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

According to a recent Gallup poll, 75% of Americans corruption as widespread in federal government.

The Obama regime has been all about the graft, fraud, and corruption. It’s standard Chicago politics transplanted into Washington, D.C.

Just how is that hopey-changey stuff workin’ for ya?

Another component of Sander’s speeches

I’ve mentioned before that Sander’s stump speeches on the topic of immigration are even more hard lined, on both legal and illegal immigration, than Donald Trump’s stance on the subject.

There are two other common themes to a Sander’s speech.

The first sounds a lot like Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign. One of the major catch phrases of that campaign was, “It’s the economy, stupid!” The brilliant James Carville gets credit for that. For those of you who don’t remember the early 1990’s, in Q492, when the election was held, the US had just come out of a recession. When the President at the time, George H.W. Bush, correctly stated that the recession was over, and the recovery was starting, the Clinton team would go into full attack mode, calling him a liar. Since the recovery had just started, the effects were not wildly felt. This tactic was wildly successful for Clinton, especially since the economy really was starting to recover, and he got to take credit for something that was already happening after he took office.

Bernie Sanders is pounding the pulpit and telling people not to believe the economic news coming from the Obama White House. Obama is telling you that unemployment is 5.6%, and Bernie is telling it’s 10.7%. Thing is that they are both quoting the current federal Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers. Barry is using the more commonly used U3 number. Bernie is using the U6 number, which is considered by rational economists to be a more accurate indicator.

If you have read my previous posts about the Obama Economy, you would think I’m siding with Bernie on this. I have to admit, the self identified Socialist does have a point. The so-called “recovery” has been going on for just over five years now, and it has been described everywhere from CNBC to NPR as “lackluster” and “jobless.” With a U3 of 5.6%, we should be damn close to “full employment”, yet the number of people not in the work force is at levels we haven’t seen since the deep recession of the late 1970s.  Barry’s policies have managed to kill most of the economic gain that you typically get coming out of a recession.

While Sanders may be right about our Dear Leader‘s handling of the economy, odds are he will screw it up even more with his socialist economic policies.

Quote of the day

“The earnestly naive Bernie Sanders is who the Democratic party wants to be. The corrupt and venal Hillary Clinton is who they are.”
—  AlphabetShoe

Let’s be honest here. Bernie Sanders may caucus with the democrats in the Senate, but he is not a member of the democrat party. The so called “mainstream media” calls him an “independant.” He calls himself a socialist. To be fair, about two thirds of the democrats in Congress are also members of the DSA. So Bernie just may be more honest than most of the congressional democrats.

Bernie Sanders’ stump speeches include statements about the US Mexico border and immigrants, legal and illegal, that make Trump sound like an open borders guy. I’ve seen this described as “nativist” behavior. That is a modern code word for nationalist. Bernie Sanders is a Nationlist Socialist who continously expresses his concern for the workers. If that is what you are looking for in a modern democrat, you need to review your early to mid 20th century history

Catching up

Catching up on a bunch of stuff that caught my eye on the Interwebs.

Poll data shows that liberals are less patriotic.  No surprise here.

In Obamerica, the DHS considers Americans who believe in the civil rights of the individual more dangerous than Islamofascists that actually kill Americans.

RESEARCHER REAFFIRMS: AT LEAST 760,000 DEFENSIVE GUN USES A YEAR.  “Gun Control” fanatics are in denial of the settled science.

The Obama  White House Says They Will Not Release IRS Documents On Tea Party Targeting…   Y’all know that the whole “most transparent administration ever” thing was just another lie Obama told to get the useful idiots to vote for him.  This is just another example of his flipping off the American people.

What is the difference between fascism and progressive ideology? If you don’t know the answer to this, you can probably blame a public school teacher who identifies as a progressive.  Both “are very hostile to individualism, especially in the field of economics.”

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