When talking to democrats about the economy…

August 16, 2018 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, economy, Obama Economy, Politics 

…keep in mind that most of them don’t know the difference between a Kenyan and a Keynesian.


Note that the only one leftist in the clip who actually knows what a Keynesian is.  He is also clearly stoned off his gourd, so he is probably enjoying the protest more than most.

Round Up Post

Time to clear out all the tabs on my browser again.

Let’s lead with this article from the Foundation for Economic Education. It points out what is wrong with Trumps claims about manufacturing jobs, and how to fix the problem.  It goes on to point out that Trump is the moderate on the subject when compared to Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders.  Sanders is completely divorced from reality on the subject, and his “solutions” have the high probability of making the thing he wants to fix even worse.

Socialists in America, like Bernie Sanders, used to point to Venezuela as the modern example of how socialism works. No so much anymore.  Probably because socialism has created a Humanitarian disaster in Venezuela.

On the subject of 2016 Presidential candidates, the Washington Post reports that the FBI is granting immunity to person who set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server.  In legal circles, this is what is known as a “bad sign.”

Modern Healthcare has a report on the Illinois Obamacare program.  I’ll give you the short version, they operated at a $90.8 million loss in 2015.  Remember back before the so-called “Affordable Care Act” was passed in the middle of the night right before Congress left Washington for Christmas?  Come on, you remember. It was done using a procedure that even the democrats own resident high ranking Klansman objected to, in order to avoid a vote in the Senate.  Something to do with the democrat stronghold of Massachusetts electing a Republican expressly to vote against Obamacare.  There were some people, mainly those who had actually read the ACA, who objected to it, claiming it was economically unviable.  They were uniformly called “racists”, which we now know means “anyone who disagrees with a democrat.”

Bill Clinton is on the campaign trail trashing Obama’s handling of the so-called economic recovery.  Something he has in common with Bernie Sanders.  What he is short on is how Hillary is going to a better job from federal prison.

The American Thinker points out that NPR doesn’t want to actually admit in their in article on how Obamacare is a failure that Obamacare is a failure.


5 Economic Myths That Just Won’t Die

March 9, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: economy, Politics 

A dose of economic reality from the Foundation for Economic Education.  Read the whole article for the facts.  I’ll just list the five debunked myths here.

Myth 1. The idea that economic growth helps the poor is trickle-down economics … it doesn’t actually help them.

Myth 2. Free trade doesn’t lead to better economic outcomes in the real world.

Myth 3. The government ended child labor. In a free market, child labor would still exist.

Myth 4. Countries like Sweden and Denmark prove that high taxes don’t harm economic growth.

Myth 5. Capitalism isn’t economically superior to socialism.

I’m going close with a few quotes from a former President who would be driven out of the modern democrat party on a rail.

“Every dollar that released from taxation, that is spent or invested, will create a new job and a new salary”

“It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now … Cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus.”

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”

The former President  I quoted was John F. Kennedy.  The NRA Life Member who was shot and killed by a member of the ACLU.