Friday B-Movie Pick: Justice League: Gods and Monsters

January 22, 2016 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Comics, Movies, Science Fiction 

Justice League: Gods and Monsters
Yet another example of excellence from DC Comics animated movie team.  This is an alternate universe where the Justice League is made up three, and I use the term loosely, heroes.  Superman is the son of General Zod, not Jor-el, Batman is a vampire (created by Science!), and Wonder Woman is one of the New Gods.  All them have no issues what so ever in killing bad guys.  Just to set the tone for this universe a bit more firmly, Amanda Waller is President.  Ya, it’s a dark reflection of the DC Universe.  Things only get worse when the Justice League starts getting framed for killing scientists.  In the end, it’s a wake up call for the League, with some help from Lex Luthor, who seems to be crossed with Stephen Hawking in this setting.

Friday B-Movie Archive

Nice Product Placement

September 13, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Baen Books, Comics, Science Fiction 

Damon has a copy of Michael Z. Williamson‘s new book, Rogue, on the couch.

Quote of the Day

February 13, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Comics, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

Excellent lecture from Sam of Day by Day:

“…progressives are basically old cross-dressing boomer socialist decked out in your party dress, masquerading as ‘the people’, and hold out the same old, dead, withered 100 year old hands of Marx and Engels.

Britain, France, Germany have all renounced it, and it’s no surprise that that the three biggest bankrupt U.S. states are blue – California, Illinois, and New York.

Sorry, but progressives and multiculturalism are out-dated, incompetent, and well… kinda gross.

After two years of total control by democrat-progressives, we can all see how they match up to reality, n’cest-ce pas?

A President promising efficient government triples the deficit, and blows 3 Trillion with zero result except for 10.3 percent unemployment.

An Attorney General of the Justice Department so riddled with racism he won’t prosecute an open and shut case regarding the Black Panthers.

A Homeland Security head who can only sue states who try and secure the borders she’s responsible for.

Political pundits who claim people haven’t the intelligence to understand the Constitution because it’s ‘100 years old’.

A CIA chief who says he gets the latest intel from CNN – Jan, one could go on for hours…”

If you are not reading Day by Day, you should be.

DaybyDay Creator interviews

August 17, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Comics, Politics 

Ed Driscoll interviews Chris Muir, creator of the Day by Day Cartoon.

Archie’s decision is out.

May 28, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Comics 

Here is the news straight from Archie Comics.

Starting with issue #600, there will be a six part story titled “Archie marries Veronica.”
Issue #600 is part one, “The Proposal.

The cover art shows Betty standing outside the jewelry store, where Archie is on one knee and Veronica is saying “Yes!”. Betty is clearly crying and yes, you Hooper X fans out there, Jughead is outside too and he looks a little broken up.

A major change to a bedrock of American culture

May 24, 2009 by · 7 Comments
Filed under: Comics 

After decades of chasing both Betty and Veronica, Archie Andrews is going to propose to someone is September 2009!

This should be bigger than the Archie/Punisher cross over book!