About that leftist double standard…
Muir nails it.
Filed under: Media Bias, Politics, When democrats attack
Ayn Rand Meets Charles Schultz
John Cox points out the illusion
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Taxes
Yup, The spending and the taxes are real.
The Recovery? Not so much…
DaybyDay Creator interviews
Ed Driscoll interviews Chris Muir, creator of the Day by Day Cartoon.
Monday Book Pick: Fur and Loafing in Yosemite
Fur and Loafing in Yosemite by Phil Frank
The story of a family of bears in Yosemite National Park and how they deal with nature, campers and the National Park Staff. Very funny stuff. If you have ever been to Yosemite National Park, you will recognize a lot of what he’s poking fun at.
Funny even if you haven’t been there!
Cox & Forkum are back
The political cartoonist team of Cox & Forkum are back, at least for one new cartoon.
This one illustrates the truth behind our Dear Leader’s plan for massively increasing the size of government.
From The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights: Obama’s Backward Economics by Yaron Brook.
“Barack Obama claims that Americans can only stave off economic disaster by trillions in government spending–which means trillions of dollars taxed or borrowed to finance government make-work programs,” said Yaron Brook, executive director of the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights. “Obama-nomics couldn’t be more wrong. “Prosperity requires that the government drastically cut government spending. That way, as much real capital as possible will remain in private hands, and be put to productive use by entrepreneurs to create valuable goods and services to sell at home and abroad. By taxing and inflating our wealth away, Obama will simply be creating more of the crushing debt that brought about the current crisis.”