Monday Book Pick: What is Self-Defense: Kenpo Jui-Jitsu
What is Self-Defense: Kenpo Jiu-Jitsu by James Mitose
This classic is back in print. My copy was printed in the early 1980s. The original was printed back in 1953. Most of the Keno/Kempo taught in the United States traces directly back to James Mitose, and the most famous of his students, William Chow.
Round Up Post
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, economy, Obama Economy, Politics, Progressives, Uncategorized
Hey Bernie, I left Venezuela’s socialism behind for a reason
Obama Administration to Revise Total GDP Growth Down 2% Not much a surprise here. The Obama Economy is the worst recovery since the Great Depression.
Radiohead Listening Party in Istanbul Attacked by Islamists No going out to clubs, drinking alcohol, and having fun. It might upset Muslims.
After Orlando the Left Attacks The Usual Wrong Suspects
Why the “Lone Wolf” Terrorist is a myth. It takes a village to raise an Islamic terrorist.
Monday Book Pick: Fire With Fire
Fire With Fire by Charles E. Gannon
A near future SciFi adventure that reminds me favorably of Dr. Pournelle’s Future History stories. Smart characters, deep secrets nested inside other secrets, action, aliens, and more action. It sets the stage for multiple sequels, which is a good thing.