Friday B-Movie Pick: Bullet to the Head

February 28, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Movies, Video 

Bullet to the Head

Sylvester Stallone may be in his mid sixties, but he can still pay a convincing bad ass. He plays a career criminal who has worked his way up to professional assassin. The story starts with his latest employer deciding to kill him and his partner rather than pay them. His partner was killed and that really pissed him off. He ends up teaming up with an out of town cop investigating his ex-partner murder. Ok, the cop knows that Stallone character killed him, but he wants the man who paid him. Excellent fight scenes and the acting was pretty decent as well. Christian Slater as the other name actor, and is does a good job playing a crooked lawyer. The other actor I recognized was the big barbarian guy from Star Gate: Atlantis. He was delightfully bad ass himself as a mercenary working for the chief evil bad guy. In all it was a fun action flick. Well worth the rental and popcorn.

Friday B-Movie Archive

Instructional Video

February 20, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Politics, Progressives, RKBA, Video 

This video is very instructive on just how the left “argues.”

After the progressive leftist Joe Klein babbles on about a “national sugar rush”, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin points out that his theory has been disproved by actual research on the subject.  Firearm related violence has gone down over the past 40 years and, the federal ten year ban on certain semi-automatic rifles inflicted on law abiding US citizens had no effect on violent crimes committed with semi-automatic rifles (crimes committed with semi-automatic rifles didn’t go down during the ban and they didn’t go up after it ended).

How did the members of the “reality based” progressive left react to actual facts from carefully researched data?

They denied reality and repeated their talking points.  Which is fairly consistent behavior pattern for “progressive” leftists. Reality is less important than their political agenda.

Keep in mind they are discussing the Colorado theater shooting.  It came out later that the murderer was a progressive leftist.  A staunch supporter of the so-called “occupy” movement and a volunteer campaign working for Barack Hussein Obama.  It’s a fairly safe bet that he is politically aligned with Joe Klein.

The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds

Kudos to CSPAN and YouTube, which brings us the words of Senate democrat “leader” Harry Reid from 2006.

Yup, Harry Reid is calling raising the federal limit to $ 9 trillion is the last thing we should do, because it will weaken the country, and hurt the economy.

Was Harry Reid telling the truth or engaging in hyper-partisan political demagoguery because there was a Republican in the White House at the time.   Given his record, if Harry Reid was telling the truth, it was purely by accident.

WORDS MATTER: Original Obama Un-narrated Documentary/Review (in his own words)

September 27, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video 

The Devil went up to Boston

June 18, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Humor, Video 

In Georgia, the Devil bet a fiddle of gold for Johnny’s soul.

In Boston, the going market price for a soul is a lottery ticket and a pack of cigarettes.

Quote of the Day

Obama the Uniter!: Bringing together a coalition of the badly misinformed, the dangerously naive, the fundamentally stupid, and the downright corrupt.

Gentleman, I give you Senator Ted Cruz

May 7, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics, Video 

Here is Senator Ted Cruz, a skilled and gifted speaker, an accomplished lawyer and a class act.

He is responding to a statement made by Harry Reid, democrat from Nevada. Harry Reid is a hyper-partisan demagogue.  If the truth ever came out of his lips, it was because some shred of decency entered his body by mistake and has successfully escaped the rotting cesspool of darkness that is what is left of Reid’s soul.

Some true words on the US economy and entitlement spending.

May 7, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: economy, Obama Economy, Politics, Video 

Some true words on the US economy and entitlement spending.

He’s not bluffing



He’s not bluffing people.  Remember what he said October 30, 2008: “…we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

This may not be the change you were hoping for, but it is the change a bunch of moonbats and the woefully ignorant voted for.

Let’s not forget this quote from Valerie Jarrett, the woman who tells Obama how many times he can shake his dick after he pees.


In case you missed it, what she said was, “”It is important that President-elect Obama is prepared to really take power and be ready to rule day one.”

Not govern, not lead, but rule.  Welcome to the “enlightened” second term of our Dear Leader, where he will continue to avoid dealing with the economy, or congress, and implement his vision through executive orders and oppressive regulations.

Video of the Day: Obamacin Side Effects

November 5, 2012 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video 

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