“Gun control laws are like OSHA for criminals. When criminals have guns and their victims don’t, crime becomes a safer occupation. In some countries with strict gun-control laws, burglars enter houses while people are still at home several times as often as that happens in the United States.”
First, let’s take a look at our Dear Leader’s former city of residence, Chicago. This is where he made his mark as a “community organizer”, found religion at Rev. Wright’s weekly sermons laced with hate speech, became a state senator, met and married his beard, and where the two daughters were born. In that tribute to over fifty years of straight democrat reign, more than 40 people were shot last weekend. That included four dead. One of which was an eleven year old girl at sleep over. In case you didn’t know this fact already, Chicago has some of the strictest “gun control” laws in the country. This illustrates why they are more accurately called “victim disarmament” laws.
“Almost everyday someone on MSNBC wets himself over the fact a free citizen somewhere is carrying a gun. Their proposed solution: the State should better enforce its monopoly on violence.”
This video is very instructive on just how the left “argues.”
After the progressive leftist Joe Klein babbles on about a “national sugar rush”, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin points out that his theory has been disproved by actual research on the subject. Firearm related violence has gone down over the past 40 years and, the federal ten year ban on certain semi-automatic rifles inflicted on law abiding US citizens had no effect on violent crimes committed with semi-automatic rifles (crimes committed with semi-automatic rifles didn’t go down during the ban and they didn’t go up after it ended).
How did the members of the “reality based” progressive left react to actual facts from carefully researched data?
They denied reality and repeated their talking points. Which is fairly consistent behavior pattern for “progressive” leftists. Reality is less important than their political agenda.
Keep in mind they are discussing the Colorado theater shooting. It came out later that the murderer was a progressive leftist. A staunch supporter of the so-called “occupy” movement and a volunteer campaign working for Barack Hussein Obama. It’s a fairly safe bet that he is politically aligned with Joe Klein.
San Francisco is pretty diverse, it even has pro-Second Amendment liberal democrats. These folks are pretty far left wackos despite this one gleam of sanity in the world view. Hell, they don’t like our Dear Leader because he’s “too conservative” in their view. Probably upset he hasn’t rounded up Republicans and shipped them off to death re-education camps yet.
Here is a question that many law abiding citizens who have actually read the Constitution ask themselves, “My next AR, build or buy?”
Can’t leave the epic Charlie Fox known as Obamacare off the list. “Glitches” in the bloody website are still rampant, leaving many without coverage. Keep in mind, that in the time it took the Obama administration to build a really crappy website, America build almost 100 aircraft carriers during WWII. Plus the aircraft for the carriers, and the support vessels, and trained the crews.
“25 states allow anyone to buy a gun, strap it on, and walk down the street with no permit of any kind: some says it’s crazy. However, four out of five US murders are committed in the other half of the country: So who’s crazy?”