Round Up Post
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics, RKBA, Romney
Former adult film actress Jenna Jameson nails the difference between the first tweets made on September 11 by Gov. Mitt Romney and our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama. They clearly show that one is a true leader with concern for America and has a real connection to the American people. The other is a sleazy political hack from Chicago.
The democrats’ War on Women is still in full frontal assault mode. As I have pointed out before, if you want to know what the left is up to, just review what they are accusing their opponents of.
In a Civil Rights victory, voter-ID is the law of the land in Wisconsin for the November elections.
Quote of the Day
“Never been a Romney fan. I actively dislike John McCain. Good grief, we’d be in so much better shape if either of them had been elected…”
Quote of the Day
Obama said his opponent was “stuck in a Cold War mind warp.” Clinton, then Secretary of State, offered her two cents, saying, “In many of the areas where we are working to solve problems, Russia has been an ally.”
Biden added that “This is not 1956.”
Debate roundup
Filed under: Media Bias, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Romney
MSNBC’s Handpicked Panel of Undecided Voters Breaks Hard For Romney
CNN’s so called “moderator” Candy Crowley Admits Romney Was Right On Libya After All
Our Dear Leader spoke of his support for the former federal ban on semi-automatic rifles used in less than 0.1% of crimes while trying desperately to ignore any reference to his Fast and Furious program that gave that class of rifles to Mexican drug gangs.
One of the supposedly “independent” voters asked about unequal pay between men and women, but either didn’t know or wouldn’t bring up the fact that women in the Obama White House are paid less than men doing the same work.
More later.
Update: Election Roundtable: The Libya Debate Debacle and Why the Buck Does Not Stop with Obama
Debate Prediction
Our Dear Leader‘s political handers have broke the news to him that he is loosing the independent vote and probably won’t get it back.
His one hope is to try and motivate what was his base four years ago to venture out of their parent’s basement in three weeks and if they remember that it’s election day, make the effort to actually get to their local polling place, if they can remember where that is.
Barry can’t run on his record, so he has to go in attack mode in order to fire up his former base, most of which have figured out that he wasn’t the change they were hoping for.
Liberal Logic
“I’m not going to vote for Gov. Romney because he has the same views on same sex marriage that Barack Hussein Obama did when I voted for him.
Quote of the Day
“Bain Capital. Isn’t that where Romney was running a successful business while Obama was somewhere getting high all the time?”