Archive for June, 2016
Saturday, June 25th, 2016
Mr. Right
A delightful romantic comedy with plenty of violence mixed in for flavor. Anna Kendrick plays a quirky young woman who picked the T-Rex as her spirit animal at a young age. She meets “Mr. Right”, played by Sam Rockwell, and they quickly fall for each other. Rockwell’s character is a former CIA assassin who has gone bizarrely free lance. He also wears a clown nose when killing people. Yes, he is slightly crazy, as is Kendrick’s character. Throw in Tim Roth as the crazy hitman’s former partner trying to track him down, and RZA as some local New Orleans muscle with great potential, and you have a fun little B-Movie.
Friday B-Movie Archive
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Friday, June 24th, 2016
“I am for a government rigorously frugal & simple, applying all the possible savings of the public revenue to the discharge of the national debt; and not for a multiplication of officers & salaries merely to make partisans, & for increasing, by every device, the public debt, on the principle of it’s being a public blessing.”
— Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States of America
Posted in American History, History, Politics | No Comments »
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016
“Must be encouraging to Jihadists all over the world: they can murder our people on our soil, and our President will blame the GOP and NRA.”
— Buck Sexton
Posted in Our Dear Leader, Politics, RKBA | No Comments »
Tuesday, June 21st, 2016
Liberty 1784 by Robert Conroy
Another excellent alternate history from the late Robert Conroy. In this one, history changed when the British Navy defeated the French convoy sent to support the American in their bid for independence. The British army is reinforced at Yorktown, and Washington’s army is defeated. Things don’t go well for the defeated Americans: George Washington is taken to London, tried for treason, and beheaded at the Tower of London (which how the book starts); many members of Congress, including John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, are captured and sentenced to hard labor as slaves in Caribbean. Members of the American army are branded, and are ill treated by the Tories and the British Troops still in the colonies. Many surviving patriots went west, to towns like Liberty. These included people still wanted by the British, such as John Hancock and Ben Franklin. In order to root out the last bits of rebellion, the British gather a large force to enter the wilderness and destroy Liberty.
Liberty is a hard thing to destroy it turns out.
Monday Book Pick Archive
Posted in Baen Books, Monday Book Pick, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Sunday, June 19th, 2016
From AoSHQ:Gay Latino Trump Supporter: So I Tried to Exercise My Freedom of Assembly. I Got My Nose Broken By Bands of Roving Thugs as Police Sat On Their Hands and Silently Cheered.
Hey Bernie, I left Venezuela’s socialism behind for a reason
Obama Administration to Revise Total GDP Growth Down 2% Not much a surprise here. The Obama Economy is the worst recovery since the Great Depression.
Radiohead Listening Party in Istanbul Attacked by Islamists No going out to clubs, drinking alcohol, and having fun. It might upset Muslims.
After Orlando the Left Attacks The Usual Wrong Suspects
Why the “Lone Wolf” Terrorist is a myth. It takes a village to raise an Islamic terrorist.
Posted in Barking Moonbats, economy, Obama Economy, Politics, Progressives, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Sunday, June 12th, 2016
Confirmed: Couric’s Crew Violated Federal Gun Laws Not much of a surprise here. We knew she was a lying far left extremist pretending to be an actual journalist.
Seven Awesome Conservative Lifehacks
Our Dear Leader wants to jack the federal gas tax through the roof.
Public Employees Unions Facilitate Corruption Another statement that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention.
A peek at the what the coming race war the far left is promoting
The democrats are building a wall around their convention center. Yes, the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds, as the Fake Indian squatting in the seat of a Massachusetts senator points out.
Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified Yes folks, Hillary Rodham Clinton has broken federal law, and should be brought up on charges. Let’s see if our Dear Leader will pay attention to the Rule of Law this time…
Let’s not forget the Clinton University scandal the MSM/DNC isn’t talking about.
Posted in Clintons, Culture of Corruption, Media Bias, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Progressives, Taxes | No Comments »
Monday, June 6th, 2016
Code of Conduct by Brad Thor
Scott Harvath is back and the bad guys are even badder. Uber-rich eugenicists are out to trim the planetary population, especially those people they don’t think are genetically suited for continued life on the planet. Norseman takes names,and kills bad guys. It’s good solid adventure pulp, which is a good thing.
Monday Book Pick Archive
Posted in Monday Book Pick, Pulp | No Comments »