Another component of Sander’s speeches
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, economy, Obama Economy, Politics, Progressives
I’ve mentioned before that Sander’s stump speeches on the topic of immigration are even more hard lined, on both legal and illegal immigration, than Donald Trump’s stance on the subject.
There are two other common themes to a Sander’s speech.
The first sounds a lot like Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign. One of the major catch phrases of that campaign was, “It’s the economy, stupid!” The brilliant James Carville gets credit for that. For those of you who don’t remember the early 1990’s, in Q492, when the election was held, the US had just come out of a recession. When the President at the time, George H.W. Bush, correctly stated that the recession was over, and the recovery was starting, the Clinton team would go into full attack mode, calling him a liar. Since the recovery had just started, the effects were not wildly felt. This tactic was wildly successful for Clinton, especially since the economy really was starting to recover, and he got to take credit for something that was already happening after he took office.
Bernie Sanders is pounding the pulpit and telling people not to believe the economic news coming from the Obama White House. Obama is telling you that unemployment is 5.6%, and Bernie is telling it’s 10.7%. Thing is that they are both quoting the current federal Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers. Barry is using the more commonly used U3 number. Bernie is using the U6 number, which is considered by rational economists to be a more accurate indicator.
If you have read my previous posts about the Obama Economy, you would think I’m siding with Bernie on this. I have to admit, the self identified Socialist does have a point. The so-called “recovery” has been going on for just over five years now, and it has been described everywhere from CNBC to NPR as “lackluster” and “jobless.” With a U3 of 5.6%, we should be damn close to “full employment”, yet the number of people not in the work force is at levels we haven’t seen since the deep recession of the late 1970s. Barry’s policies have managed to kill most of the economic gain that you typically get coming out of a recession.
While Sanders may be right about our Dear Leader‘s handling of the economy, odds are he will screw it up even more with his socialist economic policies.
Trump & Sanders
You hear the MSM/DNC slamming Donald Trump over and over again because of his stance on immigration, both legal and illegal.The silence of the same “out raged”, so-called reporters regarding Bernie Sanders (Socialist-VT), is deafening. Sanders is actually more hardlined on immigration, both legal and illegal, than Trump, yet he gets a pass.
It could be because with HRC and her criminal behavior regarding classified material is sucking up all the air time. That probably isn’t it. What little coverage it getting on most “News Organizations” is limited to recycling the Clinton Campaign press releases on the subject. Check out the stories NPR is pushing on the subject for an example.
What I really think scares the dedicated leftists with press credientials is both Trump and Sanders are rising the polls with what they consider an “extremist view.” That the U.S. immigration laws should actually be enforced.
That is a message that is polling really, really well with Americans of both parties, especially those in the likely voter category.
The left’s problem with Free Speech
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Free Speech, Politics, Progressives
The progressive left has never been a fan of the whole “Freedom of Speech” thing. Oh, they sing it’s praises as long as they are the ones doing the talking, but as soon as anybody else tries to express an opinion they disagree with, it’s all “hate speech”, or not “politically correct”, or the current favorite, “racist.” It’s even worse on what should be bastions of free expression, college campuses. There they have “Speech Codes”, and “Free Speech Zones.” Neither of which seem to apply to anyone who is spouting the far left’s extremist agenda.
Quote of the day
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Clintons, Culture of Corruption, Politics, Progressives
“The earnestly naive Bernie Sanders is who the Democratic party wants to be. The corrupt and venal Hillary Clinton is who they are.”
— AlphabetShoe
Let’s be honest here. Bernie Sanders may caucus with the democrats in the Senate, but he is not a member of the democrat party. The so called “mainstream media” calls him an “independant.” He calls himself a socialist. To be fair, about two thirds of the democrats in Congress are also members of the DSA. So Bernie just may be more honest than most of the congressional democrats.
Bernie Sanders’ stump speeches include statements about the US Mexico border and immigrants, legal and illegal, that make Trump sound like an open borders guy. I’ve seen this described as “nativist” behavior. That is a modern code word for nationalist. Bernie Sanders is a Nationlist Socialist who continously expresses his concern for the workers. If that is what you are looking for in a modern democrat, you need to review your early to mid 20th century history