Catching up
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Culture of Corruption, Free Speech, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Progressives, RKBA, Tea Party
Catching up on a bunch of stuff that caught my eye on the Interwebs.
Poll data shows that liberals are less patriotic. No surprise here.
RESEARCHER REAFFIRMS: AT LEAST 760,000 DEFENSIVE GUN USES A YEAR. “Gun Control” fanatics are in denial of the settled science.
The Obama White House Says They Will Not Release IRS Documents On Tea Party Targeting… Y’all know that the whole “most transparent administration ever” thing was just another lie Obama told to get the useful idiots to vote for him. This is just another example of his flipping off the American people.
What is the difference between fascism and progressive ideology? If you don’t know the answer to this, you can probably blame a public school teacher who identifies as a progressive. Both “are very hostile to individualism, especially in the field of economics.”
NPR joins the “War on Women”
I caught a bit of the NPR Sunday Quiz/Talk show today. One of the hosts was mocking one of the Republican presidential candidates’ comment about having a “rotating First Lady” if elected. The candidate in question is unmarried.
The so-called “Liberal”, probably a “Progressive”, democrat hosting the show immediately asked if the rotation would be like a rotisserie chicken or a slab of beef on a rotating pedestal, so “slices of First Lady” could be carved off as needed.
It is not surprising that the leftist’s first inclination was to equate a woman to a piece of meat. As I have pointed out before, if you want to know what the extremist left is doing, just look to what they are accusing their enemies of. Case in point, the alleged “War on Women” they accuse anybody to the right of Chairman Mao of conducting.
In addition to this “progressive” democrat doing what fascists do, dehumanize their foes, you can add the following to the extreme far left’s “War on Women.”
- Conservative women who dare to speak at college campuses need to hire bodyguards to protect themselves from the “tolerant and open minded” leftists on campus.
- A CNN Talking Head by the name of Carol Costello, found an attack on Gov. Sarah Palin’ daughter humorous
- The coordinated attack, lead by Hillary Rodham Clinton, on every women who dared to speak up after being sexually assaulted (including rape), by her husband Bill Clinton.
- A South Carolina democrat referred to Gov. Haley a “whore.”
Feel free to add to the list. There are plenty more examples.
Quote of the Day
“Liberal racism is nothing new, of course — in fact, it’s perfectly normal. Drive around white Los Angeles all day and you will rarely, if ever, see a black face, and the only Mexicans you’ll encounter will be maids and gardeners. “Diversity,” it seems, is for other people”
A leftist gets mugged by reality
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Progressives
I’ve often said that reality is not a strong point of the left. Their narrative is much more important to them than actual facts.
This refusal to accept reality can produce painful results. Today’s example (by way of Moe Lane & the Instapundit)
It was pointed out, repeatedly, by people who actually read the so-called “Affordable Care Act”, that it was a disaster waiting to happen. People were going to lose coverage, prices would go up, and access to actual affordable health care would decline.
Rather than face these facts that inconveniently disagreed with their socialist narrative, the collective left called those who actually read the bill, “racists,” which was certainly easier than reading the bill for themselves.
Now, not only does this leftist idiot not have health care coverage, she is going to get fined by the government she helped to elect, for not having it. In addition, she inflicted this disaster of a law on millions of Americans who didn’t want it.
Corrupt democrat Leland Yee in the News again
Via Breitbart comes this report:
California State Senator Leland Yee, who has been charged with wire fraud and conspiring to import firearms, may be facing new charges from the federal government. Although U.S. Attorney Susan Badger said that the government “is anxious to start discovery,” the government stated that there will be additional charges in a superseding indictment.
Leland Yee, a prominent democrat, was the odds on favorite to win the Secretary of State race.
Along with many other democrats, Lee is currently charged with multiple counts of corruption. Leland Yee was also charged with illegal gun running. The anti-civil rights activist wanted to disarm the law abiding, while supplying fully automatic weapons and shoulder fired missiles, purchased from Islamic terrorists, to his friends in the Tong.
Leland Yee, the face of the modern democrat party
Filed under: American History, Culture of Corruption, Politics
If you depended on the MSM for your news, you probably never heard of Leland Yee. OK, he was on Piers Morgan’s show a lot, but given the ratings his recently cancelled CNN show had, I’ll stand by my statement. Leland Yee is a California State Senator, and like the majority of that body, a democrat. He was a very prominent and influential member of the California democrat party. He was running for the position of Secretary of State, and was considered a ‘shoe in’ for the position. He was also one of the state senate’s most vocal proponents for massive restrictions of the Constitutional rights of Californians.
Then he was arrested, along with numerous other democrat politicians, on charges of fraud and corruption. Leland Yee had an additional charge brought against him, gun running. This prominent California democrat, who was very vocal in his stance that law abiding citizens had no rights to legally own firearms, was trying to smuggle fully automatic firearms and shoulder fired missiles from Islamic terrorists, which he was then going to give to his contacts in the Tong (Chinese organized crime).
While this does look like typical leftist hypocrisy, Leland Yee’s actions are actually very much in the tradition of the democrat party. Remember that that the very first “gun control” laws in the United States were passed by democrats in southern states, right after the Civil War ended. The democrats didn’t like the new citizens, which they still considered property, shooting back, when the democrats para-military wing came to burn down their homes and hang them.
Mr. Yee wanted the law abiding citizens to be disarmed, while his friends the Tong had the firepower to destroy armored police vehicles. Mr. Yee’s actions were keeping with the established traditions of the democrat party. No wonder he was so popular with the heavily democrat California electorate.
Popular Mechanics has a story entitled:Who’s Packing What: The Weapons in the Leland Yee Scandal. Here is bit of information that shouldn’t be a spoiler. Yee didn’t want law abiding citizens to own any of the weapons listed in that article.
Found this delicious bit of spot on snark online:
In 2006, the Brady Campaign named Leland Yee [on their] Gun Violence Prevention Honor Roll.
Perhaps they should have done a background check first.
Quote of the Day
Filed under: American History, Barking Moonbats, Our Dear Leader, Politics
“The key to understanding liberals is realizing that they are immune to argument. The concept underlying the idea of a debate is that facts and reasoning can lead one to change his previous conclusions. But liberals begin with their conclusions; facts and reasoning that may undermine the preexisting conclusion must be at least ignored, if not actively attacked. This is why you see liberals shouting about jailing global warming deniers as blizzards rage outside.
The problem liberals always face is that the world refuses to honor their preconceived notions. Sometimes we get lucky and the liberal wises up, at least a little. For instance, Jimmy Carter woke up to the fact that the Soviet Union was composed of genuine bastards when they invaded Afghanistan, and in fits and starts he took action. This shocking burst of foreign policy competence is almost single-handedly responsible for raising Carter’s ranking on the list of America’s greatest presidents all the way up to 39th. Zombie Millard Fillmore was totally bummed.
Now we are in the almost unimaginable position of looking back at Jimmy Carter as an example of comparatively sure, savvy leadership. The Russians invaded Afghanistan and Carter armed the rebels. The Russians invaded Crimea and Barack Obama went on Ellen to hear the hostess gush about how much America loves Obamacare.”
The Schadenfreude keeps on rolling in…
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics
By way of the VodkaPundit, comes this tale of progressive Obama-cultist woe.
A self-described Obamacare “cheerleader” is upset that she actually has to pay for health care.
“I’ve been a cheerleader for the Affordable Care Act since I heard about it and I assumed that it was designed for people in my situation,” she told KOIN. “I was planning on using the Affordable Care Act and I had done the online calculator in advance to make sure I was going to be able to afford it.”
Her husband works for a non-profit organization that pays for his health care, but the couple is unable to afford to have her and their son covered under his plan. And she’s been told their combined income is too much to qualify for a subsidized health care plan under Cover Oregon.
“It wasn’t until I started the process and got an agent that I started hearing from them I wasn’t going to qualify for subsidies because I qualify on my husband’s insurance,” she told KOIN.
Mr Green sums up this tale of angst and woe:
In other words, Miss Anonymous supported ObamaCare when she thought you were going to pay for it.
Scratch a prog, find a greedy, grubby thief.
One of the comments to the post gets to the heart of the matter:
…the article says the combined income disqualified them from subsidies (in addition to her being eligible for her husband’s plan, I assume). I believe that’s over $94,200. Cost of living aside, that’s decent money.
Now here’s what happened: Husband previously insured everyone on his plan. Obamacare came along and they decided they would drop the wife and child from his policy during open enrollment. The expectation was that, according to the online calculator, they’d be able to get insured free or close to free. This saving the family ~$125 a month. So he dropped them with the expectation that they would have coverage on January 1. Unfortunately for them, the agent actually appeared to do his job and confirmed that their income was too high and she had qualified for her husband’s plan. Now it’s too late to add them back to his policy.
Basically, it’s not that they CAN’T afford it, it’s that they don’t WANT to pay for it – at our expense. I feel sorry for the child. It has to be raised by a couple on unprincipled degenerates.
Why is the media suppressing facts about the latest school shooting?
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Media Bias, Politics, Progressives
Here is what you probably know, kid brings a shotgun to school (a “gun free zone”) and shoots another student before killing himself. The student he shot later died from her wounds inflicted by the kid who ignored the numerous victim disarmament laws in place.
Here is something you probably haven’t heard, because it doesn’t fit the media narrative. One of the law flaunting murder’s fellow students described him as “a very opinionated Socialist.” He also was, like our Dear Leader, a Keynesian.
He was also a strong proponent of so-called “gun control” laws. Yet, he decided to advance his political views through the barrel of a gun. Guess that makes him a good progressive.
Which is the message the “traditional” main stream media doesn’t want getting out.
Now imagine how they would have handled this story if this murderer had political leans anywhere to the right of center.
A twofer for Barry
Our Dear Leader has racked up two new awards.
First, the left leaning Politico picked his signature line, “If like your health insurance, you can keep it,” as the 2013 Lie of the Year.
Then, the Washington Post selected Barry’s same signature line as the “Biggest Pinocchio” of the Year.
It is quite telling that the President who promised the “most transparent administration ever”, has his signature line about his signature policy, selected by two separate news organizations as the biggest lie of 2013. To be fair, the “most transparent administration ever” promise was a huge lie also.
Update: Obama’s Epic Fib About the NSA
Update: Into Year 6, Obama admits he’s clueless
Update: Two sources point out that Politico rated their “Lie of the Year” as true before the 2012 election.