“Almost everyday someone on MSNBC wets himself over the fact a free citizen somewhere is carrying a gun. Their proposed solution: the State should better enforce its monopoly on violence.”
Obama’s favorite water carrier struck again on CNN’s State of the Nation when she actually had the gall to try to compare Bergdahl’s desertion with the capture and torture of John McCain at the hands of Vietnamese communists.
Now let us take a look at some of the mis-information MSNBC is passing on to it’s core audience of low information voters. Hot Hair has a couple of videos that illustrate how MSNBC carefully edits the information they pass to their viewers in order to advance their left wing extremist political agenda. In the first video, the MSNBC talking heads go to great length to imply that Senator Cruz lacks a basic understanding of the Heller case, as well as a basic understanding of the Constitution itself. In order to promote their politically motivated commentary, they have to ignore what Senator Cruz said in the second video, which is from the same hearing they are attacking him over! In the second clip, Senator Cruz notes that he argued the Heller case before the Supreme Court (which he won), and shreds the case the MSNBC talking heads tried to make. Just to add insult to injury, one of the MSNBC talking heads, who is supposed to be their token conservative, accuses the NRA of playing games with language for using the correct term “semi-automatic” rifle instead of the nonsense term “Assault Weapon.” Anyone who has bother to do the basic research on the subject would know that the term “Assault Weapon” was coined by victim disarmament activist Josh Sugarman. He deliberately wanted to confuse people by implying that semi-automatic weapons were fully automatic weapons that have been under strict federal regulation since 1936.
Another example is Rachel Maddow, supposedly the “smart” one at MSNBC attacking House Minority Leader Boehner for, correctly, stating that US Constitution has a preamble. Here is a video of Maddow claiming that the US Constitution doesn’t have a preamble.
My theory is that Maddow really is aware that the Constitution has a preamble, but is smart enough to know that most of her core audience aren’t the type to actually read the US Constitution. Even the ever so small minority of those viewers who are aware that she made a mistake, wouldn’t admit it, since it goes against their political agenda. For the left, their political agenda always trumps the truth.
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell is desperately trying to get the Obama campaign talking points out there, but that “Evil Republican” John Sununu keeps insisting on using actual facts!
“MSNBC is less a news provider than a carousel of liberal opinion…”
This is not a surprise to anyone paying attention. Really, the head of MSNBC admitted that he was going to “out Fox Fox”, but from the far extreme left. It was a business decision in order boost their ratings out of dead last in the cable new race.
Kudos to him because it worked. MSNBC is still way, way behind Fox News in the ratings, but has passed CNN.
File under yet another example of how bad liberals are at history. Perhaps that is because they tend to rewrite it in a blatantly Orwellian fashion to fit whatever they think will assist their next grab at the brass ring of power, but I digress slightly. The topic at hand is in your face ignorance of the party that is constantly telling you how stupid anybody who dares disagree with them are.
Given that MSNBC’s business plan is to “out fox Fox News, but from the extreme left”, it is doubtful that there is a single Republican or conservative in that list of people involved in the production of the so-called “news segment” in question. One possible explanation is that the entire crew is so indoctrinated in the liberal “group think” or “herd mentality”, that none dared question the obvious and glaring error. A large C Conservative or Libertarian would have stood up and pointed out the error. The leftists have been conditioned not to question authority from “their betters.”
Hardly surprising was that MSNBC “commentator” and far left extremist, Rachal Maddow was stanch and aggressive supporter of Rep. Weiner as he lied to the press, his constituents, his staff, his wife and the rest of the world every time he opened his mouth.