What did Maddow know and when did she know it.
Hardly surprising was that MSNBC “commentator” and far left extremist, Rachal Maddow was stanch and aggressive supporter of Rep. Weiner as he lied to the press, his constituents, his staff, his wife and the rest of the world every time he opened his mouth.
Maddow put forth every moonbat conspiracy theory on exactly Weiner was hacked by an evil “vast right wing conspiracy” posted on the DailyKos, every single one of them were empirically proven wrong BTW, as the “Gospel Truth”tm.
Not that Maddow let the actual truth slow her down. She is now trying to down play the whole thing with her sex scandal chart
The real question, however, is “What did Maddow know and when did she know it?
One of Weiner Cyber-Mistresses had contacted the Maddow show back on June 3, 2011. The Maddow show wanted nothing to do with this information. Perhaps if the Cyber-Mistress had said the dirt was on a Republican, the Maddow team would have been all over it. Or was it the last thing they wanted to, ahem, touch was news about a political sex scandal right when the democrat party‘s attack congressman’s online habits were just hitting the news?
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