Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

The Cult of Obama

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

I refer to hardcore extremist Obama supporters as cultists. I prefer this term to “O-Bots” or “Moonbats”, because it is more descriptive of the behavior exhibited. You can observe them dropping their supposedly “core beliefs” as soon as they become in conflict with their devoted worship of our Dear Leader. The so-called “Peace movement” for example. Our Dear Leader followed the Bush timetable in Iraq, doubled down in Afghanistan, and started the unprecedented Drone War. Yet to the Obama cultists, Bush & Cheney are still “War Criminals” while Barry is making America “more loved” throughout the world. This is despite the growing military threat of Communist China, the North Korean and Iranian nuclear programs, Islamofascists taking over in the Middle East after the so called “Arab Spring, Russia walking away from missile defense treaties, and Al Qaeda murdering an US Ambassador.

I had one Obama cultists flat out deny that the US Congress has failed to produce a budget in over three years. That is an undisputable fact! No budget has made it through both houses of Congress in over three years. The House has passed several, but no budget has made it out of the democrat controlled Senate, including several submitted by President Obama! Not only did this cultist deny the reality of the lack of an actual federal budget, he went on to claim that the debt was growing at the same rate under Obama as it was under GW Bush. Let’s review that one. In the eight years of the GW Bush administration, the debt grew by $4 Trillion. There are even clips of Obama calling that level of debt growth “unpatriotic.” At the point I was having the “discussion” with Obama cultist, the federal debt had grown another $4 Trillion in less than four years since Obama took office. Even skimming a half Trillion that he “inherited” from the previous budget (i.e. the last federal budget passed and signed by the President, which was GW Bush at the time), that is still $3.5 Trillion in new debt in under four years! That is almost double the rate that our Dear Leader called “unpatriotic!” The reality of actual math wouldn’t sway this cultist from his belief in the Lightbringer. At that point I just stopped trying to have an actual intelligent discussion with cultist, who in other aspects of his life, is actually quite bright. There is an old saying about wrestling with pigs in the mud that applies here.

During the election cycle, there were Obama cultists, who “didn’t care” (their exact words) about the 300 plus dead Mexicans, and at least one US Federal agent,  killed by Obama’s Fast and Furious program, or the fact that all of Obama’s records, college, medical, etc. were sealed, but were livid over Governor Romney only releasing one years of worth of tax return. They were on their high hobby horses claiming criminal fraud. They also viciously attacked anyone who dared disagree with them over the slightest point of their claims, which, of course, had absolutely no evidence behind them what so ever. When the details of Governor Romney’s tax returns came out, showing that not only was there no evidence of criminal fraud what so ever (in fact, he deliberately over paid his federal taxes because of his own personal concepts of “fairness”), there was not one word of apology or even admission of “over stating” the issue from the cultists in question. They just moved their hatred of anyone who dared to question their deity to the next DNC sanctioned talking point.

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Imagine the uproar if a Fox News anchor had said this

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

File under yet another example of how bad liberals are at history.  Perhaps that is because they tend to rewrite it in a blatantly Orwellian fashion to fit whatever they think will assist their next grab at the brass ring of power, but I digress slightly.  The topic at hand is in your face ignorance of the party that is constantly telling you how stupid anybody who dares disagree with them are.

Listen to this clip of a MSNBC talking head, i.e. a “News Anchor”, attempt to “educate” his listening audience and get a key historical fact about an elected democrat President completely and utterly wrong.  This isn’t a slip of the Talking Head’s tongue, he’s reading from a prepared script, in a produced segment, complete with background graphics. The fact that JFK was assassinated in November of 1963, requiring LBJ to have been elected in November 1964, in order to decide not to run in 1968, is completely lost not only by the “News Anchor”, but the also by: the person or persons who wrote the segment, the producer of the segment, as well as anybody in the entire production team that set the segment up for presentation on the air.

Given that MSNBC’s business plan is to “out fox Fox News, but from the extreme left”, it is doubtful that  there is a single Republican or conservative in that list of people involved in the production of the so-called “news segment” in question. One possible explanation is that the entire crew is so indoctrinated in the liberal “group think” or “herd mentality”, that none dared question the obvious and glaring error.  A large C Conservative or Libertarian would have stood up and pointed out the error.  The leftists have been conditioned not to question authority from “their betters.”

Then again, as one of the people commenting on the post I’m referencing there points out, it was a production team at MSNBC who let one of that network’s political “commentators”, Rachel Maddow, “mock Boehner for saying the Constitution has a Preamble.”

Perhaps MSNBC is betting that their audience is woefully ignorant about actual American history.

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