The Devil went up to Boston

June 18, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Humor, Video 

In Georgia, the Devil bet a fiddle of gold for Johnny’s soul.

In Boston, the going market price for a soul is a lottery ticket and a pack of cigarettes.

Boston Street Sign

February 23, 2010 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics 

Interesting street sign in downtown Boston.  It has a “Why So Socialist?” Obama sticker, right there in the heart of liberal land.

Boston University Tri-Service ROTC Pass in Review

April 26, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Photography, US Military 

I was at the Boston University Tri-Service ROTC Pass in Review ceremony yesterday and got a lot of great photographs. Here is one that I think came out quite well.

Army Cadet with Saber

Army Cadet with Saber

This photo is also posted on the Slices of Life Photography Blog.

There are more photographs of this event at Urbin Photography.

Update: November 3, 2009, I’ve learned that there is an ad on Facebook using this photograph, without my knowledge or permission, and with my copyright notice clearly cropped off. If you see this add on Facebook, could you please flag it as a copyright violation and send me a screenshot of it.