Friday B-Movie Pick: My Man Godfrey

June 12, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Movies 

My Man Godfrey, one of my favorites from the classic B&W era of Hollywood. A classic “Screwball Comedy” starring William Powell and Carole Lombard.

The Friday B-Movie Pick Archive.

BHO does not trust US Military Officers

June 11, 2009 by · 4 Comments
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics, US Military 

Graduating Midshipmen of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis will not be allowed to wear their swords, which are part of the official dress uniform, in presence of our Dear Leader.
According to the Washington Times, nothing resembling a weapon is to be allowed in the presence of the one described by a hard core leftist as “our great and divine leader.”

Let’s get this one straight, these are graduating Midship from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, who are about to become active duty officers of the U.S. Navy, swearing an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and Barack Hussein Obama is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Yet these young men and women, who are about to put their lives on the line to implement our Dear Leader‘s foreign policy can not wear a sheathed ceremony sword in the same room as the President of the United States of America, who will be guarded by multiple Secret Service agents carrying semi-automatic handguns, fully automatic SMGs, and quite probably a few more weapons more modern and dangerous than a meter long length of steel that may or may not even have a decent edge on it.

Just which one of our Dear Leader’s handlers decided on this bit of policy that can be described as absurd, paranoid and insulting in the extreme to the men and women of United States military?

Sadly, I can’t say I’m surprised by this action, it does fit the mindset of our Dear Leader and his leftist policies.

What is with Obama and hookers?

May 21, 2009 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics 

First it was $2.6 Million US tax dollars to Train Chinese Prostitutes.
Now it’s $178,000 US Tax Dollars to study prostitutes in Thailand.

David Williams, vice president for policy at Citizens Against Government Waste is correct in his assessment of this latest study, “This really is a complete waste of money and should not be funded by the taxpayer.”

On the other hand, Barry could just be doing some research on places he plans on visiting in his role as our Dear Leader. According the comedian Jay Mohr, we shouldn’t blame him for looking for something on the side.

Update: Just to strengthen the “he’s looking for a place to party” theory, $117,000 US Tax dollars are being spent on “party drug” usage in Brazil.

Barry wrote in his book that he had a weakness cocaine in his younger days. Perhaps the stress of attempting to be the leader of the Free World has him looking to recapture the carefree days of his youth.

Monday Morning News

May 11, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: RKBA 

First item, an armed home invasion/robbery/rape/probably homicide was stopped because one of the victims decided not be a victim and used his firearm to drive off the attackers.

A group of college students said they are lucky to be alive and they’re thanking the quick-thinking of one of their own. Police said a fellow student shot and killed one of two masked men who burst into an apartment.

HT to Stephen Kruiser. I searched for this story on CNN and couldn’t find it. If the criminals had carried out their plan of robbery, rape and murder, the story would have been at the top of the news cycle.

Next, is this AP story that show that the early “stimulus” funds for road repair isn’t going where it is needed most.

Counties suffering the most from job losses stand to receive the least help from President Barack Obama’s plan to spend billions of stimulus dollars on roads and bridges, an Associated Press analysis has found.

In the really bad news front, prices for coffee and sugar ‘could “explode” due to supply shortages,’ according to the Financial Times.

Not surprising is the news that Team Lightbringer is planning another $60 Billion in new taxes.

On the WTF front, Fannie Mae is hitting the government up for more taxpayer money after losing $23.2 Billion dollars. Why did the executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac get millions in bonuses? What it because they are supported by democrat members of Congress?

democrat fund raiser back in the News

May 7, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics 

Norman Hsu, former fundraiser for Hillary Clinton and other democrats, has plead guilty to 10 counts of wire and mail fraud

The 58-year-old Hsu (CHOO’) was indicted in 2007 on charges of cheating investors of at least $20 million in what prosecutors say was a huge Ponzi scheme. He had been scheduled to go on trial Monday.

The government also says he made illegal donations to politicians including Hillary Clinton. Her Senate campaign later returned money linked to him.

BHO’s rhetoric hits Reality

The far hard left extremist barking moonbats who supported our Dear Leader are not going to be happy with him. They wanted Camp X-Ray at Gitmo shut down and the terrorists released.

Well, once in the Oval Office, the leftist barking moonbat rhetoric ran straight into the brick wall of reality. First, BHO stopped calling the terrorists “enemy combatants”, so in the left’s “it depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is” world, there were no more “enemy combatants” at Camp X-Ray.

Now, our Dear Leader is planning on continuing the military courts to try the terrorists. A policy of GWB that drove the leftist extremist moonbats out of their trees

Obama has embraced many of the same positions that liberals and Obama himself criticized. For example:

* Obama and members of his administration have embraced the use of rendition. Many of Obama’s most ardent defenders blasted progressives who criticized Obama on rendition as jumping the gun. Today, their arguments look even more problematic than in the past.

* Obama has invoked the maligned “state secrets” defense as a complete bar to lawsuits challenging potential human rights and constitutional law violations.

* Obama has argued that detainees at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan do not qualify for habeas corpus rights, even though many of the detainees at the facility were not captured in the war or in Afghanistan.

* Even though it no longer uses the phrase “enemy combatants,” the Obama administration has taken the position that the government can indefinitely detain individuals, whether or not they engaged in torture and whether or not they fought the United States on the “battlefield.” This logic combined with the denial of habeas to detainees in Afghanistan could make Bagram the functional equivalent of Guantanamo Bay.

If the New York Times article is accurate, then the use of military tribunals issue will join the list of policies that Obama has endorsed, despite the loud liberal criticism that Bush received when he did the same things.

Yup, that smell in the air is left hypocrisy. As one commenter accurately put it, “What you are really saying is that the Democrats used National Security as a political weapon strictly for gaining power.”

HT to Mr. Reynolds.

Boston University Tri-Service ROTC Pass in Review

April 26, 2009 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Photography, US Military 

I was at the Boston University Tri-Service ROTC Pass in Review ceremony yesterday and got a lot of great photographs. Here is one that I think came out quite well.

Army Cadet with Saber

Army Cadet with Saber

This photo is also posted on the Slices of Life Photography Blog.

There are more photographs of this event at Urbin Photography.

Update: November 3, 2009, I’ve learned that there is an ad on Facebook using this photograph, without my knowledge or permission, and with my copyright notice clearly cropped off. If you see this add on Facebook, could you please flag it as a copyright violation and send me a screenshot of it.