BHO’s rhetoric hits Reality

The far hard left extremist barking moonbats who supported our Dear Leader are not going to be happy with him. They wanted Camp X-Ray at Gitmo shut down and the terrorists released.

Well, once in the Oval Office, the leftist barking moonbat rhetoric ran straight into the brick wall of reality. First, BHO stopped calling the terrorists “enemy combatants”, so in the left’s “it depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is” world, there were no more “enemy combatants” at Camp X-Ray.

Now, our Dear Leader is planning on continuing the military courts to try the terrorists. A policy of GWB that drove the leftist extremist moonbats out of their trees

Obama has embraced many of the same positions that liberals and Obama himself criticized. For example:

* Obama and members of his administration have embraced the use of rendition. Many of Obama’s most ardent defenders blasted progressives who criticized Obama on rendition as jumping the gun. Today, their arguments look even more problematic than in the past.

* Obama has invoked the maligned “state secrets” defense as a complete bar to lawsuits challenging potential human rights and constitutional law violations.

* Obama has argued that detainees at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan do not qualify for habeas corpus rights, even though many of the detainees at the facility were not captured in the war or in Afghanistan.

* Even though it no longer uses the phrase “enemy combatants,” the Obama administration has taken the position that the government can indefinitely detain individuals, whether or not they engaged in torture and whether or not they fought the United States on the “battlefield.” This logic combined with the denial of habeas to detainees in Afghanistan could make Bagram the functional equivalent of Guantanamo Bay.

If the New York Times article is accurate, then the use of military tribunals issue will join the list of policies that Obama has endorsed, despite the loud liberal criticism that Bush received when he did the same things.

Yup, that smell in the air is left hypocrisy. As one commenter accurately put it, “What you are really saying is that the Democrats used National Security as a political weapon strictly for gaining power.”

HT to Mr. Reynolds.