He’s not bluffing
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video
He’s not bluffing people. Remember what he said October 30, 2008: “…we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
This may not be the change you were hoping for, but it is the change a bunch of moonbats and the woefully ignorant voted for.
Let’s not forget this quote from Valerie Jarrett, the woman who tells Obama how many times he can shake his dick after he pees.
In case you missed it, what she said was, “”It is important that President-elect Obama is prepared to really take power and be ready to rule day one.”
Not govern, not lead, but rule. Welcome to the “enlightened” second term of our Dear Leader, where he will continue to avoid dealing with the economy, or congress, and implement his vision through executive orders and oppressive regulations.
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