Quote of the Day
Filed under: Media Bias, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video
Former democrat party pollster and analyst Pat Caddell brings us today’s Quote of the Day:
“I am appalled right now. This White House, this president, this vice president, the secretary of state, all of them are willing apparently to dishonor themselves and this country for the cheap prospect of getting reelected, willing to cover up and lie, and the worst thing is, the very people who are supposed to protect the American people and the truth, the leading mainstream media, they have become a threat, a fundamental threat to American democracy and the enemies of the American people.”
Let’s go to the video replay…
Video of the Day: How Obama supporters really feel about his policies
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video
Yup, this is how they really feel about our Dear Leader‘s policies when his name isn’t attached to them.
The level of intellectual engagement of Obama supporters should not come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention.
The ignorance of Obama voters brought to light once more
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video
This video was shot at an Obama rally at Ohio State. These supporters of our Dear Leader and his failed polices are utterly clueless about an Islamofascist terrorist attack that resulted in four murdered Americans, including an Ambassador.
Color me not surprised by this. Facts and reality have never been a strong point of the far left extremists.
Bill Clinton has a moment of honesty about Obama
I’m not surprised by this. Our Dear Leader has been less than honorable with both Bill & Hillary over the years. While Bill is one of the those people who feel that political enemies are people you can talk into being on your side, you can only greet him with a sharp kick to the groin so many times before he turns that charm and charisma against you.
Bill, unlike Barack Hussein Obama, is really pretty smart. He can see past the ideology and read the poll numbers. Barry is hitting the point where he can’t pull out of the nose dive toward defeat, so Bill has no political reason to support him anymore.
After the election, it is Bill Clinton who will be the senior statesman in the democrat party, not Barry.
HT to the Weekly Standard for the video.
Let’s get Fiscal!
Former democrat pollster and analyst says the media has become an “Enemy of the American people”
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Media Bias, Politics, Video
Let’s listen to some Obama supporters
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video
Howard Stern once again points out the shallow knowledge base of Obama voters.
How to explain our Dear Leader’s world view to children
Filed under: Obamaspeak, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video
Economic Video of the Day
Filed under: economy, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Video
Obamanomics 101, Understanding How the Obama Economy Works