Round up Post
Favors to foundation donors stretch back to Hillary Clinton’s Senate days. Corruption and the Clintons are old friends.
CIA releases memo showing agency blamed Bill Clinton for bankrupting war on terror ahead of 9/11. There is a reason ABC has been pressured to never release The Path to 9/11 after the original, one time, airing.
Flight Logs Confirm Clinton and Dershowitz Flew on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet. Of course there is a blackout of this on most of the so-called “main stream” media. On the other hand, this is Billy Jeff Clinton we’re talking about. It would have been surprising if he hadn’t been on a jet to an island where he could have sex with underaged girls.
Politico sat on allegations Lois Lerner had prior history of targeting conservatives. Given Politico’s well known left leaning tendencies, this is not a surprise.
Bill Clinton has a moment of honesty about Obama
I’m not surprised by this. Our Dear Leader has been less than honorable with both Bill & Hillary over the years. While Bill is one of the those people who feel that political enemies are people you can talk into being on your side, you can only greet him with a sharp kick to the groin so many times before he turns that charm and charisma against you.
Bill, unlike Barack Hussein Obama, is really pretty smart. He can see past the ideology and read the poll numbers. Barry is hitting the point where he can’t pull out of the nose dive toward defeat, so Bill has no political reason to support him anymore.
After the election, it is Bill Clinton who will be the senior statesman in the democrat party, not Barry.
HT to the Weekly Standard for the video.
Morning Roundup
Let’s review:
It didn’t take long for the left’s anti-science bias use the natural disasters in Japan to push their agenda:
- The earthquake and tsunami are the result of, wait for it, yup…Global Warming.
- The watermelons are out beating the “No Nukes” drum.
Let’s review the facts of the matter, the nuclear power plant safety systems *survived the 8.9 magnitude earthquake*.
That is worth repeating. The nuclear power plant safety systems still functioned after a 8.9 magnitude earthquake.
It took an 8.9 magnitude earthquake, closely followed by a major tsunami to take them out.
Meanwhile, in California, dozens of people are killed by a natural gas explosion because the gas company can’t keep track of the type of pipe they have buried.
If you want to donate to a relief group that will help the Japanese people, check out Americares or the American Red Cross.
Don’t worry, our Dear Leader isn’t missing his regular 18 holes of golf because of the crisis in Japan.
Former democrat President Bill Clinton is channeling Sarah Palin now, and not how you would think. Mr. Clinton is speaking out against our Dear Leader‘s ban on off shore drilling.
James O’Keefe exposed racism at NPR, which most of the MSM is strangely (or not so strangely) quiet about.
Liberals and socialists are mean-spirited, but we knew that…
He’s going to go Carter
The question of if our Dear Leader will move to the center after the election is coming up. This question has been around for a while, and IMNSHO, the answer has been clear. As I said back in January:
Obama has a choice to make now. Clinton or Carter? When Billy Jeff Clinton got his ass handed to him in the 1994 midterm elections, he ditched the far left, went centrist and saved his image and got re-elected. The man actually managed to take personal credit for signing most of the Republican’s “Contract with America” list into law, completely stealing their thunder! Jimmy “Worst President in the last 50 years” Carter on the other hand descended even farther into a far left death spiral, resulting in him getting his ass handed to him in the 1980 elections. Which way will Obama go? Personally, my take is that he’s no Bill Clinton. Barack Hussein Obama has never held a real job in his life and has never had a single executive position before becoming the head of the executive branch of the United States government. He’s been wrapped in a far left socialist cocoon his entire life. So ya, I’m betting he’s gonna go Carter big time, with the same results.
I’m sticking by that prediction. Our Dear Leader is not only going to go Carter, he’s going to exceed Carter.
Change comes to Massachusetts!
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics, The Peoples Commonweath
It’s a bright and glorious day here in the People’s Commonwealth! Over 20% of the registered democrats here joined the sane people and voted for Republican Scott Brown to fill the seat of the late Teddy Kennedy in the United States Senate.
This wasn’t just a case of the democrat Martha Coakley running a really lousy campaign (which she did) or the fact that she was a weak candidate (she was); this was also a direct message to our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama. The voters of Massachusetts just let BHO know that Socialism isn’t the change we were looking for.
How could this happen in the oh so liberal Massachusetts? We residents of the Commonwealth got a sneak preview of ObamaAmerica with our own worthless Governor, Deval “Together We Can” Patrick. Patrick had zero executive experience (none in the private sector or in any government job) when he took over the Governor’s office. His socialist policies, along with his kowtowing to the state employee unions and raising taxes while the state hemorrhages high tech jobs, have given us a unique perspective of what allowing our Dear Leader to implement his socialist policies will do to the country.
This election also proves that Obama has no coattails. Coakley was third democrat candidate that Obama when out to stump for who lost! Yup, Obama is a three time loser! Actually he’s four for four in loses if you count the trip he and Empress Michelle made (on separate planes) to Copenhagen in their attempt to bring the Olympics (and all that lovely graft money) home to Chicago.
Obama has a choice to make now. Clinton or Carter? When Billy Jeff Clinton got his ass handed to him in the 1994 midterm elections, he ditched the far left, went centrist and saved his image and got re-elected. The man actually managed to take personal credit for signing most of the Republican’s “Contract with America” list into law, completely stealing their thunder! Jimmy “Worst President in the last 50 years” Carter on the other hand descended even farther into a far left death spiral, resulting in him getting his ass handed to him in the 1980 elections.
Which way will Obama go? Personally, my take is that he’s no Bill Clinton. Barack Hussein Obama has never held a real job in his life and has never had a single executive position before becoming the head of the executive branch of the United States government. He’s been wrapped in a far left socialist cocoon his entire life. So ya, I’m betting he’s gonna go Carter big time, with the same results.