Round up Post

June 15, 2015 by
Filed under: Clintons, Culture of Corruption, Politics 

Favors to foundation donors stretch back to Hillary Clinton’s Senate days.  Corruption and the Clintons are old friends.

CIA releases memo showing agency blamed Bill Clinton for bankrupting war on terror ahead of 9/11.  There is a reason ABC has been pressured to never release The Path to 9/11 after the original, one time, airing.

Flight Logs Confirm Clinton and Dershowitz Flew on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet.  Of course there is a blackout of this on most of the so-called “main stream” media.  On the other hand, this is Billy Jeff Clinton we’re talking about.  It would have been surprising if he hadn’t been on a jet to an island where he could have sex with underaged girls.

Politico sat on allegations Lois Lerner had prior history of targeting conservatives. Given Politico’s well known left leaning tendencies, this is not a surprise.

Presented without further comment: How the @AP reports on two female presidential candidates from different parties.



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