An observation on political yards signs
Filed under: economy, Obama Economy, Politics, The Peoples Commonweath
As I drove around town this weekend I notices something very consistent with political yard signs.
Every small business, most independently owned, with a yard sign had signs for Scott Brown and/or Marty Lamb.
Scott Brown is running for re-election in the US Senate, on the Republican ticket and Marty Lamb is running for State Representative, also on the Republican ticket.
Senator Brown’s opponent is a Harvard law professor, who makes over $300,000 a year for teaching a single class and claims she “represents the people.” Elizabeth Warren is best known for falsely claiming to have Cherokee Indian ancestors and using that claim to obtain benefits as a minority.
Small business owners are intimately familiar with the negative effect democrats have had on the economy since taking control of Congress and the White House and clearly do not want that to continue
More death threats against politicans
The text of the message read:
“To the Honorable William D. Snyder; You better just stop that ridiculous law if you value you rand your familie’s lives ashole.”
The “political activist”, Manuel Pintado, attends the University of Massachusetts. The University has been silent on his spelling and grammar mistakes.
Good to see the left is maintaining a civil discussion of the issues and not falling into a rhetoric of hate…or not…
Update: Ms. Malkin correctly identifies this as part of the Progressive Climate of Hate.
Meanwhile, in the Commonwealth
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics, Taxes, The Peoples Commonweath
Our democrat controlled Legislature voted to keep their action from public view.
The Massachusetts House and Senate voted to kill a Republican sponsored bill to put Committee roll call votes on the Legislature’s website. The democrats want to keep the current rules, which require citizens to drive to Boston during business hours in order to obtain information on how their elected officials voted.
Just what do the democrats in the state legislature want to keep hidden from the citizens of the Commonwealth?
There was also a strict party line vote in the House that killed a Republican sponsored bill that would have prohibited the House from approving any tax hikes without a two-thirds majority on a roll call vote.
OK, so one thing they are trying to hide is that they are going to jack up your taxes, and they want to be able to give political cover to some of the reps by not forcing them to vote for the tax hike.
Tomorrow is election day
Here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the choices are clear.
Our current governor has been a horrible disaster, making the economic downturn here worse and longer laster than it needed to be.
So I’m voting for Charlie Baker.
I’m also voting for Jim McKenna for Attorney General. He was my professor for my graduate Business Law & Ethics course. He is very qualified for the job, unlike the current AG, who has turned a blind eye to widespread corruption in the state government.
Karyn Polito gets my vote for Treasurer. Karyn has been one of the very small “Loyal Opposition” in the state legislature, and knows where the problems are in the state budget.
I’m voting for Mary Z. Connaughton for state Auditor. She is a CPA who has experience in the private sector as an auditor. She will provide the transparency that the state budget really, really needs.
For the third congressional district, Marty Lamb gets my vote.
An open Letter about Jim McKenna
Dear Friend:
Election Day is tomorrow. I believe that Jim McKenna is the best candidate for Attorney General. He is running against Martha Coakley. I am asking you to vote for Jim tomorrow.
Who is Jim McKenna?
Jim worked as a prosecutor for 10 years, gaining perspective and experience by serving in three different offices. He prosecuted public corruption and organized crime in Boston for three years while serving as an Assistant District Attorney in the Organized Crime Division of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office. Jim also worked for six years as an ADA in the Worcester County District Attorney’s office. Jim has been in private practice since 1998, and has taught college courses on law and ethics as an adjunct assistant professor.
Restoring Trust in Government
The Beacon Hill Boys & Girls Club is a free-for-all where the special interests run the show and corruption is the norm. These crimes against the people are damaging and bankrupting our state. They can be stopped. Jim McKenna will prosecute and clean up this mess, and I won’t let my hands get tied in this effort to make government trustworthy.
Putting Enforcement Back in Law Enforcement
We have laws in place, but our Attorney General fails to enforce them because she says that, “technically it is not illegal to be illegal.” Jim McKenna wants to be our Commonwealth’s Chief Law Enforcement Officer, and I know that he is going to put the enforcement back in law enforcement. His agenda is simple: to serve and protect the people of Massachusetts.
Illegal Immigration
Immigrants from all over the world who followed our laws in applying for immigration founded our nation. Illegal immigration is a problem, which the Federal government continues to ignore. Illegal immigrants are here because they violated our laws from the moment they stepped foot in our country illegally. Illegal immigration is illegal.
In Massachusetts, we have the ability to stop illegal immigration with a series of simple steps. Jim McKenna will advocate for:
- Mandatory proof of citizenship when anyone is arraigned before a court.
- Require proof of for any government assistance.
- Removing all economic incentives for illegal immigration in our state. There should be no jobs for illegal immigrants and the state should go after any employers who hire illegals.
Consumer Protection
One of the most important jobs of the Attorney General is the protection of Massachusetts consumers. Consumer protection is a two-fold mission – empowering and equipping individuals with the information and tools to protect themselves against fraud and prosecuting the criminals who hurt our citizens. Jim McKenna will be tough and impartial and not back down.
We need an Attorney General who will correctly prioritize its resources. We need an Attorney General with the courage to go after government corruption, illegal immigration, financial fraud, Internet scams, civil rights violations, deceptive corporate practices and consumer protection issues. We need Jim McKenna.
Please join me in supporting JIM McKENNA tomorrow, Tuesday, November 2 for Attorney General.
Jim McGovern is too extreme! Vote for Marty Lamb in the Massachusetts 3rd Congressional District!
Jim McKenna picks up key endorsement.
The Republican Senator from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Scott Brown, endorses Jim McKenna for Attorney General.
Electing Jim McKenna Attorney General of Massachusetts is an important step toward reducing the Culture of Corruption that is currently pervasive in this state’s government.
Massachusetts democrat Jim McGovern: Fear Mongering at its finest.
Fear Mongering at its finest. That sums up a campaign mailing I got today from my current congressman, democrat and member of the DSA, James McGovern. McGovern has a voting record to the left of Nancy Pelosi and has never held a real job in his life.
I’ll be voting for Marty Lamb. If you live in the Massachusetts third congressional district, you should too.
Proof Martha Coakley Gave Immunity to Dianne Wilkerson
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics, The Peoples Commonweath
Martha Coakley is the current Massachusetts AG. She is not interested in actually performing the duties of her office, instead she sees as a stepping stone to higher office.
That is why I’m voting for Jim McKenna. If you are a registered voter in Massachusetts, you should vote Jim for AG as well.
Mass democrats run a tax cheat for State Auditor
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics, The Peoples Commonweath
It’s politics as usual for the massively corrupt Massachusetts democrat party.
Their candidate for State Auditor is a tax cheat.
That is pretty much all you need to know about the democrat party here in the Peoples’ Commonwealth.
Oh, and that Mary Z. Connaughton is the Republican running for State Auditor.