Meanwhile, in the Commonwealth

January 24, 2011 by
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics, Taxes, The Peoples Commonweath 

Our democrat controlled Legislature voted to keep their action from public view.

The Massachusetts House and Senate voted to kill a Republican sponsored bill to put Committee roll call votes on the Legislature’s website. The democrats want to keep the current rules, which require citizens to drive to Boston during business hours in order to obtain information on how their elected officials voted.

Just what do the democrats in the state legislature want to keep hidden from the citizens of the Commonwealth?

There was also a strict party line vote in the House that killed a Republican sponsored bill that would have prohibited the House from approving any tax hikes without a two-thirds majority on a roll call vote.

OK, so one thing they are trying to hide is that they are going to jack up your taxes, and they want to be able to give political cover to some of the reps by not forcing them to vote for the tax hike.


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