Things our Dear Leader Does Not Want Americans Thinking About

It is a very long list, so I’m just going to hit some of the high points.

The IRS’s illegal targeting of conservative political groups is being tracked back to the Obama White House.

This is a clear violation of American’s First & Fifteenth Amendment rights that the left doesn’t care about.

The city of Detroit going bankrupt after decades of single party democrat rule.

As the nice man from Cold Fury puts it, “To achieve this level of devastation, you usually have to be invaded by a foreign power.” Hmmm…given how Obama Cultists feel about the Constitution, he may be on to something here.

The murder of an United States of American Ambassador, and three other Americans, by Islamic terrorists in Libya, and how the security lapses can be traced back to Obama’s State Department. Which was at the time under the command of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As I pointed out several months ago: Democrat congressman Stephen Lynch on Benghazi Talking Points: ‘It Was Scrubbed … It Was False Information. There’s No Excuse For That.’ Yup, the Obama regime flat out lied the American people for the purpose of ”damage control” prior to the election. This really does call for hearings.

The murder of over three hundred Mexicans and at least one US Federal Agent by Mexican Drug Cartels using semi-automatic firearms supplied by Obama’s so-called “Justice Department” under the control of AG Eric Holder.

The Economy. Specifically, the Obama economy, also known as the worst recovery since the Great Depression. Obama’s “jobless recovery” is a recovery in name only.

Here are a few more facts about the economy that Barry & his cultists don’t want you thinking about: The current US debt is %16.87 Trillion. That works out to $148,026 per tax payer. Taxes have increased $122.8 Billion in 2013 alone. The current budget deficit is $818.5 Billion. The labor force has 10 million less eligible workers than it did right before Barry started his “Occupy the White House” golf tour in 2009. So when an leftist tries to tell you about Obama’s “job creation” record, it’s a lie. The US is in the hole for 10 million jobs under his watch. Don’t expect much improvement either. You may have missed this if you’ve been feeding at the MSM/DNC trough: Obamacare to destroy up to 1 million low-wage jobs and completely bankrupt Medicaid.

Let’s not forget some other items our Dear Leader is desperate to sweep under the rug, including gathering of phone records of the AP (part of his “most transparent administration evah!” continuing war against Whistle Blowers and Inspector Generals), and Eric Holder’s so-called “Justice Department” which won’t prosecute an open and shut case regarding the Black Panthers.

Remember, this is a short list. There are more Obama Scandals that they want to distract you from by waving the race card.

This is not a new tactic.

“Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one’s opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness.”

Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights. Clearly she has a basic misunderstanding of the actual meaning of Civil Rights. Given that she was appointed by that idiot James Earl Carter III, this is hardly surprising. Note that she freely admits there is no factual basis for her accusation of racism. It is merely a tactic of the radical left to avoid discussion on their own failures.


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