A shining example of a modern progressive congressional democrat
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, Congress, Politics, Progressives
As reported recently, democrat congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee stated, on the floor of the House, that the democrats never tried to impeach President G. W Bush, despite her being a co-sponsor a bill the democrat controlled House passed to impeach President Bush.
The staff of democrat congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee then not only refused to answer a reporter’s questions about her claim and her sponsorship of the bill, they threatened him with an IRS audit. Not exactly what you expect from a member of the “Peoples’ House” dedicated to Constitutional principles, like the First Amendment. Pretty typical for a modern, so called “progressive” democrat though.
On the other hand, you can understand why her staff is so protective of their meal ticket. SJL appears to be out to unseat current Vice-President Joe “Plugs” Biden as the gaffe master of Washington, D.C..
Her previous deviations from reality include: While observing images from a Mars Rover at the JPL, asking if the rover would pass by where Neil Armstrong planted the American flag; and giving an impassioned speech on the House floor describing how North and South Vietnam are able to work together and how that should be an inspiration to us as well.
For that Mars/Luna mix up, she was voting on the NASA budget at the time. No wonder we have to outsource getting our Astronauts in and out orbit to the Russians.
A lesson in cause and effect
Filed under: Barking Moonbats, economy, Politics, Progressives, Taxes
This educational tale comes from Austin, Texas. A city known as a liberal stronghold in an otherwise sensible state.
The article quotes one Gretchen Gardner, an Austin artist, who has “…voted for every park, every library, all the school improvements, for light rail, for anything that will make this city better. But now I can’t afford to live here anymore. “
Why can Ms. Gardner no longer afford to live in Austin? Her property taxes have gone up in order to play every thing she voted for!
Here is a financial hint for Ms. Gardner, buses are always a better economic choice over light rail. Unless you are in the public service unions that will maintain and run the more expensive to build/maintain/operate light rail systems.
She wants a bigger government to be her nanny state, but like most leftists, wants someone else to pay for it.