Quote of the Day

October 15, 2012 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: economy, Politics, Taxes 

“Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government.”

– President John F. Kennedy, January 17, 1963, Annual Budget Message to the Congress, fiscal year 1964

Note: Joe Biden is a bloody moron.

Was David Gregory drunk on the air again?

October 18, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Media Bias, Politics, Taxes 

Alternate question, is he actually just that stupid?  These question are raised because of his “performance” on last Sunday’s Meet the Press.  Let’s review the transcript:

MR. CAIN: We replace capital gains tax. We replace the payroll tax. We replace corporate income tax, replace personal income tax, and replace the death tax. It is a replacement tax structure.

MR. GREGORY: But where do state taxes go? You’re saying they’re going to be repealed?

MR. CAIN: If you–with the current structure, you have state taxes, right? So with this new structure, you’re still going to have taxes–state taxes. That is muddying the water.

MR. GREGORY: How so?

MR. CAIN: Because today, under the current tax code, state taxes are there if they have it. If they don’t have a state taxes, they don’t have it. It has nothing to do with this replacement structure for the federal tax code.

MR. GREGORY: But that doesn’t make any sense to me. If I’m already paying state taxes, and I have a new Cain administration national sales tax, I’ve got more state taxes.

Mr. Gregory appears to be deeply confused on the difference between State taxes and a sales tax.  He is either spiking his coffee and hosting a national political talk show drunk or is completely incompetent for the position he holds.  The other explanation is that does know the difference, but is deliberately attempting to confuse the issue in order to make the current Republican front runner look bad.  That last option points to a deep and widespread far left wing extremist media bias at NBC News/MSNBC.

So which is it? Drunk, incompetent or deliberately attempting to mislead the American people?

HT to Mr. Reynolds

How to help balance government budgets, get liberals to pay their taxes

June 6, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Politics, Taxes 

In yet another example of a leftist not paying their ‘fair share’ of taxes, we have Irish pop star Bono.

Bono, who is famous for “contributing to global warming” by flying around the globe in private jets, in his never ending quest for people to give their money to causes he believes in.

Well, it seems that Bono doesn’t believe in the Irish government, because he has restructured his business to avoid paying taxes in Ireland.  Yes, Bono, and the rest of the pop band U2, are behaving just like the “greedy corporations” that their fans protest against.

Quote of the Day

May 10, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: economy, energy, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Taxes 

“…that when it comes to some Democrats and particularly the President, “high gas prices are not an unintended consequence of their policies: it is the means by which they will accomplish their goal.”  Their goal is to raise the price of gasoline so that you reduce your consumption of it.”

Aaron Worthing

Bonus quote from the same article:

“…high gas prices are an economy killer, so even if there is some modest increase in tax income from that tax hike in general, the drag on the economy will mean reduced taxes in other areas.  Again, they are depending on you being too stupid to see through all of this.”

Some Change I’ve been Hoping for!

April 6, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

The Senate has finally voted to repeal one of the anti-business, big brother evasiveness level, aspects of the disaster waiting to happen known as Obamacare.

This small portion of Obamacare would have created an unfunded mandate that would have destroyed many small businesses.

All we need now is our Dear Leader’s signature, or every business in America will have to file a 1099 form for every business and person they do more than $600 worth of business during the year.  If you have a fleet of trucks or cars, your business will have to file a 1099 on every gas station they do business with.  Every mom & pop shop will have to file a 1099 for every high school kid they employ.  The sheer volume of this paperwork would require businesses to hire dedicated people just to fill out and file the 1099 forms.  People they would have to pay out of their profits, and would add zero benefit to their business.  The cost of doing business would go up and companies operating on tight margins would be forced out of business by our Dear Leader’s ravenous thirst for new tax revenues.

If our Dear Leader doesn’t sign this bill, it is a clear sign that he values his extremist political agenda more then the American economy and the well being of the American people.

What is it with democrats not paying taxes?

March 21, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics 

Ok, it’s pretty damn clear by now that one of the reason why democrats are so eager to vote for any tax increase that comes across their desk is that have no intention of ever paying it.

Case in point, democrat Senator from Missouri, Clair McCaskill.  She just “forgot” to pay $287,000 in property taxes on her very own private jet.

Wait! It gets even better! McCaskill signed on in February as a co-sponsor of Senate legislation that would fire federal employees if they are “seriously delinquent” in paying their own federal taxes

Yup, by her own rules, democrat Senator McCaskill should be fired.

Wait yet again! There is still more!  What was McCaskill’s job from 1999 to 2007? She was the state auditor for Missouri!

So let’s review.  We have a current Senator and former state auditor calling for the firing of federal employees who are “seriously delinquent” in paying their federal taxes who just “forgot” to pay $287,000 in property taxes on her personal private jet.

What is no surprise is that Senator McCaskill is a democrat.

Math is clearly not our Dear Leader’s strong point

February 21, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

Charles Krauthammer points out that the “accounting” in our Dear Leader’s so-called “budget” is the type that would get an ordinary citizen thrown in jail.

Classic Obama debt reduction: Add $2 trillion in new taxes, then add $1 trillion in new spending and, presto, you’ve got $1 trillion of debt reduction. It’s the same kind of mad deficit accounting in Obamacare: It reduces debt by adding $540 billion in new spending, then adding $770 billion in new taxes. Presto: $230 billion of “debt reduction.” Bialystock & Bloom accounting.

Bonus points for the Mel Brooks reference.

HT to the Vodkapundit

Be sure to read the whole thing.  Trust me, it gets better.

Meanwhile, in the Commonwealth

Our democrat controlled Legislature voted to keep their action from public view.

The Massachusetts House and Senate voted to kill a Republican sponsored bill to put Committee roll call votes on the Legislature’s website. The democrats want to keep the current rules, which require citizens to drive to Boston during business hours in order to obtain information on how their elected officials voted.

Just what do the democrats in the state legislature want to keep hidden from the citizens of the Commonwealth?

There was also a strict party line vote in the House that killed a Republican sponsored bill that would have prohibited the House from approving any tax hikes without a two-thirds majority on a roll call vote.

OK, so one thing they are trying to hide is that they are going to jack up your taxes, and they want to be able to give political cover to some of the reps by not forcing them to vote for the tax hike.

Comprehensive List of Tax Hikes in Obamacare

January 18, 2011 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics, Taxes 

American for Tax Reform has a list of the multiple tax hikes hidden in Obamacare.

These include:

  1. Individual Mandate Excise Tax
  2. Employer Mandate Tax
  3. Surtax on Investment Income
  4. Excise Tax on Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans
  5. Hike in Medicare Payroll Tax
  6. Medicine Cabinet Tax
  7. HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike
  8. Flexible Spending Account Cap – aka “Special Needs Kids Tax
  9. Tax on Medical Device Manufacturers
  10. Raise “Haircut” for Medical Itemized Deduction from 7.5% to 10% of AGI
  11. Tax on Indoor Tanning Services
  12. Elimination of tax deduction for employer-provided retirement Rx drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D
  13. Blue Cross/Blue Shield Tax Hike
  14. Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals
  15. Tax on Innovator Drug Companies
  16. Tax on Health Insurers
  17. $500,000 Annual Executive Compensation Limit for Health Insurance Executives
  18. Employer Reporting of Insurance on W-2
  19. Corporate 1099-MISC Information Reporting
  20. “Black liquor” tax hike
  21. Codification of the “economic substance doctrine”

Yup, if you think Health Care is expensive now, wait until the Government makes it “free.”

An Honest Look at democrat talking points on tax hikes

December 12, 2010 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: economy, Politics, Taxes 

Let’s be honest here, the “tax increase on the richest Americans” that the democrats keep repeating their talking points on, won’t effect the “richest Americans” one damn bit.

Take my senior Senator for example, based on his income as a Senator alone, he should be paying federal tax at a rate in the mid thirties.  In addition to his tax payer funded income, he personally is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, plus he married a woman who inherited billions of dollars from her late husband.  His federal tax rate is 14%.

The tax hike the democrats are so hot for won’t effect his tax rate one damn bit.  So the democrat’s rhetoric about having the richest Americans pair their fair share of taxes is a flat out lie.

One of good ideas of the President’s deficit reduction panel was to drastically simplify the tax code and reduce the highest tax rate to 25%.  That will reduce the 30% plus overhead of the IRS and get uber-rich democrats, like my senior Senator, to actually pay their fair share of the taxes paid by almost every other working American.

Don’t expect democrats to embrace this idea though.  It goes against their core values, like waging class warfare.

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