Not Quite the Same Thing

I heard some leftist trying to compare Hobby Lobby to Mozilla firing their CEO based on a political donation eight years ago.

There is a major difference that the leftist decided to ignore.

In the case of Hobby Lobby, the owners of the company are making  very public statement of their company policies based on their personal religious views.

In the case of Mozilla, the CEO was hounded out of office not for his actions as CEO.   He had made no public statement as CEO, or otherwise, about his stand on marriage laws.   He was attacked by activists outside the company for a private political donation made eight years ago.  A donation that should not have been available to the public.  It was known, because of an illegal leak of private IRS data.  A leak done to harm those who the leaker, a federal employee, disagreed with politically.

If the federal employee who leaked the information is every identified (and don’t hold your breath waiting for anyone in our Dear Leader‘s administration to pursue that), that person should be subject to criminal prosecution and civil prosecution from individuals harmed by their illegal actions.  The former CEO of Mozilla for example.


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