Round Up Post

August 8, 2013 by
Filed under: economy, Obama Economy, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

The New York Times company sells the Boston Globe at a massive loss.

The brand just isn’t worth what it used to be.  Could it be that alternative media has allowed sophisticated news readers a wider range than the what the narrow far left filter of the Boston Globe gave them.

Media Malpractice and the IRS Scandal, Part II

The MSM/DNC really want this to just go away, but this story has legs that just keep going on and on.

Example: Emails reveal Lois Lerner wrongfully used IRS to aid FEC in targeting conservative group in 2009

Michael Graham nails it: It’s Not That He’s Liberal, And It’s Certainly Not That He’s Black. It’s That Obama Just Really Sucks At Being President

The Obama Economy: Where’s that 5% unemployment rate Obama promised by now?

According to the famous Obama Economy chart, unemployment would be at 5.25% by now in the “worst” case of the government doing nothing.

Now we know the actual worst case scenario was the Obama economic plan!




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