Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Not good enough to work in the Obama White House

Sunday, June 9th, 2013

The continuous flow of scandals, felonies, lies and cover ups coming from the Obama White House reminded me of this exchange from the TV show Archer.

Cyril Figgis: How do you keep track of all these lies?

Sterling Archer: Practice Cyril. Lying is like 95% of what I do.

Cyril Figgis: In your job.

Sterling Archer: Sure.

Sorry Archer, 95% just isn’t good enough to work in the Obama White administration.

Case in point, White House Spokes Weasel Jay Carney.  He has moved well beyond the typical spin control required in the job and right into Baghdad Bob territory.  Plenty of video evidence of that.

Let’s review:

The Entire Obama White House staff, and numerous members of the Obama executive branch, lied repeatedly, in fact often, on National TV, about the murder of four Americans, including an Ambassador in Benghazi.  That is documented.  Proven over and over again.  Which is why most leftists will claim it’s ‘not a big deal’, since they can’t deny it or blame President G.W. Bush.

The Obama regime lied repeatedly over the IRS multiple violations of the First Amendment rights of Conservative groups.  The Obama cultists’ explanation of this is particularly hypocritical, since they are claiming the Tea Party groups were asking for it by wearing a short skirt, or reading the Constitution. The Cato Daily Podcast, which you should be listening to, interviewed one of the top people at the D.C. branch of the ACLU. This fellow felt this was a big fornicating deal.  It was deliberate targeting of a group practice of free political speech.  A clear felony level violation of the First Amendment. The ACLU is taking the classic Liberal position here, which is the territory of Libertarians these days.  The self identified “progressives” are being true to form, since they never were fans of free speech or the market place of free ideas.

The Obama regime lied, and continues to lie, about their Fast and Furious program in where it supplied semi-automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels.  A program that resulted in the murders of over 300 Mexican nationals and at least one US Federal Agent.  If this was as above board as they claim, why is our Dear Leader‘s top officials stonewalling any attempts to find out the facts?

Bottom line, our Dear Leader promised the “most transparent administration ever”, and instead he has gone into an information blackout and raised the administration’s paranoia well past the levels of the Nixon administration.  Don’t forget his previous War on Inspector Generals.

It is also interesting to watch all the far left extremists Obama cultists back pedal to defend the actions of their Lightbringer that they would have screamed bloody murder and flooded the streets protesting if anybody with a R after their name had done it.

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Quote of the Day

Thursday, May 30th, 2013

“This will be a scandal like Watergate if it turns out that the IRS was acting under orders from Barack Obama or Valerie Jarrett. If the White House’s conduct turns out to be unimpeachable, then it is something far worse: a sign that the government itself has become a threat to the Constitution.”

— James Taranto

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Quote of the Day

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

“And the IRS scandal was a subversion of democracy on a massive scale. The most fearsome and coercive arm of the administrative state embarked on a systematic effort to suppress citizen dissent against the party in power. Thomas Friedman is famous for musing that he wishes America could be China for a day. It turns out we’ve been China for a while.”

— James Taranto

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This sums it up pretty well

Friday, May 24th, 2013

The Bookworm Room nails it:

…the Obama government is about politics before country, revenge before law and morality, and cover-ups above and beyond everything.

Yes, there is more…

…the head of the IRS went before Congress and confessed that the IRS denied what was going on before the election (a lie) and that it timed the release of information to bury it in the news cycle.  And then there’s all that other fascinating stuff that’s been oozing out from the single most powerful coercive entity in the federal government.

In every single statement she made, Lois Lerner, the IRS official who every so casually broke the story, lied.  Just some examples are the fact that the IRS didn’t target, maybe, 75 groups.  It targeted at least 470 groups.  And it wasn’t just wacky Tea Party groups that got caught it the cross hairs, it was any group that appeared even vaguely to oppose Obama’s policies.  The targeting wasn’t just confined to a rogue Ohio office, it went to the top.  And, indeed, the very top person got over $100,000 in bonuses and was promoted to head the — ahem — nonpartisan branch of the IRS in charge of enforcing ObamaCare.

We also know that the IRS illegally leaked information about Obama’s political opponents — which definitely has a kind of mirror-like Watergate quality to it.  Nixon’s henchmen stole data directly from his political opponents; Obama’s henchmen release data about Obama’s political opponents to Obama’s supporters.  And of course, speaking of stealing things, it appears that the IRS stole tens of thousands of medical records — this would be, of course, the same IRS that’s in charge of enforcing ObamaCare.

Of course, our Dear Leader claims he knew nothing of this, and his cultist followers will deny any wrongdoing, except to blame former President George W. Bush.

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The Smoking Gun for the Obama IRS Scandal

Monday, May 20th, 2013

As you may know, unless you get all your “news” from MSNBC, the Obama administration’s IRS illegally targeted conservative groups.  Of course, our Dear Leader denied any knowledge and sent out his spokes weasels to claim that this really isn’t important.

 Jim Hoff at Gateway Pundit has the details on what looks, sounds, walks, and smells, like a smoking gun of Barack Hussein Obama’s direct involvement with the IRS’ illegal, and unconstitutional, hate crimes against conservative groups.

President Obama met with anti-Tea Party IRS union chief Colleen Kelly in the White House the day before the agency targeted Tea Party.

The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees — the same employees who belong to the NTEU — set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America.

In short: the very day after the president of the quite publicly anti-Tea Party labor union — the union for IRS employees — met with President Obama, the manager of the IRS “Determinations Unit Program agreed” to open a “Sensitive Case report on the Tea party cases.” As stated by the IG report.

Now let’s see if any of the mainstream media, besides possibly Fox News, pick up on this.

Of course, there is more:

A tea-party group targeted by Democrats gets attention from the IRS—and the FBI, OSHA, and the ATF.

The Washington Post gives  “A Bushel of Pinocchios” for IRS’s Lois Lerner.

IRS Scandal Roundup, Day 11.


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Sunday Round Up

Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Here is collection of interesting items I put in my “blog about” file but didn’t get to.

Let’s lead off with some Blue on Blue media attacks.  George Soros’ bought and paid for thugs at Media Matters attacked the uber-liberal reporters at NPR for committing an act of Journalism.  Chana Joffe-Walt did a story on that covered the fraud and corruption in the federal disability program on Chicago’s Public Radio This American Life and National Public Radio’s (NPR) All Things Considered.  Ms. Joffe-Walt apparently forgot about the memo that said that all news stories must praise our Dear Leader and blame Republicans.

Jon Stewart, a fairly reliable talking head for the extreme far hard left agenda, ripped in our Dear Leader for basic incompetence on his handling of the obscenely long backlog at the Veterans Administration. Gee, it’s almost as if Obama sees US military veterans as his enemy and is trying to kill them off.

Obamacare’s PR Problem: Not Just a Flesh Wound

Megan McCardle points out an annoying fact that leftists don’t like: The Aaron Sorkin Model of Political Discourse Doesn’t Actually Work

Democrat congressman Stephen Lynch on Benghazi Talking Points: ‘It Was Scrubbed … It Was False Information. There’s No Excuse For That.’  Yup, the Obama regime flat out lied the American people for the purpose of  “damage control” prior to the election.  This really does call for hearings.

Chicago Law Prof on Obama: “The Professors Hated Him because he was Lazy, Unqualified & Never Attended any of the Faculty Meetings” Hmmm…doesn’t sound like his work habits changed much.


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He’s not bluffing

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013



He’s not bluffing people.  Remember what he said October 30, 2008: “…we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

This may not be the change you were hoping for, but it is the change a bunch of moonbats and the woefully ignorant voted for.

Let’s not forget this quote from Valerie Jarrett, the woman who tells Obama how many times he can shake his dick after he pees.


In case you missed it, what she said was, “”It is important that President-elect Obama is prepared to really take power and be ready to rule day one.”

Not govern, not lead, but rule.  Welcome to the “enlightened” second term of our Dear Leader, where he will continue to avoid dealing with the economy, or congress, and implement his vision through executive orders and oppressive regulations.

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SEIU taking lessons from ACORN

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

You remember ACORN, the vote fraud experts.  With confessions and convictions of vote fraud in at least 24 states.

Well, it seems that another arm of the democrat party, the SEIU (the major public service union) has been taking lessons from ACORN.

SEIU members have been caught committing vote fraud.

An investigation by the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office has led to a subpoena of SEIU’s Washington, D.C. headquarters and has implicated the prominent labor union in a voter fraud case that threatens to lead to criminal prosecution.

Then-SEIU Senior Organizer-in-Training Clarence S. Haynes, who is no longer affiliated with the union and whose whereabouts are currently unknown, voted in the hotly contested April 2011 election for a Wisconsin Supreme Court seat despite not being a resident of Wisconsin and leaving the state shortly after voting, according to an October 19, 2012 affidavit prepared by Bruce J. Landgraf, the assistant district attorney for Milwaukee County.

It is not surprising that left fights sensible and common sense voter ID laws.

Update: democrat party officials in Maryland, NJ, NY and Massachusetts Face Prison Time for Voter Fraud

Color me completely and utterly unsurprised.  Don’t expect to read this in the NY Times or hear about it on the hard far left MS-NBC propaganda arm of the DNC though.

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Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Today’s roundup post is by Jonah Goldberg:

Democratic senator hired an unpaid intern who was an undocumented immigrant but a documented sex offender. Apparently Senator Menendez needed an immigrant to do sex offending that Americans won’t do.

Meanwhile, Representative Jim Moran is “embarrassed” by the revelation that his voter-fraud-orchestrating son smashed his girlfriend’s face into a garbage can and pleaded guilty to assault. The girlfriend appears to be doing what she can to make the story go away. But don’t worry, the phrase “war on women” may still only be used to describe people who don’t want to pay for someone else’s birth control. No word if anyone on the left will be expressing their gratitude for the Violence Against Women Act for this.

Over in Michigan, defenders of the union protestors who tore down an Americans for Prosperity tent are heading toward trutherism, suggesting that it was all a set up, the canvas-and-rope equivalent of the Reichstag fire. No word yet if anyone is claiming the Jews inside the tent got advance notice.

Oh, and after months — nay years — of rhetoric from the president and his proxies about how taxes are simply a sign of neighborliness and the dues we pay to live in this great country, we learn that Obama’s staff owe nearly a million dollars in back taxes.

And the Republicans are losing to these guys.

HT to Mr Reynolds, who is correct in his assessment.   Just another example of how you would rarely loose money betting on Congressional Republicans to screw the pooch.

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Emails Show Close Coordination Between “Justice” Department and Left-Wing Agitprop Organization Media Matters

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

HT to Ace for this one.  Color me not surprised   The Obama regime has been anything but “open and transparent” in their actions, legal and illegal.

Internal Department of Justice emails obtained by The Daily Caller show Attorney General Eric Holder’s communications staff has collaborated with the left-wing advocacy group Media Matters for America in an attempt to quell news stories about scandals plaguing Holder and America’s top law enforcement agency.

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