This sums it up pretty well
…the Obama government is about politics before country, revenge before law and morality, and cover-ups above and beyond everything.
Yes, there is more…
…the head of the IRS went before Congress and confessed that the IRS denied what was going on before the election (a lie) and that it timed the release of information to bury it in the news cycle. And then there’s all that other fascinating stuff that’s been oozing out from the single most powerful coercive entity in the federal government.
In every single statement she made, Lois Lerner, the IRS official who every so casually broke the story, lied. Just some examples are the fact that the IRS didn’t target, maybe, 75 groups. It targeted at least 470 groups. And it wasn’t just wacky Tea Party groups that got caught it the cross hairs, it was any group that appeared even vaguely to oppose Obama’s policies. The targeting wasn’t just confined to a rogue Ohio office, it went to the top. And, indeed, the very top person got over $100,000 in bonuses and was promoted to head the — ahem — nonpartisan branch of the IRS in charge of enforcing ObamaCare.
We also know that the IRS illegally leaked information about Obama’s political opponents — which definitely has a kind of mirror-like Watergate quality to it. Nixon’s henchmen stole data directly from his political opponents; Obama’s henchmen release data about Obama’s political opponents to Obama’s supporters. And of course, speaking of stealing things, it appears that the IRS stole tens of thousands of medical records — this would be, of course, the same IRS that’s in charge of enforcing ObamaCare.
Of course, our Dear Leader claims he knew nothing of this, and his cultist followers will deny any wrongdoing, except to blame former President George W. Bush.
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