Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Round Up Post

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

The New York Times company sells the Boston Globe at a massive loss.

The brand just isn’t worth what it used to be.  Could it be that alternative media has allowed sophisticated news readers a wider range than the what the narrow far left filter of the Boston Globe gave them.

Media Malpractice and the IRS Scandal, Part II

The MSM/DNC really want this to just go away, but this story has legs that just keep going on and on.

Example: Emails reveal Lois Lerner wrongfully used IRS to aid FEC in targeting conservative group in 2009

Michael Graham nails it: It’s Not That He’s Liberal, And It’s Certainly Not That He’s Black. It’s That Obama Just Really Sucks At Being President

The Obama Economy: Where’s that 5% unemployment rate Obama promised by now?

According to the famous Obama Economy chart, unemployment would be at 5.25% by now in the “worst” case of the government doing nothing.

Now we know the actual worst case scenario was the Obama economic plan!



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Worst President for the Middle Class

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

By way of Breitbart comes a WSJ article which details economic data that is no surprise for anyone who has been paying attention.

The economy has become more unequal under Obama. “For four and a half years, Mr. Obama has focused his policies on reducing inequality rather than increasing growth,” the Journal notes. “The predictable result has been more inequality and less growth.” The rich have done well; the middle class has struggled.

Middle class incomes have fallen under Obama. The Journal points out that median real household income has fallen by 5%–not just since the start of the recession under George W. Bush, but also since the start of the economy recovery in 2009, for which Obama and the Democrats have often claimed sole credit.

The administration has constantly failed to meet promises of faster growth. Contrary to Obama’s cherry-picked statistics in his recent speech, theJournal reminds readers that the Obama recovery is “one of the weakest on record,” despite repeated rosy projections by the White House and the media of fast growth.

Obama has made entitlements are a drag on the middle class. The Journal focuses on ObamaCare, which has hurt job creation and created uncertainty. It could have also mentioned the failing state of Social Security and Medicare, which Obama has failed to reform, and the future cost of Obama’s staggering debt.

Even Obama’s few pro-growth initiatives are not serious. Despite the Journal‘s early, enthusiastic support for immigration reform as an engine for expansion, the authors of the editorial finally admit: “we’re not sure [Obama] wants even that to pass…he may be setting it up to use as a campaign wedge in 2014.”

How many times has our Dear Leader turned his laser like focus on the economy?  Eight? Nine? More? None of them have been serious or of any useful duration.

Let’s be serious, improving the economy has never been a priority for Barry.  One can even argue that an improved economy would run counter to his goals of fundamentally transforming America.

Based on his actions, not his teleprompter supplied speeches, BHO’s priorities are transferring tax payer money to his political allies, taking lavish tax payer vacations, and playing golf.

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Round Up Post

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

President Barack Hussein Obama Creates Two New Food Stamp Recipients for Every Job Created!

Since February of 2009, the first full month of Obama’s presidency, 9.5 million Americans have dropped out of the labor force.  Nearly 90 million Americans are not working today!

That means that 1.3 Americans have dropped out of the labor force for every one job the administration claims to have created.

Good work Barry! That’s a new record for Presidential failure!

The person holding the racist sign at the Pro-Zimmerman rally was, no surprise here, a far left activist.

Proving once again that the so-called “progressive” left are the racists they accuse everyone else of being.

Another example of democrats committing voter fraud. This time it’s Joe “Plugs” Biden’s niece.


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Things our Dear Leader Does Not Want Americans Thinking About

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

It is a very long list, so I’m just going to hit some of the high points.

The IRS’s illegal targeting of conservative political groups is being tracked back to the Obama White House.

This is a clear violation of American’s First & Fifteenth Amendment rights that the left doesn’t care about.

The city of Detroit going bankrupt after decades of single party democrat rule.

As the nice man from Cold Fury puts it, “To achieve this level of devastation, you usually have to be invaded by a foreign power.” Hmmm…given how Obama Cultists feel about the Constitution, he may be on to something here.

The murder of an United States of American Ambassador, and three other Americans, by Islamic terrorists in Libya, and how the security lapses can be traced back to Obama’s State Department. Which was at the time under the command of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As I pointed out several months ago: Democrat congressman Stephen Lynch on Benghazi Talking Points: ‘It Was Scrubbed … It Was False Information. There’s No Excuse For That.’ Yup, the Obama regime flat out lied the American people for the purpose of ”damage control” prior to the election. This really does call for hearings.

The murder of over three hundred Mexicans and at least one US Federal Agent by Mexican Drug Cartels using semi-automatic firearms supplied by Obama’s so-called “Justice Department” under the control of AG Eric Holder.

The Economy. Specifically, the Obama economy, also known as the worst recovery since the Great Depression. Obama’s “jobless recovery” is a recovery in name only.

Here are a few more facts about the economy that Barry & his cultists don’t want you thinking about: The current US debt is %16.87 Trillion. That works out to $148,026 per tax payer. Taxes have increased $122.8 Billion in 2013 alone. The current budget deficit is $818.5 Billion. The labor force has 10 million less eligible workers than it did right before Barry started his “Occupy the White House” golf tour in 2009. So when an leftist tries to tell you about Obama’s “job creation” record, it’s a lie. The US is in the hole for 10 million jobs under his watch. Don’t expect much improvement either. You may have missed this if you’ve been feeding at the MSM/DNC trough: Obamacare to destroy up to 1 million low-wage jobs and completely bankrupt Medicaid.

Let’s not forget some other items our Dear Leader is desperate to sweep under the rug, including gathering of phone records of the AP (part of his “most transparent administration evah!” continuing war against Whistle Blowers and Inspector Generals), and Eric Holder’s so-called “Justice Department” which won’t prosecute an open and shut case regarding the Black Panthers.

Remember, this is a short list. There are more Obama Scandals that they want to distract you from by waving the race card.

This is not a new tactic.

“Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one’s opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness.”

Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights. Clearly she has a basic misunderstanding of the actual meaning of Civil Rights. Given that she was appointed by that idiot James Earl Carter III, this is hardly surprising. Note that she freely admits there is no factual basis for her accusation of racism. It is merely a tactic of the radical left to avoid discussion on their own failures.

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Quote of Day

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Setting the way back machine to 2008 for this quote from the recently elected US Senator Barack Hussein Obama:

“No one should get a free pass to violate the basic civil liberties of the American people – not the President of the United States, and not the telecommunications companies that fell in line with his warrantless surveillance program.  We have to make clear the lines that cannot be crossed.”

Ya, he was lying when he said that.  That is pretty consistent with just about everything else he has said.

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The Washington Post praises Fox News

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Yes people, the End Times must be near.  Here we have one of the Washington Post Blogs calling Kudos on Fox News’ Greta Van Sustern for “(very rightly)” body slamming Obama’s perjury committing AG, Eric Holder.

GretaWire nails Eric Holder for the turn of events in which his Justice Department cited Fox News reporter James Rosen, in a leak investigation, as a probable “co-conspirator” in a violation of the Espionage Act. It did so in an expedient pursuit of his personal e-mails. When the department’s efforts were discovered, officials said they never pursued a prosecution of Rosen, despite the whole “co-conspirator” thing.

Greta Van Sustern goes on to point out that the DOJ’s actions were “dirty from the get-go!”

Oh, and expect the Obama Cultists to be either “OK” with the DOJ violating the First Amendment be it was in line with their political views, or for the ones not honest enough to admit that, they will claim this clear violation of the Rights of Free Speech and a Free Press is not “a big deal” and is a “Right Wing Conspiracy Theory.”

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Quote of the Day

Monday, June 17th, 2013

“I think the IRS probe is very high the list of priorities for Obama. It’s right under congratulating the first dyslexic, transgender hockey player. He’s going to be visiting a solar panel farm run by vegans. And he will be giving a medal to a woman who treats obese rodents with hypnotherapy. Then after that maybe they’ll get to the IRS.”

Greg Gutfeld

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7 dead, 32 other shot in “gun control” paradise of Chicago

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

Chicago, IL. Political birthplace of our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama, and under strict democrat rule for decades.

Also home to some of the most draconian “gun control” laws in the country.

The toll for the 2013 Father’s Day weekend: 7 dead and 32 others shot.

This type of violent crime is all too common in places where leftists get their way on disarming law abiding citizens.

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Not good enough to work in the Obama White House

Sunday, June 9th, 2013

The continuous flow of scandals, felonies, lies and cover ups coming from the Obama White House reminded me of this exchange from the TV show Archer.

Cyril Figgis: How do you keep track of all these lies?

Sterling Archer: Practice Cyril. Lying is like 95% of what I do.

Cyril Figgis: In your job.

Sterling Archer: Sure.

Sorry Archer, 95% just isn’t good enough to work in the Obama White administration.

Case in point, White House Spokes Weasel Jay Carney.  He has moved well beyond the typical spin control required in the job and right into Baghdad Bob territory.  Plenty of video evidence of that.

Let’s review:

The Entire Obama White House staff, and numerous members of the Obama executive branch, lied repeatedly, in fact often, on National TV, about the murder of four Americans, including an Ambassador in Benghazi.  That is documented.  Proven over and over again.  Which is why most leftists will claim it’s ‘not a big deal’, since they can’t deny it or blame President G.W. Bush.

The Obama regime lied repeatedly over the IRS multiple violations of the First Amendment rights of Conservative groups.  The Obama cultists’ explanation of this is particularly hypocritical, since they are claiming the Tea Party groups were asking for it by wearing a short skirt, or reading the Constitution. The Cato Daily Podcast, which you should be listening to, interviewed one of the top people at the D.C. branch of the ACLU. This fellow felt this was a big fornicating deal.  It was deliberate targeting of a group practice of free political speech.  A clear felony level violation of the First Amendment. The ACLU is taking the classic Liberal position here, which is the territory of Libertarians these days.  The self identified “progressives” are being true to form, since they never were fans of free speech or the market place of free ideas.

The Obama regime lied, and continues to lie, about their Fast and Furious program in where it supplied semi-automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels.  A program that resulted in the murders of over 300 Mexican nationals and at least one US Federal Agent.  If this was as above board as they claim, why is our Dear Leader‘s top officials stonewalling any attempts to find out the facts?

Bottom line, our Dear Leader promised the “most transparent administration ever”, and instead he has gone into an information blackout and raised the administration’s paranoia well past the levels of the Nixon administration.  Don’t forget his previous War on Inspector Generals.

It is also interesting to watch all the far left extremists Obama cultists back pedal to defend the actions of their Lightbringer that they would have screamed bloody murder and flooded the streets protesting if anybody with a R after their name had done it.

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Quote of the Day

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

Obama the Uniter!: Bringing together a coalition of the badly misinformed, the dangerously naive, the fundamentally stupid, and the downright corrupt.

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