Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Another leftist double standard: Requiring ID

Saturday, August 15th, 2009

First off, a story NewsBusters files under “Can’t Make It Up” with good reason.

Eugene Green, a democrat congresscritter from Texas has voted against defending the basic civil rights of American citizens by voting NO on requiring ID for federal elections.  This hasn’t stopped him from demanding that American Citizens in his own district present a photo ID in order to be admitted into his “Town Hall” Meetings.

Liberal democrat hypocrisy so thick you need an ax to make a dent in it.

Extra Bonus Example: Racist Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor had her fitness club membership canceled because she repeated refused to show her ID when entering the club.  She apparently felt that the staff should have been honored to have a “wise Latina woman” gracing their establishment and didn’t need to identify herself.

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Professor Reynolds was right

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Professor Glenn Reynolds, also known as the Instapundit, made the following correct prediction back on June 7, 2008:

I can think of no better reason to vote against Obama than the prospect of an administration where any criticism of the President is treated as racism.

Once again, he is being proved correct.

By way of Hot Air is this story from Newsbusters, which points out that a MSNBC “reporter” by the name of Carlos Watson put forth his own bizarre theory in which referring to someone as a “Socialist” is now a “code word” for racism.

What a crock of shit!

The reality is that the Socialist agenda of the current resident of the White House and democrat leaders in congress is becoming more and more apparent, and more and more Americans, including centrist swing voters who probably voted for our Dear Leader, are objecting to it strongly.

The left’s response to American citizens voicing their opinions has included, the knee-jerk response of calling them racists, attempting to deny their First Amendment Rights, denoucing their most American of activities as “un-American” and actual physical violence.

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Monday Book Pick: Culture of Corruption

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

Culture of Corruption by Michelle Malkin

The era of hope and change is dead….and it only took six months in office to kill it.

Michelle Malkin details the sordid level of corruption in the Obama White House that the DNC/MSM turns a blind eye to.

Monday Book Pick Archive

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No Recession at the Obama White House, Part III

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Our Dear Leader will take a break from trying to destroy the US economy by vacationing in a $20 Million dollar rental home on 28 acres of prime Martha’s Vineyard real estate..

Nothing is too good for our Dear Leader while his misguided policies force unemployment toward 10% and beyond!

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“Investigator” harassing Gov. Palin tied to democrat party

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

Color me not surprised. The so-called “Ethics Investigator” who has initiated a string of harassing “investigations”, 15 of which have been dismissed as having no merit, against Gov. Palin “is a major donor to the Democratic Party as well as a partner in a law firm that represented Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.”

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Obama’s attack on a “Woman’s Right to Choose”

Friday, July 24th, 2009

A “Woman’s Right to Choose” is the liberal code word for abortion, which as a Libertarian, I view as none of my damn business. Liberals however, see the government’s role as making sure that 14 year old girls who can’t get their ears pierced without parental consent can have a living fetus removed from their body and killed without mom and dad ever knowing about. They take this pretty damn seriously. You would be hard pressed to find a “Pro-Life” supporter in democrat leadership, while you can find both “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice” folks under the Republican banner.

Given the left’s focus on this subject, I find it odd, and a bit disturbing, to find one of our Dear Leader‘s Czars strongly against a “woman’s right to choose.” What is even more disturbing is that BHO’s “Science Czar” doesn’t want to take away a woman’s choice to have an abortion, he wants to take away her choice to have a child.

President Obama’s “science czar,” John Holdren, once floated the idea of forced abortions, “compulsory sterilization,” and the creation of a “Planetary Regime” that would oversee human population levels and control all natural resources as a means of protecting the planet — controversial ideas his critics say should have been brought up in his Senate confirmation hearings.

[Holdren’s] plans include forcing single women to abort their babies or put them up for adoption; implanting sterilizing capsules in people when they reach puberty; and spiking water reserves and staple foods with a chemical that would make people sterile.

Damn! Not only does our Dear Leader want to decide who lives and dies by taking control of Health Care, he wants to control who gets to reproduce through forced abortions and mandatory sterilization.

Is this the “change” liberals were hoping for when they voted for Barry. I hope to God that it isn’t.

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The left’s attack on basic Civil Rights

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

The right to Legal Council and the Right to Self-Defense are basic Civil Rights. To deny any American citizen those basic Civil Rights is an attack on the Constitution and the founding principle of the United States of America.

Color me not surprised that far left extremists are doing just that. James Taranto takes a look at the latest attack on retiring Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Gov. Palin has been subject to numerous “ethics charges”, which require her and the state of Alaska to expend funds to defend against. Fifteen of those charges have been dismissed. As in charges brought against her had absolutely no merit. The charges of “ethics violations” have been a clear and simple case of harassment by her political enemies.

Like many politicians before her, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Gov. Palin set up a legal defense fund. The purpose of the legal defense fund was to obtain legal council in order to defend herself from these frivolous and harassing “ethics violations” charges. In order words, Gov. Palin was exercising her basic Civil Rights as an American Citizen.

Mr. Taranto notes that the latest “ethics violations” charge is that is Gov. Palin’s exercising her basic Civil Rights.

That’s right. The “personal gain” that is being objected to, is defending herself against the previous “ethical violations” that have been dismissed as having no merit.

This is the ugly truth of the far left. If they target you, an American Citizen, as an enemy, you have no Civil Rights as far as they are concerned. You have no right to self-defense, you have no right to a fair and impartial trial by jury, you are guilty of “thought crime” and need to be destroyed.

Where are these frivolous and harassing attacks against Gov. Palin coming from? Well, in the words of the man who wrote the screenplay, “Follow the Money.”

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Obama’s broken promise on Transparency

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Remember the left going completely and utterly batshit over the “closed meetings” VP Cheney had on energy policy? Remember how Candidate Obama was going to have his Presidency be “transparent”, so such evil would not occur again? Well, that was just a line of bullshit he feed the gullible, and useful, idiots who voted for him. I found this illustrative bit of information on tumblr that shows use how in some ways our Dear Leader is just G.W. Bush on steroids:

Cheney Obama refuses to release visitor logs showing which energy health care company executives visited the White House.

Late Update: It’s an especially painful continuation of Bush policies since candidate Obama promised to let CSPAN in to cover the creation of a health care bill and his campaign website still promises transparency in meetings between White House staff and outside interests.

That’s right suckers, you got bamboozled! Obamaboozled to be precise and it’s not the first time, and it’s not not going to be the last. I wonder how many lefty moonbats are aware that our Dear Leader‘s “Science Czar” is against a “woman’s right to choose”?

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Death of Transparency at the Obama White House

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

Remember how our Dear Leader promised more “transparency” and “sunlight” to government? Well, that was just smoke and mirrors (a polite term for Bullshit) to get the rubes to vote for him.

Here is the reality of the Obama regime. “A few weeks ago, the Obama Administration officially abandoned the President’s “Sunlight before Signing” campaign pledge that the White House would post all legislation passed by Congress for at least five days before the President would sign it.”

Jim Harper, of the Cato Institute points out, nine new pieces of legislation have been signed into law by the President and yet, as of Friday July 10, 2009, not one had been posted on the White House web site.

Yup, the stench of hypocrisy in the Obama White House is getting pretty thick.

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A pattern of abuse and denial at the Obama White House

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

Another update in our Dear Leader‘s blatantly political firing of an Investigator General for doing his job by finding corruption by BHO’s political appointees.

First Byron York writes in the Washington Examiner about how the Obama White House Special Counsel to the President for Ethics and Government Reform refuses to answer direct questions from a Senate investigation on matter of the firing of IG Walpin.

What is the Obama administration hiding? My bet is that is the actual truth of the matter is the last thing Team Lightbringer wants to see the light of day.

Next is a Chicago Tribune story, by way of Hot Air, that points out that the Obama White House has a pattern of firing IG’s that don’t toe their strictly political line, instead of doing their job and protecting the taxpayers.
This IG, Neil Barofsky, pointed out that there were “insufficient safeguards on Porkulus spending.”

What is clear is that Barack Hussein Obama and his administration will not stand for anyone questioning their actions, especially government employees who’s job is to undercover fraud and waste and government spending. This is the “transparency” of Team Lightbringer.

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