No Recession at the Obama White House, Part III

July 29, 2009 by
Filed under: Our Dear Leader, Politics 

Our Dear Leader will take a break from trying to destroy the US economy by vacationing in a $20 Million dollar rental home on 28 acres of prime Martha’s Vineyard real estate..

Nothing is too good for our Dear Leader while his misguided policies force unemployment toward 10% and beyond!


3 Comments on No Recession at the Obama White House, Part III

  1. michael lamb on Wed, 29th Jul 2009 01:36
  2. oh please… George bush and Dick Cheney – think they “vacation’ in a motel8?

    Get over yourself

  3. MarkUrbin on Mon, 3rd Aug 2009 16:04
  4. Thank you for pointing out that excellent example!

    President George W. Bush vacationed at his ranch, which he had purchased with his own money. At the ranch he stayed at the modest four bedroom resident that uses eco-friendly methods for heating and cooling (as opposed the giant Al Gore mansion that uses more electricity in month than an average American home does in a year) and collects rainwater to water the indigenous plant life around the building.

    Barack Hussein Obama is showing the same life style habits that put him and Empress Michelle over $300,000 in debt despite a combined household income of over $500,000 a year. Part of that massive personal debt the Obama family ran up included the deplorable habit of using their private residence as an “ATM” to support a life style they couldn’t afford.

    Sound familiar, BHO is doing the same thing to the country. He is applying his personal poor fiscal habits to the US economy and the destructive results are sadly, not surprising to anyone who pays attention.

    Your post shows the typical lack of knowledge and deductive reasoning displayed by the sheep the leftist elites depends on. I’m sure they are very proud of you.

  5. Obama is in China : Urbin Report on Sat, 14th Nov 2009 11:15
  6. […] economy clearly isn’t much of an issue for our Dear Leader, since there is clearly no recession at the Obama White […]

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