Another leftist double standard: Requiring ID

August 15, 2009 by
Filed under: Free Speech, Politics 

First off, a story NewsBusters files under “Can’t Make It Up” with good reason.

Eugene Green, a democrat congresscritter from Texas has voted against defending the basic civil rights of American citizens by voting NO on requiring ID for federal elections.  This hasn’t stopped him from demanding that American Citizens in his own district present a photo ID in order to be admitted into his “Town Hall” Meetings.

Liberal democrat hypocrisy so thick you need an ax to make a dent in it.

Extra Bonus Example: Racist Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor had her fitness club membership canceled because she repeated refused to show her ID when entering the club.  She apparently felt that the staff should have been honored to have a “wise Latina woman” gracing their establishment and didn’t need to identify herself.


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