Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Unemployment is on the rise again

Friday, September 4th, 2009

The Obama Economy is operating as predicted, with employment hitting a 26 year high of 9.7%.

Let us review what our Dear Lader and the congressional democrats told us when they rammed the porkulus bill down America’s throat.  If the massive spending program (that doesn’t even start to spend two thirds of the money until after 2010) wasn’t passed, unemployment would hit 9% and if it was passed, it wouldn’t go over 8%.

Geoff has a nice chart that compares the Team Lightbringer fantasy with reality.  Let me sum up the chart for you, the so called democrat “leadership” who came up with that Charlie Foxtrot are either incompetent or liars.  Either one of those solutions is not very comforting to the American people.

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Losing your base

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Politically, that is a bad thing to do. President G.W. Bush and the GOP acted like they were intentionally out to piss off their fiscally conservative, Libertarian leaning base for most of his time in the White House. Clearly, that strategy didn’t work out too well for them, loosing both houses of Congress and the White House.

Now it seems that our Dear Leader is following yet another bad example set by former President G.W. Bush, i.e. pissing off his base. A lot of the really far left moonbat wackos aren’t happy because he isn’t putting enough admitted communists in positions of power and now it seems that classic liberal, minivan driving, soccer moms are starting to get pissed off our Dear Leader raiding their kids, and future grandkids, college funds through out of control spending and taxes.

Tea Party Attending Liberal Soccer Mom

Tea Party Attending Liberal Soccer Mom

I’m betting that the owner of this minivan voted for our Dear Leader and isn’t happy with how that turned out.

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A quick look at the polls

Monday, August 31st, 2009

Lots of interesting data over at Rasmussen today.

Only 29% of American voters are confident That Congress Knows What It’s Doing on Economy!

Only 22% of Americans think that Congress understands ObamaCare.

42% of American Voters Strongly Disapprove of our Dear Leader‘s performance, and total disapproval rating is up to 52%. We now have a majority of American voters who disgress with our Dear Leader!

Sixty percent (60%) of Americans say there is too much media coverage of our Dear Leader‘s personal life and family.  Here is some advice to the MSM, less noise, more signal.

Two Thirds of American voters think our Dear Leader is taking America in the wrong direction.

70% of likely American voters now favor a government that offers fewer services and imposes lower Taxes over one that provides more services with higher taxes!

Far left extremist democrat Congress critter “SanFran Nan” Pelosi’s unfavorables have risen to 64%

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Obama adds $2 Trillion to the National Deficit

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

As that Supra-Genius Joey Biden said, “We have to spend in order to avoid bankruptcy.”

Well, his boss, our Dear Leader has put his ideological goals ahead of the well being of the nation and implemented his personal spending habits (which put him $300,000 in debt with an annual house hold income of over a half million dollars) as the President of the United States of America.

So, right before slipping out of D.C. to head to Martha’s Vineyard on vacation, the White House quietly announced that it is raising its projection for the national deficit to $9 trillion from $7.108 trillion.  The CBO has been saying $9 Trillion for a while, and most of DNC membership has been in denial.  Well folks, facts are stubborn things, and reality even catches up with our Dear Leader every now and then.

HT to Ace.

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Politics and Star Trek

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

The nice man over at AuricTech Musings noted that Bill Whittle has an excellent video explaining the reality of the comparison of our Dear Leader and Star Trek’s Mr. Spock and why Spock was never a good choice for that center command chair.

To keep in this meme, I present Leigh Scott’s theory that if Obama is Spock, Sarah Palin
is James T. Kirk

Sarah Palin is Captain Kirk. Why? Because she just passed the Kobayashi Maru.

Since Sarah Palin burst onto the national scene she has been savaged. The media, the Left, the Right, the Middle, you name it. People either love her or hate her. In the media it seems people love to hate her. The “elites” on both sides of the aisle hate the populism she represents. Traditional feminists hate the fact that she has both a family and a career; something that their paradigm teaches is impossible. Her future rivals hate her because she isn’t a typical politician. Her authenticity makes Mike Huckabee look about as real as the Guinea Pigs in “G-Force”.
Palin was faced with her own Kobayashi Maru. How could she effectively govern the state of Alaska while facing ridiculous ethics charges and the scrutiny of the national media? How could she increase her exposure in the lower 48 while staying true to the people in Alaska who elected her? Perhaps if the wingnuts in Alaska didn’t stalk her with silly lawsuits she would have simply put her larger ambitions on the back burner and continued to do her job as governor. But it wasn’t meant to be. She was perfectly set up to fail. Her popularity in Alaska would decline. The national media would point to it as an indicator of her overall effectiveness. The Klingons…I mean the left, would have won.
But Palin defied them. She changed not her strategy, but the very rules. She resigned her position, turning the state over to her loyal Lieutenant Governor to continue the plans and policies she put into motion. Like any good story, it was an unexpected twist, yet when viewed in retrospect it was the only way it could play out.
For all his talk of being different, representing “hope,” and bringing “change” Obama has turned out to be quite the bore. He is the consummate insider, a recycler of old ideas and failed policies. People wanted to beam up to the starship and explore strange new worlds. We wanted to boldly go where no man (or woman) has gone before. Obama is in the wrong franchise. He and crazy Doc Brown, I mean Joe Biden, gassed up the DeLorean and took us back in time. To 1976.
Palin passed the Kobayashi Maru. She is qualified to command the ship. She has all the qualities we want in a captain; valor, principals, vision and most of all, the ability to change the rules.

Go watch the video and read the article. Both Mr. Whittle and Mr. Scott make solid good points.

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Obama’s Snitch line is down

Monday, August 17th, 2009

Hot Air is reporting that email to the Obama Snitch email address ( is down and returning an error message.

A win for the First Amendment and the Rule of Law, two things the Obama Administration isn’t too keen on.

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Obama is getting desperate

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

This is clear from his “speech” at his carefully packed with ringers speech in New Hampshire yesterday.

He told at least two two major whoppers in that attempt to hide the fact that a majority of Americans do understand “ObamaCare” and are very much against it.

The first was the flat out lie about AARP supporting his march to Socialism.

The second was his statement that there would be “no lines” under ObamaCare, which is a crock of shit.  Let’s look at the reality of socialized medicine in Canada and England.

Although Canada has a population smaller than California, 830,000 Canadians are currently waiting to be admitted to a hospital or to get treatment, according to a report last month in Investor’s Business Daily. In England, the waiting list is 1.8 million.

Our Dear Leader thinks he can spout any nonsense he wants and no one will check him on it. Well, he’s right in assuming that no one at CNN/MSNBC/CBS/ABC/NY Times will ever bother to fact check the load of crap he is shoveling to the American People.

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Obama continues to break Transparency Promise

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Our Dear Leader promised to increase goverment transparency under his administration.  That was clearly another lie told to dupe the sheepeople into voting for him.

The latest example is the BHO regime denying access to the actual numbers for it’s faux-Green “Cash for Clunkers” program.

What is our Dear Leader and his socalist cronies hiding from the American People?  Shouldn’t he be proud of what he is trying to do to America and shout his intentions from the proverable rooftops instead of trying to ram his policies through Congress quickly and often under the cover of darkness?

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Monday Book Pick: Culture of Corruption

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

Culture of Corruption by Michelle Malkin

The era of hope and change is dead….and it only took six months in office to kill it.

Michelle Malkin details the sordid level of corruption in the Obama White House that the DNC/MSM turns a blind eye to.

Monday Book Pick Archive

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No Recession at the Obama White House, Part III

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Our Dear Leader will take a break from trying to destroy the US economy by vacationing in a $20 Million dollar rental home on 28 acres of prime Martha’s Vineyard real estate..

Nothing is too good for our Dear Leader while his misguided policies force unemployment toward 10% and beyond!

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