Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Quick roundup

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

“Mad Jack” Churchill. Not surprisingly an Englishman. The kinds we could use more of.

75 democrat congress members vote to support the use of tax payer money for human trafficking, child sex slavery and tax fraud

Unemployment tops 10% in New York City.

Conservative guerilla art is cropping up in LA

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Team Obama: Biggest D.C. Crybabies in the last 30 years

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

Probably longer, but Chris Wallace is speaking of his personal experience.

HT to Hot Air

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Worst President in the last 50 years

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

Our Dear Leader hasn’t finished his first term yet, so I’m leaving him out of the running this time.

This leaves us with the clear obvious choice, that noted Anti-Semite, James Earl Carter IV.

The 39th President of the United States, serving from 1977 to 1981 and without a doubt, the worst President of the latter half of the 20th Century and the last fifty years as well.

Well, this idiot has decided to he wants to prove that he is a hypocritical racist by opening his mouth in public again.

Let us review some of Carter’s embarrassing history.

14 ex-staff members refused to be associated with Carter after he published a clearly racist book.

Fourteen members of an advisory board at the Carter Center resigned today, concluding they could “no longer in good conscience continue to serve” following publication of former President Jimmy Carter‘s controversial book, “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.”

“It seems that you have turned to a world of advocacy, including even malicious advocacy,” the board members wrote in a letter, a copy of which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. “We can no longer endorse your strident and uncompromising position. This is not the Carter Center or Jimmy Carter we came to respect and support. Therefore it is with sadness and regret that we hereby tender our resignation from the Board of Councilors of the Carter Center effective immediately.”

Victor Davis Hanson reminds of us of Carter’s worst policy failure:

“In his dotage, Carter is proving once again that he is as malicious and mean-spirited a public figure as he is historically ignorant. And for all his sanctimonious Christian veneer, and fly-fishing, ‘aw shucks blue-jeans image, he can’t hide an essentially ungracious and unkind soul. . . . Carter’s Waterloo, of course was the Iranian hostage crisis. It was not just that his gutting of the military helped to explain the rescue disaster. Far more importantly, we can chart the rise of radical political Islam with the storming of the American embassy in Teheran and the impotent response of Jimmy Carter.”

As a noted Anti-Semite, former President Carter should not be trying to lecture others on the topic of racism, but then he is, and clearly always has been, grossly incompetent.

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ACORN is in the news again

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

You may have missed this if you depend on the NY Times for news, but ACORN, an organization with long term ties to our Dear Leader, has been caught providing illegal tax and home loan information to a pair of undercover investigative journalists posing as a pimp and a prositutute.

ACORN was caught not just proving information to cheat on taxes, they also provided information on how to hide under aged illegal immigrant prostitutes from the authorities. This was not an isolated incident either.  This occur ed at three separate ACORN offices that we know of so far!

Illegal activity is nothing new for ACORN.  Here is a short list of some crimes that they have been involved in:

Our Dear Leader had this to say about his ties to this criminal organization:

“I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work.” — Barack Obama, Speech to ACORN, November 2007

Keep in mind that all this criminal activity has been funded by your tax dollars!

That may change, the Senate voted yesterday to cut federal funding for ACORN by a 83 to 7 vote.

The seven who voted for continuing federal funding for an organization that supports child prostitution included both democrats from Illinois and the Socialist Senator from Vermont.

The other bit of good news that have come from this investigative journalism on the criminal organization ACORN, is that the Census department has severed ties with ACORN.

This is just a short list of ACORN’s criminal activities. Check out ACORN Watch for a more complete list.

UPDATE: New video from ACORN’s San Bernardino, CA office. This is number four, so far…

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Liberal Logic

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

Liberal democrats who are trying to shove socialized medicine down the throats of the American people tell us that it will be “paid for” by eliminating at least $500 billion is “waste and fraud” in Medicaid and other government run health care systems already in place.

Let’s review this as rational adults. First, if the current government health care programs have $500 Billion in “waste and fraud”, how can any rational being decide that vastly increasing the government’s role in health care is a good idea?

Second, wouldn’t the first rational step be to clean up and recover that $500 Billion in “waste and fraud” in the current government systems in order to gain the trust of the American people before the federal government tries to take over 7% of the US economy?

Our Dear Leader and the so-called democrat “leadership” in Congress are doing neither of these.  Instead, they have tried to rush socialized medicine through the House and the Senate as quickly as possible, before the American people would have a chance to see what was being done to them.  Fortunately for the American people, that failed.

Grass roots opposition directly from the American people appears to have killed that 1000 page house bill that had so much wrong with it. That was a win for the American people and a loss for the far left extremist democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

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Obama throws RailRoad security under the bus

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Michelle Malkin has the story on how the federal Rail Transportation Anti-Terrorism Unit has been dismantled by Team Lightbringer.

Amtrak’s Office of Security Strategy and Special Operations (OSSSO) grew out of a counterterrorism and intelligence unit developed by the Bush administration in the wake of global jihadi attacks on mass transit systems. The office was staffed with Special Forces veterans, law enforcement officers, railroad specialists, other military personnel, and experts who collectively possessed hundreds of years of experience fighting on the front lines against terrorism. Each member underwent at least 800 hours of rail security-related training, including advanced marksmanship, close quarters, and protective security exercises.

According to multiple government sources who declined to be identified for fear of retribution, OSSSO’s East Coast and West Coast teams have not worked in a counterterrorism capacity since the summer. Their long-arms were put under lock and key after the abrupt departures of Amtrak vice president for security strategy and special operations Bill Rooney and Amtrak Inspector General Fred Weiderhold.

Weiderhold played an instrumental role in creating OSSSO’s predecessor at Amtrak, the Counter-Terrorism Unit (CTU). He tapped Rooney to oversee the office. But Rooney was quietly given the “thank you for your service” heave-ho in May and Weiderhold was unexpectedly “retired” a few weeks later — just as the government-subsidized rail service faced mounting complaints about its meddling in financial audits and probes.

As I reported in June, Weiderhold had blown the whistle on intrusion of Amtrak’s Law Department into his financial audits and probes. A damning, 94-page report from an outside legal firm concluded that the “independence and effectiveness” of the Amtrak inspector general’s office were “being substantially impaired” by the Law Department – which happens to be headed by Eleanor Acheson, a close pal of Vice President Biden.

She has more details on this criminally incompetent dismantling of an effective part of our National Security infrastructure by our Dear Leader and his cronies. Read the whole thing.

This appears to be part of our Dear Leader‘s ongoing war against the federal Inspector Generals.

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Vegans for Palin

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

That has to be the coolest blog name I’ve seen in quite a while.  Just savor it for a moment.

Vegans for Palin.

The name alone will cause massive surges in high blood pressure in an amusingly high amount of leftist moonbats.

Here is an example of what you can find.  An anti-Obama protest song.

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Obama: Billions for ACORN, but not for the Exploration of Space!

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

As part of our Dear Leader’s porkulus plan, the criminal thugs at ACORN are getting $5 Billion in taxpayer funds.

How many real jobs will that create?  I’m pretty confident that number is right around zero.

Now it is reported that NASA won’t be sending anybody to the moon anytime soon, that would require an additional $3 billion dollars a year.  Taxpayer money which Team Lightbringer would rather spend on a criminal enterprise.

One thing that is clear from the American space program is that it created high paying, high tech jobs that contributed to the health of the American economy and spin off technology that has not just benefited America, but humanity as a whole.  I’m not talking  just Tang and Velcro here folks.  The GPS system and satellite TV just two examples of space program spin off technologies that are still driving growth industries today.  The weather satellite system that makes it possible to produce enough food to make famine obsolete is also a product of the US space program.

Ya, I said enough food to make famine obsolete.  Let’s be honest here people, any wide spread famine on this planet in the last couple of decades has been the result of politics and not the lack of ability to produce or deliver the food.

To recap, an additional $3 billion a year to NASA would once again put Americans on the Moon.  It would also be highly beneficial to the US economy by fueling the high tech industry, putting skilled American engineers back to work and producing a very noticable “trickle down” (more like a monsoon) effect on the industries that support that high tech economy.  It would also spark an renewed interest in the sciences in American schools and universities, and promote a sense of adventure in America in a positive and constructive endevor.

Instead, our Dear Leader and the s0-called democrat “leadership” in Congress would rather pour that tax payer money down the drain by giving it to their political allies who are under investigation for massive vote fraud in multiple states.

Is this the “Hope and Change” you were expecting?

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Obama’s Communist Troofer Czar

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Various news orgs are reporting that our Dear Leader‘s Communist Troofer Czar Van Jones resigned.  Hardly surprising, his “resignation letter” was one big play of the “victim card.”

Our Dear Leader lost a chance to reach across the aisle by firing this racist, communist, anti-American, but he decided to continue in his path of being the most divisive President since at least Richard M. Nixon.

This goes back to the issue of how did a Communist Troofer get into the inner circle of President of the United States of America?  BHO has a vetting problem from day one.  Socialists, tax cheats and corrupt government officials have been perfectably acceptable for even cabinet officials in Team Lightbringer.

The folks in the White House obviously don’t see any of these issues, including 9/11 Trooferism and being admitted Communist, as a problem.  The vast majority of the American people do see these as being a serious problem, which is just another example of just how out of touch with the average American our Dear Leader and Team Lightbringer are.

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Biden’s fantasy

Friday, September 4th, 2009

Vice-President Joey Biden is spinning like a top, spreading the fantasy that the porkulus package is doing anything positive for the economy while hundreds of thousands of jobs are being lost each month.

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