ACORN is in the news again

September 15, 2009 by
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Our Dear Leader, Politics 

You may have missed this if you depend on the NY Times for news, but ACORN, an organization with long term ties to our Dear Leader, has been caught providing illegal tax and home loan information to a pair of undercover investigative journalists posing as a pimp and a prositutute.

ACORN was caught not just proving information to cheat on taxes, they also provided information on how to hide under aged illegal immigrant prostitutes from the authorities. This was not an isolated incident either.  This occur ed at three separate ACORN offices that we know of so far!

Illegal activity is nothing new for ACORN.  Here is a short list of some crimes that they have been involved in:

Our Dear Leader had this to say about his ties to this criminal organization:

“I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work.” — Barack Obama, Speech to ACORN, November 2007

Keep in mind that all this criminal activity has been funded by your tax dollars!

That may change, the Senate voted yesterday to cut federal funding for ACORN by a 83 to 7 vote.

The seven who voted for continuing federal funding for an organization that supports child prostitution included both democrats from Illinois and the Socialist Senator from Vermont.

The other bit of good news that have come from this investigative journalism on the criminal organization ACORN, is that the Census department has severed ties with ACORN.

This is just a short list of ACORN’s criminal activities. Check out ACORN Watch for a more complete list.

UPDATE: New video from ACORN’s San Bernardino, CA office. This is number four, so far…


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    […] to principles of liberty (one man/one vote) and the ability to vote without fear of oppression. ACORN is in the news again : Urbin Report Why is it that the libs are always proponants of organizations and world leaders that LIMIT […]

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