Books, movies, politics, and whatever I want

Morning Round Up.

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

NYC Mayor Bloomberg is pissed at both Hillary Rodham Clinton and our Dear Leader. While breaking his campaign promise and jacking the taxes of Americans through the roof, HRC, likely acting on orders from BHO, exempted foreign diplomats from paying property taxes that have been in place since 1873. This will cost NYC, which is having budget problems like most Americans & American businesses, $260 million. This is on top of the $66 million the State Department owes NYC for providing police security for United Nations missions. I’d feel bad over this, but NYC voted overwhelmingly for both HRC as a carpetbagging Senator and for our Dear Leader. The residents of NYC are getting what they asked for, good and hard.

It also appears that our Dear Leader is getting tired of having to answer pesky questions from the American people, like “Why did you screw the pooch on the economy?” He canceled a “Town Hall” style meeting, that would have included questions from the American people and replaced it with a teleprompter driven speech with no questions. No pesky citizens either, since the venue for the speech is closed to the public. No Sunshine here.

House democrats are seeking a $540 Billion Tax increase in order to pay for what idiots on the left are calling “free health care.” The policies of congressional democrats and our Dear Leader have driven a bad economy even worse, and now they want to put a crippling tax on the American people. Hardly surprising, this latest bit of idiotic behavior is being driven by tax cheat Charles Rangel.

While the government is under the control of democrats, the federal deficit has reached a new record, $1 Trillion dollars. Given that most of our Dear Leader‘s staff doesn’t pay taxes, it’s up to you to foot that bill. Oh, and expect that to go much higher. They are out to radically change the American government, and they really don’t care what it costs.

I’ve been writing about the President’s war on Inspector Generals, the people who’s job is to find corruption and waste in the federal government. That story isn’t going away as fast as our Dear Leader and the MSM would like it too.

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Evaluating the Stimulus effect

Monday, July 13th, 2009

Our Dear Leader and his democrat cronies are backpedaling and trying to lower expectations on their massive porkulus program funded by skyrocketing massive federal debt.

The fact that the pork ladened democrat driven stimulus bill is not stimulating the economy or creating jobs shouldn’t be a surprised.

Harvard economics professor Greg Mankiw pointed out back in January that almost two thirds of the stimulus money is not scheduled to be spent until after 2010. For Americans suffering under the Obama Economy, that is not good news. It is clearly designed to delay economic benefit until the beginning of the 2012 election cycle.

It isn’t helping the economy now, because only 8% of the one trillion dollar porkulus program is scheduled to be spent in 2009! We are now learning that the money is being spent much more slowly than planned, and appears to be directly funded to areas and organizations that were strong supporters of our Dear Leader. Yup, hardly surprising that there is more than whiff of corruption associated with the democrats porkulus program.

It’s interesting to look back at what the Congressional Budget Office had to say about the economy back in February. They projected an unemployment peak of 9.2% hitting in early 2010. That was if the federal government kept its mitts off the economy. Given the liberal democrat meddling, we hit 9.5% at least six months early. The CBO predicted that the economy would be on the mend by late 2009. So it is clear that our Dear Leader‘s meddling has made things worse for the American people.

The important thing to remember is that Obama’s goal is not to fix the economy, but to fundamentally change the role of government in the United States of America.

Update: Keith Hennessey has an excellent fisking of our Dear Leader’s statement on the economy.

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California banks say NO to state government IOUs

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

Major banks in California, including Wells Fargo and Bank of America, have announced that they will no longer accept IOUs from the bankrupt, spendthrift, California state government.

While Gov. Schwarzenegger may have slowed the pace of California’s decent into the third world, the reckless spending habits of the hard far left liberal democrat majority in the state legislature has predictably brought this once prosperous state to ruin.

The rest of the country should take note.

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What is Joey Biden hiding from the American People?

Friday, July 10th, 2009

Vice-President Joe Biden is joining our Dear Leader in a widespread effort to hide what they are doing from the American public.

The LA Times reports:

We’ve especially noted Biden’s innumerable “private meetings” that are closed to the press because, well, they’re private.

And we’ve wondered aloud how this Democratic VP’s private meetings with unnamed people on unnamed subjects differs from the private meetings with unnamed people that his evil predecessor had that got so many Democratic senators and representatives worried about nefarious secrets.

Ya, the hypocrisy is pretty thick.

According to the White House schedule, Biden will not spend the remainder of the workday in private meetings that are closed press.

Instead: “The Vice President will spend the remainder of the day in meetings that are closed press.”

You get the difference, right?

What are those meetings about? What could the Obama administration hiding from the American people? What happened to the “transparency” our Dear Leader was supposed to bring to the federal government?

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Cold reception in Russia

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Our Dear Leader is not getting a warm reception in Russia. Very different than his campaign stop in Berlin, but then there was a free concert and free beer to draw the crowds there.

The Russian news agency Pravda had this to say about Barack Hussein Obama,

Obama: Deceiver, cheat, swindler, liar, fraudster, con-artist.

For once, Pravda is living up to its name.

If you have any doubts about how the Russian government feels about our Dear Leader, take a look at how Russian President Dmitry Medvedev greats the, ahem, so-called “Leader of the Free World.”

Russia gives Obama the cold shoulder

Russia gives Obama the cold shoulder

Clearly, the Russian government feels that Barry is a bigger chump than Jimmy Carter. They will be able to pretty much whatever they damn well please for the next three and half years, safe in the knowledge that BHO won’t lift a finger to stop them. In fact, they are counting on him rolling over and spreading for them when ever they snap their fingers.

Sadly, they are probably right.

Update: Chuck Norris sees a Obama/Carter connection as well. He isn’t as happy about it as the Russians are.

Further proof: During our Dear Leader‘s visit, Putin went out of his way to praise the hospitality and openness of former US President George W. Bush. Just his little way of pointing out that he doesn’t think very much of the current US President, Barack Hussein Obama.

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Obama’s continuing war on Inspector Generals

Monday, July 6th, 2009

Our Dear Leader has a disturbing pattern of firing Inspector Generals, the people who are charged with uncovering corruption and waste of tax payer money.

He is still at it, this time it is Amtrak inspector general Fred Weiderhold. He was investing the federally supported company’s “meddling in financial audits and probes.”

Michelle Malkin has all the dirty details of this tail of corruption and cronyism.
All of the usual suspects are involved, Empress Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, and a cast of Obama political appointees who don’t care one wit about the Rule of Law in the service to the Lightbringer.

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Constitution in Obama’s way

Sunday, July 5th, 2009

By way of Hot Air is this Jack Tapper story about our Dear Leader wanting to ignore the Rule of Law and bypass the Constitution.

With the clock running out on a new US-Russian arms treaty before the previous Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START, expires on December 5, a senior White House official said Sunday said that the difficulty of the task might mean temporarily bypassing the Senate’s constitutional role in ratifying treaties by enforcing certain aspects of a new deal on an executive levels and a “provisional basis” until the Senate ratifies the treaty.

Bypass the Constitution? Well, Team Lightgiver doesn’t like the thing anyway, with it’s pesky concepts like limiting the power of government and ensuring the rights of individuals.
As Ed Morrissey points out, the democrats hold sixty seats in the Senate. Getting this passed should be no problem. Unless our Dear Leader thinks he can’t get a majority of his own party to approve this Charlie Fox of a treaty, which is why he is considering violating the Rule of Law. Not that he’s losing much sleep over that, probably because the MSM, with the exception of ABC’s Jake Tapper, not covering the story about the President of the United States, who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, is publicly discussing violating Article 2, Section 2, of the Constitution.

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Obama: Carter on Steriods?

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

We already know that our Dear Leader determined to do all the things sane people didn’t like about GWB and take that foolishness to new levels (increased spending, higher deficits, expanding government).

Now he is out to prove that he can be a worse President than Jimmy Carter (by any rational measure, the worst President of the latter half of the 20th Century, and the last fifty years to boot). Unemployment is up to a record 9.5% and will probably hit double digits under the mismanagement of Team Lightbringer. Ace does have a kind word about our Dear Leader’s handling of the issue, “In the spirit of saying something nice about Obama: he’s tanked the economy very quickly.”

Another hallmark of the horrors known as the Carter administration was record high inflation and interest rates. Don’t worry, our Dear Leader has that covered. His plan to deal with the record high, back breaking, federal deficit he and his congressional democrat partners in crime have created is to jack up inflation. Only to 6% or 8%, just so they can pay off the debt with dollars that are worth less.

Wait! It gets better! How do you slow rampant inflation? You jack up interest rates! Keep in mind it will also slow or halt any economic growth, but BHO and the congressional democrats have a really sweet pension plan complete with great health coverage that their socialized health care plan for rest of American won’t effect.

You shouldn’t be surprised by any of this. Improving the economy just isn’t a priority for our Dear Leader. Massive social change and the restructuring of the function of the federal government is.

Update: Gay Patriot post: Despite Failure of “Stimulus” to Work as Advertised,
President Focuses on Regulatory Schemes, not Economic Recovery

Apparently, Obama is more interested in exploiting the economic crisis to achieve his own political goals* than to first accomplish what he was elected to do. Recall, how the polls started shifting in the Democat’s direction as the scope of the financial meltdown became clear. He used the economic downturn to his political advantage. People trusted him to fix the economy.

But, now instead of focusing on the economy, he continues forward a myriad of initiatives, many of which would place burdens on private industry, you know, companies which tend to create new jobs. Instead of getting us out of the mess that Obama “inherited,” the “stimulus” has made it worse.

Small businesses aren’t hiring because they are “paralyzed by regulatory uncertainty.” If they had greater confidence in the Administration’s economic plans, were less skeptical about its attitude toward the private sector, these employers might be expanding their businesses, hiring new workers and spurring economic growth.

Given the regulatory schemes proposed by the Obama Administration and the legislation proposed by the Democratic Congress, no wonder the economy continues to stagnate.

Here is the bottom line on the democrat’s porkulus package. It didn’t create jobs, it created work. The stuff your money is going for is mostly infrastructure construction jobs that will go away when when the federal money runs out. Work that, for the most part, should have been done already with your gas tax money. Money misspent by state governments. There were plenty of actions that the federal government could have taken that would have created lasting jobs, that would product value, and grow the economy, but that just wasn’t a priority for Barack Hussein Obama and the congressional democrats.

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Helen Thomas: Obama worse than Nixon

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

As I noted before, even Helen Thomas, a devout liberal democrat, is objecting to the way our Dear Leader’s administration is, in her words, trying to control the press.

CNSNews has an update interview with long time White House Reporter Helen Thomas.

Helen Thomas told that not even Richard Nixon tried to control the press the way President Obama is trying to control the press.

“Nixon didn’t try to do that,” Thomas said. “They couldn’t control (the media). They didn’t try.

“What the hell do they think we are, puppets?” Thomas said. “They’re supposed to stay out of our business. They are our public servants. We pay them.”

Our Dear Leader is trying to turn Washington, D.C., already corrupt enough, into a “Chicago on the Potomac.” What is Barack Hussein Obama trying to hide from the American People?

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Schoolhouse Rock: “Tyrannosaurus Debt”

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

This is an actual Schoolhouse Rock episode from the 1990s. This next graph will help put just how much our Dear Leader plans on increasing our already too large debt by.


When your problem is massive federal debt, the solution is clearly not massively increasing the size of that debt. Clearly, our Dear Leader is more interested in implementing massive social chance, in a far left lurch to socialism, than he is in repairing damage done to the US economy by other liberal democrat attempts at social engineering.

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