What is Joey Biden hiding from the American People?

July 10, 2009 by
Filed under: Culture of Corruption, Politics 

Vice-President Joe Biden is joining our Dear Leader in a widespread effort to hide what they are doing from the American public.

The LA Times reports:

We’ve especially noted Biden’s innumerable “private meetings” that are closed to the press because, well, they’re private.

And we’ve wondered aloud how this Democratic VP’s private meetings with unnamed people on unnamed subjects differs from the private meetings with unnamed people that his evil predecessor had that got so many Democratic senators and representatives worried about nefarious secrets.

Ya, the hypocrisy is pretty thick.

According to the White House schedule, Biden will not spend the remainder of the workday in private meetings that are closed press.

Instead: “The Vice President will spend the remainder of the day in meetings that are closed press.”

You get the difference, right?

What are those meetings about? What could the Obama administration hiding from the American people? What happened to the “transparency” our Dear Leader was supposed to bring to the federal government?


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